Trump actually betrayed us.
Trump actually betrayed us.
Other urls found in this thread:
He denounced us before he even won
Fucking goyim
Why do people feel you have to support Trump in order to be right wing? Maybe now you idiots can stop cheerleading for the man and realize neither of the two candidates had our interests in mind.
Trump will just use Twitter to say the exact opposite and Sup Forums will forget all about it. Screencap this.
Lmao, the SA race war is about to kick off, Italy is going fascist and Weimerica is moving further left.
>take away Americas guns
Yea! Take that generic_term:America you insert_buzzword:racist
>SA race war is about to kick off,
>Trump is for some common sense gun laws
>people actually thought Trump would go hand in hand with every insane conservative ideal
>before Trump every con was an open border faggot
LOL the left is killing their own narratives against Trump and then Trump wont do gun control.
doubledigitoes of truth, praise kek
Top kek I WANT to see drumpfkins just try to defend this
i dont think Sup Forums will forget, but they will interpret it as 4d chess if he uses twiter to say the opposite
Trump has proven everything is 4D chess until proven otherwise. Unless he signs an assault weapons ban, its 4D chess.
anyone here at present know who the better choice was?
>Why do people feel you have to support Trump in order to be right wing? Maybe now you idiots can stop cheerleading for the man and realize neither of the two candidates had our interests in mind.
This. Trump has been and is a typical New York liberal. The establishment painted him as some sort of anti-establishment "radical" candidate to defuse political tension. Remember During late 2016 and throughout 2017, there was a lot of right wing tension and anger. He successfully defused the situation without doing much of anything for the right.
>in cases of individuals with mental illness who pose a danger to themselves and others
Stop posting this obviously poorly quoted divide and conquer partial quote.
Are you aware of the flag you're posting under?
We lost long ago
>Trump has been and is a typical New York liberal.
Typical NY liberals don't want to build a border wall. Typical NY liberals don't want tax cuts. Typical NY liberals don't want deregulation. Typical NY liberals don't want ICE agents throwing illegals out of the country.
Why aren't you celebrating? oh because you're being exposed.
He doesn't really want any of that. He will say and do anything simply to get support.
He's not loyal to any cause other than the ones proposed by whoever kisses up to him the most.
>kangaroo nigger
Motherfucker you aren't "us" on this issue.
the funny thing is libs dont realize Trump is manipulating them all.
Trump is taking your guns away you can fight in a war at 18 but not own till 21 and if you ever were on anti-depressants or had any form of mental illness you'll never own a gun again have fun with that :)
oh waw how could anyone imagine we would be outjewed by the jews ? no really i'm stunned, i mean you elected a globalist with a jew family and a fake jew opposition, and suddenly he applies the whole jew manifesto. Maybe you'llshoot airsofts and laser games. But wait, you'll still be able to shoot real guns if you fight for Israel :) (((((America N°1))))))
Fuck off shill it is a 4d chess this time
>Dumpf btfou
Fake news.
You shills have been saying the same thing since day one.
Is there anything we can do about the two party system? It isn't helping anyone.
Gun control is popular. Trump is a populist.
He was never your promised 4th Reich.
Good shilling... Millions of aimless retards unable to grasp the most baloon-like softballs... The group of those who pushed at the last second for this guy, have equally failed Trump by now.
Not the central supporters, I mean the fringe ones, who have been saying "oh, what if trumpf is a jew" for 2 years after the "miraculous" election
Pretty sure it's all staged, at this point.
Reminder that DACA is about to end and the media hacks aren't talking about it but rather trumps talks about
>pukes up a lung from laughing
"Control guns"
>hook, line and stinkered.
trump pokes fun at faggots like you over and over again and every single time you guys fall for it
im dying
when will they fucking learn
Does anyone remember the time Trump bombed an empty stretch of desert and Sup Forums lost their fucking minds? This is the exact same thing, Trump will pass some law that does exactly nothing but makes the MSM and liberals feel good.
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
Look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
Is that something to be applauded? I'd prefer we didn't have a president who just fucks around doing jack shit while seeking approval
>trump is doing jack shit
Is that empirically true? Or are you suffering some sort of delusion?
I want more gun rights not less.
this tbqh
this was always going to happen
Trump's primary contribution was the hope and social infrastructure gleaned from his election
Howdy ho!
>huff post link
>obvious shill post
fuck off kike
>Falls for fake news
>calls himself redpilled
they crave an almighty emperor to show them the absolute way and send them charging into a machine gun nest while everything they know and used to put him there should have made them immune to that nonsense in the first place
Impossible. That would cause a happening and happenings don't happen
how is it fake?
