Is there anything wrong with racemixing with Caucasoid people (MENA, North Indian, Horn Africa)?
Is there anything wrong with racemixing with Caucasoid people (MENA, North Indian, Horn Africa)?
They're not white
There is a problem if Norwegians and Swedes mix.
There is a problem if Greeks and Italians mix, there is a problem if Poles and Lithuanians mix.
Racial lines should be drawn at culture in regards to mixing.
why would anyone who is not of those groups mix
Well said my nordic brother.
All whites are caucasian but not all caucasians are white. White people are of wholly european descent. Whites should never mix with non whites.
Worked out great for the Brits, right?
Whiter than you
There’s going to need to be a massive cleanings. Deportation. Massive governmental changes. Cultural learning. And it needs to happen in about 10 generations or less, otherwise it will be too late. It’s already too late for me, I’m a mix of German, British, Irish, France. But it would be nice at leasting visiting other countries and cultures.
Not really, literal virgins on Sup Forums will say otherwise.
well done, you answered your own question
Race is a social construct, silly manlet.
Brits, are just a Germanic/Latin/Celtic mix themselves. Even the Germans will have Nordic/Slavic/Latin mix depending on the region. There is no such thing as a pure person.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with racemixing
If these girls aren't white then I question my own whiteness.
I've met many mena people, they aren't the same race.
Tunisia is on the same level of whiteness as Iberia and Southern Italy, maybe even whiter than Sicily
There are people who are whiter than the average, like the other girl I posted, and people who are less whiter than the average.
If Italy and Spain are white, then so is Tunisia
No, I've met Iranians, Saudi Arabians, Jews none of them are in any way related to Europeans.
Are you the iberian nigga from every fucking thread that has anything to do with the Mediterranian? Why you always post you face dood? Like I'm Mexican and I look just like you, them Sup Forumstards don't deserve to see your beautiful face, you should keep it to yourself.
White people are of wholly european descent. By definition all europeans are white. The "europeans" who have non european ancestry are not white and thus are not really european.
> Iranians, Saudi Arabians, Jews
None of them are Tunisian
Neither are you, mutt
Gypsy looking ass motherfuckers are white these days?
They aren't the same race as Iberians, comoletely unrelated.
t. fat spic
Tunisians are not white. White people are european. If someone who is of fully white european ancestry is living in tunisia then by definition they are not actually tunisian. They would be a white person living in tunisia. Because tunisians are an ethnic group separate from whites. I do not think you will find many people in tunisia who are white. The few you find would probably be fully assimilated into tunisian culture and would not be useful to the white race
I've seen syrians and lebanese and they are aliens to Iberians.
so many uggos...
I've seen syrians, lebanese, and north africans and they are aliens to Iberians.
North Africans are not related to Iberians.
If that girl is 100% european then i will cede to you that she is a white person living in tunisia
t. fat 56% Spic with significant Amerindian blood
Im Ibero American just like all Ibero Americans thats why.
No, you're a fat Chicano with no neck
t. Abdul living in France and pretending to be white. Get out of this country ape
it's pretty simple
a race only exists with a way of life
without a coherent social framework, people are just genes floating around the world
the only reason a race is worth saving is if it has the strength to exist independently
there is nothing wrong with mixing similar races. we are all experiments, we must compare notes with our cousins and share the best innovations we have with each other
TL;DR most ("white") people are not worth saving, the are destined to be slaves one way or the other.
We need to reform our strength by forming tribes (militias, "gangs", etc.). From there we make confederations. From there we make nations.
The entire problem with the "mainstream white nationalist movement" is that they think they are entitled to their inheritance, when it's already been stolen by the kikes.
No, you have to build from square one. You have to follow the evolutionary process of the creation of a racial state. It's physics, it's biology, it's objective reality.
Once we start taking this seriously I'm sure those of us who participate will recover and excel quickly. But the rest of you lazy whining fucks are always going to be a terrible liability.
Nigga, you clearly have some Indian in your blood, i can see it in your eyes and weak ass beard, you shouldn't be ashamed of it tho.
According to many white nationalists, France isn't white
as long as the person you are mixing with is not indian,nigger,hispanic,abo you are fine
Caucasoids:Whyte Caucasoid admixture is fine
Half-Jews are fine, Half-Berbers, Half-Parthians, Half-Iranians, Half Slav, Half Syrian etc are all fine. Just don’t continuously outbreed and lose all the best whyte genes
Tunisians are exactly 4% white, la oscuridad cero ultimo espada reverse eternal.
