The state of (((art)))

this piece of shit was sold for 65 millions
remind me again why the human race is worth saving.

make you want to get some canvas and a brush, doesn't it?

Its a money laundering, attempts at investment manipulation (tulip bubble but for art) or both.

This guy gets it. Save yourself a cool hundred million in taxes by donating a work of art to a public institution.

It's not

haven't thought of that.
sounds plausible
have a bear for your response

As someone studying actual art on the side, nothing makes me more mad than (post) modern art jews, if I could gas them all I would do it immediately.

the money is not for the art, it's to keep everyone quiet about the child prostitution and ritual sacrificing

Can anyone explain the appeal of modern and contemporary art besides maybe Impressionism, Art Deco, and a few Post-Impressionists like Van Gogh?

wasnt the cia involved in modernizing art?

their aim was architecture so it would have a more profound effect on the people who have to see it every day

Anything that is rare like this is gonna cost a lot.
The thing is that the older era paintings are already in museums and such and they aren't for sale. i'm sure paintings from 14-1500's and such would shatter any picasso/van gogh records easily. I doubt it would even be legal in many cases for that stuff to get sold.

looks like a man or woman could be a gay faggot in a kitchen picnic cooking frock with a frenchie hat probably abused by the punches in the face it suffered
> the new post modern elite love it !

she is not da queen!


I don't see anything wrong with it. It has significance in it's own right.
Luckily, the plebs on Sup Forums don't get to decide what art should be like.

If you're interested, read 'Story of Art' by Hans Gombrich. It helped me to understand a lot about art.

Thanks, I will.

At least it's not oil on asphalt

My argument in favor of modern art is vaporwave, apocalypsewave, fashwave, etc... Some "art" is just appealing to some people.

This is exactly what it is. Millionaires aren't as retarded as they seem.

someone's just doing their dirty laundry user.

Why d-fak are you surprised by this, it's the goddam Pablo Picasso.

Newfag lurk more

to take it further - typically, amounts paid for paintings at auction aren't actually publicly announced by the auction house, usually by the buyer or seller. what they actually paid for them, nobody knows. you have a fuckload of money you need to cover in, or cover out - buy/sell painting at preagreed price via "auction" and pin the rest on your books once "buyer" announces the price.

and most art auctions aren't actually auctions, they're facades - "real" value art is usually sold by prearrangement days before the auction.

A legit non-kike filmmaker did a good documentary on this a couple years ago, I think it's still up on netflix.

>Its a money laundering