Alright Sup Forums lets find out:
How about instead of threatening to take away guns or trying to appease the gun grabbers, he tells them to fuck off? EIther shit or get off the pot
boy these aren't charged at all
That's the guys fault for doing suicide grip
Why do Democrats seem bothered by it more than Republicans?
because the train made it to the station but still has no brakes
It's an article by stephen colbert. LOL have you been paying attention? Everything he says about trump is bullshit. How is it fake? How are you for real?
>refuses to answer question
Sounds like somebody's got a bad case of the shills
He was using video of trump talking himself. Those were his own words. How is it fake news.
correct me if i'm wrong, but i saw a tweet, nigger. not an article.
>>calls himself redpilled
No one here impersonate memes. This isn't reddit, and you should go back.
He hasn't built a wall. Our borders are still open. What the fuck does he do other than say he will do things and not do them?
They're scared of him using the gun control hysteria to create a new war on drugs as a way to let ICE/FBI kick down doors of illegals and minorities
this about what came from trump's mouth in that clip, nothing else. are you afraid of what he himself is actually saying?
do the opposite of what he says he'll do. He does that one a lot
Imagine the left suddenly becomes pro-trump. That will be legen- wait for it -dary.
>no i been pro trump all the time lol says the pot smoking libtard
When in reality the left will find some excuse that Trump is evil because of regulate the 2nd amendment. Either there will be a syntax error.
Economists agree: Trump, not Obama, gets credit
'high marks' from UBS for Trump economic policies
Trump’s first-year jobs numbers were very, very good
Record Taxes Collected in First Month Under Tax Cut
Atlanta Fed's GDP model: 5.4% Q1 growth rate
Manufacturing: Best Year Since 2004
Home building Permits highest since 2007
Jobless claims 45yr low
Job-cut announcements lowest since 1990
Black unemployment rate record low
Prime Age Male Labor Participation Highest Since July 2010
Hourly earnings up 2.9%
Companies struggle to find, retain workers in a hot economy
Working-class families winning big under Trump
Strongest holiday sales since Great Recession
Food Stamp Enrollment Drops by 2 Million
Economic Optimism 13yr High
Small-business confidence hits record high
********** *********** **********
Behind the Scenes
Federal Government Cut 16,000 Jobs
Trump’s current immigration reforms are just a beginning for tougher policies
Without New Laws or Walls, Trump Presses the Brake on Legal Immigration
Embassy Staff To Become Arms Salesmen
South Korean president credits Trump with bringing North Korea to the table
Scott Pruitt’s First Year Set The EPA Back Anywhere From A Few Years To 3 Decades
********** *********** **********
ICE increasing presence in California due to 'sanctuary state' law
ICE Arrests 3yr High Under Trump
H-1B visa rules tweak may deport thousands of Indian workers
Refugee admissions 53.2% Christian
Refugee admissions lowest ever
Refugee Admissions Plunge to Lowest Level in 15 Years
Extended Family Visas Lowest Since 2000
DHS to deny Greencards to Welfare Recipients
Illegal Immigration 45yr low
Arrests of illegals in Boston up 50%
DHS waives 30 environmental laws to speed border wall
Border wall prototypes pass tests by special forces
Border wall work begins in Calexico
Mexican-American judge Trump attacked rules in favor of border wall
CBP: 'great uplift' in employee morale under Trump
US separating immigrant parents and children to discourage others
********** ********** **********
Violent Crime Rates Down in 2017
DoJ reopens Hillary Clinton email investigation (
DoJ launches new inquiry into Clinton Foundation pay-to-play under SoS Hillary Clinton (
Sessions’s Anti-Marijuana Move Might Be Good For State’s Rights
Justice Department Demands Documents and Threatens to Subpoena 23 Jurisdictions
Trump signs law to gives border patrol better tools to stop smuggling of fentanyl
Sessions forms cyber task force
I don't actually understand why some people will defend him if he makes a mistake. The guy is only human after all.
If he actually approves of the "Assault Rifle Ban" after and if congress somehow approves of it. Unless there is someone who has a good chance of winning, and is pro gun, I wont be revoting for Trump.
president trump doesn't consider doing something leftist shit bags want:
president trump considers doing something leftist shit bags want:
>He doesn't know how the media misrepresents video of a person speaking
>calls himself redpilled
>No one here impersonate memes
>Sup Forums
The election finally broke Sup Forums's back. It was kinda fun seeing you going from redpill to schizo meme magic tier in a few months.
Call me shill, reddit, commie, Murat, IDGAF. You and I both know I am right and that you guys got played like the underage retards you are.