The word barbarian exists because of you punic sand niggers, makes me want to salt cartgage again.
nice zits fagboi
>Hurr durr European is a race
So many retards ITT
>t. Mohammed from Syria LARPing with a EU meme flag
It doesn't matter what retarded stormfags think. You are an islamic shitskins that doesn't belong here and your people never contributed anything positive since the 14th century. Only violence, crime and subjugation
Whites are already racemixed friend.
i am not muslim and fuck islam i forgot those cunts
Its not race mixing if they are same race as you.
>inb4 white skin is a race
If you fall within the circle then you are white
So you're actually from Syria? lmao. Islam is not a race btw
when did say it's a race ?
did I*
Ignore the mutts, darkie and general mass of subhumans you are right. Miscgenation means eventually cultural and so national collapse. You must choose a mate within your racial and cultural realm for your nation to live on.
syrians are white and based, spic
They arent the same race, they are of wholly unrelated racial features, you can keep repeating what you want it wont make it true or make me think you are like me.
woah, roaches can post again?
You said you forgot Muslims in your 'isn't ok to racemix with' list and you can't race mix with a religion so whatcha talkin bout?
Are all of you arabs really this stupid? No wonder you cucks are still living in like 1900 in those Gringo-invaded shitholes
Whiter than you, Louis
You can't point out the sand niggers, they are just like us..
"Racemixing is wrong! MENA isn't white!" - Fat virgin spic
Did you make this, or did I?
then why did you assume i was muslim?
>Whiter than you, Louis
At least hispanics from the new world in most cases half European, you are not. Plain and simple
>we arrrrreeee wwwwhite
>you cant tell us apart
I never said you were a Muslim, I said you were (and probably are) Mohammed from Syria LARPing with an EU meme flag.
If you enable shills by bumping their threads, then you're effectively helping Jews and other anti-whites. These shills want you dead and white women raped to death.
what do you mean by similar races?
oh my god its this fucking retarded faggot again
erdog is georgian though, literally caucasian
mohammad is a muslim name
>Why is it wrong?
Purityfags are low IQ. Good genes are good genes.
Race isn't skin
I am south Asian and the same race as a Italian
Just have extremely different phenotypes
Says the Brit.
>Good genes are good genes.
Caucasians arent white
Black hair? Brown eyes? Dark flesh?
Shitskin. Stop eradicating the master race.
>white women raped to death.
Why would they rape them to death if they won't give birth to a beautiful mixed race baby? I don't get it.
If you really lived in a European country you'd know that you can name your children whatever the fuck you want, you can be Mohammed and not be a Muslim just like you can be Jesus and not be catholic.
>t. spic indio mongrel who thinks posting his fat profile in every thread will make him whiter
what the fuck is that?
>Jews and other anti-whites
Since that faggot in the WH got elected
We have being flooded with kosher cock sucking cucks
Guessing you would be a boomer fag as
homo americanus
He obviously doesn't have any good genes. Not a single one.
That nigga is probably still whiter than you, Mohammed.
ARYANS. But at the end of the day, any one of our people can decide to depart from us and race mix.
It's not for the state to arbitrate the extent of people's free will.
We can only provide shelter and education and hope that our people stay together.
Different groups have moved into/out of Europe throughout history retard
No, you aren't the same race, you are a distinct race with different racial chatacteristics and unrelates genetics.
I can point outnthe south asian race from anywhere not that I hate you guys, I like hindus, same west West Asians, Iberians are waaaaay too distinct from other races.
why would a person who has brain will name his son muhammad?
I am a indo Aryan
Does that mean I can race mix with Germans?
ahahaha sure
Hmm... I don't know, they could like that name or something, you still haven't denied you're a Syrian LARPer tho, so you shouldn't be talking shit about who's white or who's not.
>whiter than you, Mohammed
>Neo-Nazi is obese neckbeard el goblino
>Sympathy-sink via family distress
Is this a real propaga... article? Such a low swing to take.
correct, american indians and hindus are distinct races
what makes you so entitled you are from mexico,yourself?
call me a mutt, but i would breed this qt in a heartbeat
Don't fall for shill threads. Don't enable shills.