Why are Jews so superior to goyim whites? Why are Jews able to turn whites into their cuckold playthings in every nation they exist in? Is it because of the superior average IQ of Jews that makes us look like dumb cattle to them, in a similar way us white people can look down on niggers? Are East Asians free of Jewish cuckolding due to their similar high IQ?
Jewish Supremacy
>Are East Asians free of Jew
They are working on it. Jews are trying to breed children who can infiltrate Asian countries in the future.
Zuckerberg is a prominent example.
The maddras whore.
This one too.
that episode of facial abuse was god tier
took it like a champ
It's due to their religion. Being a Jew means you have to study a ton of laws. Those unable to do this in Jewish society would become outcasts and not reproduce. Thus only the most skilled lawyers succeded. Jews have no home, so they are travellers. Travellers can only survive on trade, which is where their bussiness skills come from. Those without any failed to pass on their genes. The same goes for language skills, those without them could not communicate and died before passing on genes.
Also, Jews have been hunted for thousands of years. The least clever ones died, so only the smartest and most cunning got to spread their DNA further.
This, mixed with a very nepotistic culture where Jews stick together and try to create chaos among everyone else, has proven a quite succesful survival strategy.
It is still parasidic however and thousands of years of inbreeding has caused the jews to become ugly and inbreed.
The vast majority of jews are non religious. The vast majority of religious jews are nothing short of retarded.
The successful jews are secular and nepotists. Nepotism and high expectations are really the key to their success in the western societies.
You realize that your genetics don't change just because you pretend to be an atheist, right? A hundred generations of evolution through survival of the most Jewish doesn't disappear just because you proclaim "lol, guise, I am no longer a Jew! Actually, I believe that we can't know for sure whether God even exists!"
I would fuck probably 8 out of 10 of those girls.
I would feel good about fucking probably 6 of them. 4 I would be proud of.
Blonde women love BIG JEWISH COCK.
i just realized there are 11.
You can't even make that nose look good...Jews must be horrified by their own genetics.
Cut it off to spite your face and all...Tho that would be an improvement
>Being this desperate
No idea. I am just a fellow Goyim
Happy Purim!
I am a bit more limited than most as I will not date a woman with an IQ I can presume is under 120. 135 is preferred. I'm only at 138, so maybe I don't want to be inferior, but over about 145, I get meh. Also, the level of autism in a person begins to skyrocket after 140.
Jews have high average IQ but the difference is overstated. The primary difference is that Jews act in Jewish interests as a collective and whites don't.
I have a high IQ. Two-thirds of my family have advanced degrees, and half us of, within reasonable bounds, have doctorates. It is important to maintain this. The moronic snowflakes have a word for this: Sapiosexual. As much as I hate them, this is a real thing, and I cannot date or even fuck a stupid person. It would be at the detriment of our race if people like me opted for a different path.
I have no problem with Jews. I actually think they are great. They are white people who have contributed a colossal amount to our knowledge and advancement to a species. If I had a child with Jew, then it is all the more likely that child would be a a contributor to mankind rather than some leach who lives in his mom's trailer and bitches about Jews and yells MAGA at a computer screen.
shadilay my dude
I meant "as a"
I'm 35. I don't know what that means. I'm not racist. I'm merely trying to point out that if you are racist, trying to say Jews are not white is not only wrong but detrimental to the white race. Sorry, your bro Hitler made a mistake.
Jews are closer to Turkmen, sorry they ain't white. You're 35 years too old. Do us a favor. KYS.
Showed Haman and the other Goyims to stay off our shekels
You forgot they're taught from an early age to manage their finances properly, which gives them
A leg up on 90% of Sup Forums.
Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon and so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.
Hello JIDF
Nice flag
Also, gas the kikes race war now
I pray to god everyday your race is exterminated from this earth. Jewish people are followers of Satan, they are literally Anti Christ
Here's my DNA test. I am saying I respect Jews for their contribution to the advancement of humanity. I have an IQ of 138, so the average Jew IQ of 113 does not intimidate me and is embarrassingly low.
jews are smarter, and thus should rule the entire world, prove me wrong
Pathetic shills... the tides are changing, all over the globe people are wising up to the Jewish problem, and it’s not gonna be pretty.
JIDF won’t protect the Jews outside of Israel, which will cease to be a county by the end of the century. Today it’s Visegrad, tomorrow it’s Europe, and then the world ...
Jews and the Japanese > Russians > the English > the other potato niggers and colonies.
you are scared of jews, like neanderthals are scared of fire, low iq shouldnt rule the world, thus jews should
I am 0% Jew but think Jews are good for the white race, prove me wrong.
It's a win-win situation for the US. Look how much influence, money and jobs were brought into America by fagbook, jewgle and jewntel. The USA is the strongest economy in the world due to perspicacious Jews bankers.
And compare it with the part and parcel gang rape in the countries sided with Muslims instead of civilised Jews.
i already shared my ancestry map to prove it. you do the same.
Running out of proxies Schlomo?
Try an African one now
Only idiots believe in that. Some Jews are idiots.
>everyone I disagree with is a Jew
>everyone smarter than me is a Jew
>everything I don't support is Jewish
>everything I'm incapable of understanding is Jewish
the post
JIDF must be really desperate to think that clowns like you guys could subvert this shithole of a board.
jews, are, smarter.
they have superior genes, superior intellect, superior ideas,
just accept our natural leaders
You’re making Russians look bad, lose the flag Schlomo , we all know who you are
..oh or WHY are christians superior to whites?
>Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth.
i dont have to imagine, im a burgercuck
user, stop trolling, or if you are serious, you prove your inferior intelligence. I stated before I have an IQ of 138, so Jews are of no threat, as an American Ashkenazi Jew has on average an IQ of 113. That is a joke to me. I have a juris doctor. People seem to have a complex of respect and god-worship for doctors. People with doctorates do not think people with doctorates are smarter or better. If you are more highly-educated and intelligent than the average Jew, you are not going to fear or hate Jews.
Imagine you are a European monarch who is so pathetic that you are ruled by disarmed merchants. All this in an era without any due process laws.
Really bad shilling by your part, minus points for the use of “trolling” as an actual word people use in this shithole of a board. You have to work for those shekels. Not only am I not convinced by your shit rethoric and now your bad shilling made me hate Jews even more! Oy Vey!
that shit was gangsta gangsta. i kek'ed.
jews have higher iq + higher clarity of mind & evidence, there is science in every branch, in good and in evil, science never ends, but the right path comes from a clear mind who uses evidence & common sense, your scientist are like those blind scientist lost on a branch while the jew see the entire tree, aka, transcend you by higher purpose & clarity
Doesn't change the fact they grew up in Jewish schools, going to synagogue, reading the Torah, the Talmud, and other books, all massive red-pills at a very young age. Ad that to their victim complex
They are raised Jewish, at adulthood, they are smart enough their books are no proof of God, but that doesn't blind them to the fact they are books of wisdom, they are a community, a resource, a people.
>Why are Jews able to turn whites into their cuckold playthings in every nation they exist in?
Communism. Everything started with Communism.
I'm 35, and part of that micro generation between X and Y, so I am sorry if I don't pick up on your bullshit semantics without googling them. I was on this board 12 years ago and periodically come back. It gets dumber by the fucking year.
Jews aren't superior, they are deceptive inbreds who should never be trusted and get thrown out of every nation eventually. This next one is going to be a big fight, people are waking up. The old saying "history repeats" is to a degree eerie.
Kek, even though you try you can’t hide Schlomo . Jews are literally anti Christ
>IQ of 138
>kekistani flag
You fuckers are retarded. Finish grad school, and then I'll take you seriously.
subheniallahhe !
the jew fear the samurai
Bullshit, btw you should brush up your skills if you wanna shill for JIDF
And if I have to pick a team, it'll be Kekistan over the Confederacy.
>doesnt reply to people properly
>muh high iq
>makes reddit tier civnat posts that aren't worth reading
>took a DNA test
i'm not sure if you're a kike or just retard. oh well reddit is that way schlomo.
I'm a fucking lawyer. I don't care about computers or any graphics nonsense. That reminds me. I have court at 11. I need to stop drinking and go to bed.
Concern outweighs my jealousy which isn't that large. These cretins took over almost every single western nation and has brought each one to this chaotic state. All most people want is a promising future, safe place for their kids, hope for the future generations. To be an observer of what happened from 1965-present and then the acceleration in 80s to now. I want a safe homogeneous community to raise my kids in, where they belong and care for their fellow man. I hope they see that result, but doubtful.
Sorry dude, I'm not your generation, and we don't play by your rules.
Found the Jew
>took a DNA test
Agree but this
theres an american flag option, see the geographic location option, use that buddy
I just checked on my options. No American flag. I do have to be at work in fucking 6 hours so I have to go to bed.
>not up with internet semantics
>uses kekistani meme flag
Come on dude, they’re obvious shills. They’re come to this shithole, but the joke is they are making people even more anti Semitic precisely because of their attempts to shut it down
This isn't a Jewish problem. We are facing the consequences of a "behavior soup". Research "Rat Utopia Experiment". We stopped chasing the unknown and untamed land, and now we are contempt with cities, we are facing psychology disease because of it.
So there are at most 17.5 million of them, right? By my estimation there are just short of 900 million of us on the planet and I'm lowballing that. Using that figure and IQ distributions, there are at least 120 million of us with the average Jewish IQ or greater. Practically 10 to 1.
Why can't we get rid of them?
no you misunderstand, if you're american than the american flag is default. for me its new zealand's flag because im a kiwi
yo kids have fun. i have to go make money, pay taxes, and support you fucks as you sit at home in your parents' basements and attics posting bullshit on teh interwebz.
In case you didn’t know it’s the same fag using proxies, or maybe two, reason why you won’t see him with an American flag is because he is OP
Come on user, it’s like you’ve never seen JIDF rats around here
>But wheres my flag in this confusing 3 elements form?
>Kekistani flag
>35 and doesn't know how to use a computer
Not sure if bad trolling or just insecure
nah i think this guy is bait, no shill could possibly be this retarded
Dude, no. I live in the South. On Sup Forums the confederate flag is my default.
You are not even trying anymore Shlomo
He’s a 35 year old shill. Kek
For fucks sake. Children: I am going to bed. Talk all the shit you want. I ACTUALLY HAVE A JOB. Good night.
Good night Schlomo, don’t forget to change the proxy to the French one before continuing posting
i didn't know the confedracy maintained independence. tell me, how are the confederate states of america?
i guess the shills have gotten lazy then. i still think he's a troll baiting us. shills are dumb, but not that dumb.
>adressing others as children
Go take some rest, tomorrow you'll shill better
>>makes us look like dumb cattle
I don't see all the jews as a dumb cattle, but you are sure a dumb shit, my jew-boy. Now rush, go KYS
also sage
Eh, maybe. Still think it’s funny how his own post number snitched on him precisely as he talked about Jews being transcendental
Jews are truly in tune with Satan
i don't think jews are that much smarter they only have a very strong sense of family. it's amazeing how smart people can be when they're taught to read before school