No idea
Trump is unironically a British Israelite whose mother hails from a place called "Outer Hebrides". And you thought a Jew York real estate mogul with a Jewish son-in-law was somehow /yourguy/? You've been had, goyim.
you dumb motherfuckers.
after Vegas, Trump talked about bump stocks
wtf i'm democrat now
It sure doesn't feel like that's the case. I honestly kinda feel like young white people have been getting more and more hooked on social justice, but it may be because they are quite vocal.
agreed, who uses suicide grip on something they cant easily rep out
No one here impersonate memes here. If you are a faggot who claims yourself a random meme adjective for hen-pecking attempts you are an reddit idiot/kike.
>"muh board is one person"
Classic reddit.
he's literally going to have to be signing the bill for you to acknowledge this, huh? of course by then it's all behind you so no worries right
jesus fucking christ do you think sites like TheHill and cns news are credible sources? the former is even owned by someone named ((Jimmy Finkelstein))
Democrats are retarded, they see Trump being open to gun violence legislation as the perfect opening to drive a wedge between him and his 2A advocate supporters.You can see this because they are far happier with the percieved suffering of Trump's "betrayed" supporters than with the prospect of Trump passing gun control that they have been campaigning for practically forever. What they dont realize is that this wont drive them to vote left out of anger towards Trump. If anything they will vote in as many pro-2A politicians as they can because gun legislation has proven time and time again to destroy the left during elections. I dont know if Trump knows this and is playing them like fools building them up to run with these draconian bans just as campaign season starts up, or if he is just being his non-politician, nogunz "centrist" self and doesnt yet realize that gun control of any kind will lose him a staggering amount if support, its not an issue with any wiggle room for the right.
They seem to be celebrating it if anything
>He doesn't really want any of that.
Yet he's done and doing all of it...
how long do you think it took him to die after he shattered his ribs like this
>he doesn't
>he does
>he's going to have to do the bad thing before you acknowledge he did a bad thing
Wow what a concept.
You saying it's not true?
Correct. Libturds taking opp to snake tag trump.
He's going to say that when someone's as mentally ill as Cruz and is buyingbrifles and writing that he's going to shoot a school up because he likes ISIS then the cops CAN take his guns BEFORE he walks in a school with them and get him processed afterward (get him assessed).
Big whoop.
Sneaky old MKUltra know that half of Americans are on psychiatric mess though and that's why they prepped Cruz IF THEY DID. Not saying they definitely did because I have no way to know.
Or Trump will just say it's all bollocks when he's had time to work out who's having him over and what's happening.
He's not daft.
If I'm wrong he is though, but come on. Can you see trump telling all his supporters he's swooping to snatch their guns without due process just because he wants zero supporters.
The shitlibs like I'm the OP pic are disgusting serpents.
>psychiatric mess
Psychiatric drugs
Don't know what possessed me to write that. Freudian. You're a mess America, stop popping pills, your doctors are money hungry pushers.
Ted Cruz
his quote was about the mentally ill once they've been notified as a threat to things like schools
It's true
How has the normie supporters taken it? Not talking about reddit, talking about rednecks and average fucks. If they revolt, then trump has nothing left
See this is the one thing I can't understand. It's one thing to support a guy, but if he makes mistakes you should call them out on it, all these fags just seem like libfags who did the same shit with Obongo
>tfw king of bantz is the only one who sees through the memes
We (national socialists) told you this since the beginning. Trump is a Jew loving retard. Anyone who loves Jews has a defective character.
What was his mistake this time?
let's just whine about it until the entire country is 60/20 spics and nigs. kys childless fag.
he isn't taking guns away he is taking the gun reform point off the democrat table just like he took daca off the table. Dems have no talking point besides muh trump for midterms
You are either blind or a false flagging lefty.
This is undeniably true and you all know it Sup Forums, where it's always happening, but it never happens.
>Trump actually betrayed us.
He isn't going to do shit. He runs his jew york demoshit mouth to get more attention because he is histrionic and narcissistic. He doesn't even care what comes out of it, he just has the best words and those words are bound to get him attention he craves so just let them fly. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad but they always are the best and greatest words and often not much else.
>take them and the due process
What more evidence does anyone need that he's inept and his understanding of negative liberty is neophyte at best?
He's still not Hillary at least.
>complains about news
>glorious leader Shitler befriended Muslim niggers instead
>being natsoc all
Losing at Stalingrad and befriending muslims is the winning choice, right, reddit?
>dumb fucking kek meme flag
>says shill & 4d chess
Please go back
Outer Hebrides is comfy.