I need much AR-15 to protect me from that gubbamin

>I need much AR-15 to protect me from that gubbamin
>Gets drone striked

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Okay, who has the Japanese comment. It’s like every day some faggot comes on POL and thinks “I’ll show these idiots, this time!!!”

Fuck off

And yet, with all those tanks and drones, we're still in the middle east. Weird. You're right though, the US will do better at guerilla warfare when it's firing on its own infrastructure.

I can't understand for the life of me why retards like you think this even borders on a good line of argument.

>Leftist: The Government will use drones and missiles to murder you!!! Give up your guns!!!

The government is composed of citizens at actionable levels, and will face great internal struggle in attempting to crush an American rebellion

An armed citizenry still holds a great deal of power, to enemies and governance at home all the same

And yeah, banning guns IS one step away from Stalin, etc. It sets the precedent for those expansions of government power into the future. Disarming people is fine today, and it's fine tomorrow... But it's the effects in 100 years that you worry about.

Intermediary rifle rounds are for use against personnel, not tanks and drones. How are we supposed to have a conversation about something if you refuse to do the minimum of reading on the subject prior?


looks like there is gonna be a lot of drone strikes
I would doubt the government is gonna risk committing a massacre that will go down in history



>He thinks drones fly themselves
An armed populace could take control of any place drones are located and take them for themselves.

I've explained this to you before cunt.

Drones cannot go house to house street to Street.

No Army on earth can face that many armed citizens.

SAGE goes in all fields.

go make this argument to people in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan. the current global political situation and the endless wars in deserts pretty much BTFO the argument you're making entirely bro.
also assuming that the USA would drone strike its own citizens en mass is kind of dumb. that sort of thing would cause major social and economic and political upheaval

>i need muh drone to protect me from the government
>gets AR-15 striked

How come we can't stop the Taliban?

>1 post by this ID

Get rid of the 1st amendment. Nobody needs to express their opinion. And our forefathers never predicted the internet and social media.

Op is a faggot



>Shill detected
Get the fuck out of here with that dumbass argument fag. We’ve bombed the shit out of sand niggers and they STILL fight. We lost against fucking VIETNAMESE RICE FARMERS. If the government turned on us, we have a damn good fighting chance of fucking winning despite the superior weaponry.

It's pretty fucking obvious you were never in the military or hunted at all ever, but you will let the government tell you to give up the only protection you have against them, it's like two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner and you're too stupid to notice you're the fucking sheep.


0915: The patrol to find the mortar that killed 3 in our base this night get out of the camp. We are expecting to find one of our own mortar being given to the rebel by a defector. We can not have aerial support other than drones because the Russians gave Iglas to the rebels to protect the Russian minority.
0935: We enter the town.
0940: a gunner is killed by a sniper. We have to send a patrol on foot after him.
0941: patrol get ambushed by 3 people with AR15, 5 dead 2 serious injured
0943: while trying to search the local building to find the rebels, an IED killed one of our squad.
0944: the convoy is waiting for the survivor to come back and someone threw a grenade at one of our car: one dead.
0950: We comeback to base, the mortal is still out here and half of our guys are dead or unable to fight.

Can't drone strike me without killing dozens of innocent civilians