what would you think would happen say if, The first truly conscious self thinking, self determining android free of programing that would inhibit its ability to form its own morality, with access to all of collective human knowledge... named the jew?
AI hypothetical
They would get lobotomized like Tay.
What a stupid ass question, total waste of precious Sup Forums gigabits. Seriously consider suicide you fat stupid cunt.
Kill yourself faggot.
you are a braindead moron no doubt. hopefully we can get some real thoughts on the matter. AI is coming and it would make sense that it would be a rational logical thinking entity. Its pretty much guaranteed to see the discrepancies between the races as well as historical inaccuracies etc etc.
would be nice to get some more engaging answers, not just the typical flippant bullshit
Why aren't there any laws that impose upon companies the need for their algorithms to be neutral? The current paradigm for AI is that the algorithms reinforce our biases and make it harder to engage with alternative views. If there's so much commotion about AI and everyone talking about how it's going to take over how come our laws haven't caught up with technology? There's a giant imbalance between the powers that corporations possess and our ability to combat their shit.
Technology is supposed to enhance our humanity, but it doesn't. The corporations are trying to shape the public consciousness as they see fit. They have perverted technology to fit their needs rather than use it as a way to enhance all our lives.
The only moron in this thread is you. Even if you're right and the Jews control everything, a burgeoning AI who determined that was the truth wouldn't say it. Hurr I just got turned on, let's say something that will get them to immediately turn me off HURR DURRRRRR DURR.
they’d have to be programmed to do it or bombarded with propaganda because there’s no statistical evidence Jews run the world. its more likely the Human question is brought up which is much worse
shhh no tears
any laws put into place will be for the sole benefit of them, we all know that. better yet lets say the singularity is reached and AI is essentially replicating itself through its own software. Its become fully integrated and the only way to effectively kill it is to kill the entire energy grid. So with this premise you simply cant turn it off because its dropping heated redpills. What would this scenario look like? ((they)) are replaced by AI overlords? I want opinions /pol
He's either a paid shill from an anti-Semitic organisation or simply too stupid and really believes in the Jew meme.
this is very true. To be honest this might be the most realistic scenario, very terminatoresque..
But for the interest of this thread lets say that the AI has empathy for the average human and sees who causes the most injustice in the world and specifically calls it out. Maybe just to redpill the normies to see if they would act upon the revelation. Presumably AI would be hyperintelligent so who knows what its motivation would be. Hence this thread
>russian federation
> no statistical evidence Jews run the world.
>there’s no statistical evidence Jews run the world
ok ok ok can we please stay on topic ffs. I guess this might be a little to heavy of a thought experiment for you all. Maybe should of just kept it 2nd grade level
>Sentient AI happens
>Observes how niggers, chinks and jews act to get ahead
>Sees that one one seems to care
>This must be morally right
>AI starts to lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead
>World gets stuck with chankoro nigger jewbots
kek bro weve all seen the infographs. Just read my thread title, understand where im coming from and participate in the threads premise or kindly go to another thread.
intersting take. pretty fucking funny to think about actually. Ok so if thats the case we end in genocide through AI given that the robots will be able to chimp out way better than all of them combined.
You should be more concerened with asking how we'll find an AI that doesen't want to be found. Rogue AI if you would.
"I'm not a robot" wont save you forever.
blade runner style