This faggot ruined any chance of me getting laid in Japan

This faggot ruined any chance of me getting laid in Japan.

I hope he gets raped in prison.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao. The Japanese should be left alone. White people should breed with white people.

What happen?

Pic related

Serial killer, or something?

He killed a Japanese girl, then beheaded and dismembered her.

Look up all the rapes and murders in Okinawa. Fucking niggers, but the media just says "American" and/or "soldier." I can't blame them. It's disgusting that we let them make the Amerimutt meme true. But sadly, most Japanese don't know the differences that well among foreigners. We're all just Gaijin. Especially this turkroach. Japs are racist to niggers/poo-in-loos for sure, but anything close to Europe blurs together for them.

How does that effect your ability to get laid?

I'm not the OP.
He is just a Weeb loser I bet.

I hope this scares Jap girls away from dating white guys. You cuck faggots have it too easy.

They met on a dating app apparently. Even though Japs have white fever, they are xenophobic and shy, no? Don't you think it'll make things a bit harder? Maybe OP is visiting for a short time and can't put in 3 dates worth? Idk...
These subhumans are gonna' jeopardize the entire region because of pressure to pull troops out.

So he was a Marine?

>letting turkroaches in the military
we really aren't a true nation, not ever since the war of northern aggression, sad

I read on Sup Forums that he was either in the Army or the Marines but I can't find the info now.
He is some crazy weeb who wanted to marry a Japanese girl.
I don't understand how he ended up beheading one instead.

desu sempai
top kek
weeaboos are an insult to the White Race

No, sorry for the confusion. The turk roach was not military. But described as "American tourist." The nigger in the pic above was an ex marine. And the japanese victim was just some girl who met the turk roach on a dating app. But pay attention. Anytime there's a murder/rape in Japan by a foreigner, check the race.

seems like he was in military for a year, but I don't think he was stationed here.
He came to Japan as a tourist in January.


also japs aren't human beings so it shouldn't really be against the law to kill them

That happened like 20 years ago.

>happened 20 years ago
to literally 400 women many of whom were foreign. we owe japland a lot more than 1 dead nip cunt

Pretty sure there is a Japanese tinder. Everyone knows the implicit reason as to why anyone goes on Tinder, it's pretty much the same thing. Go for 28+ plus women, they're more open and accepting of relationships with foreigners and they're getting to that age where they really want some man in their life.

Women who're like 18-25 in Japan aren't going to want to date some foreigner because they're still going to be very close to family and you're going to have to be an 8 or higher.


>implying there's a difference

Yeah, it's not even a meme in this case.

>posts picture of kid from 1998


Jews didn't do 9/11

my friend.... "bolus manta" is from NL....

it sounds like an arab name to me... please confirm...

I have no fucking clue friend

And? Niggers behead white girls all the time but they still sleep with the animals.

Proofs? I searched all over and with various keywords. Nothing. The (((MSM))) would be all over that, if he was military. Try to paint him as a white nationalist or something like Nicolas Cruz.
>Yevgeniy Vasilievich Bayraktar
You retard. That's the photo of the killer.

sounds weird... should i post his voice/audio thing and you can tell me if he is?

There are probably many others, weeaboos think Nipland is crime-free. The same people often think third world shitholes are safer than the US and UK because their levels of recorded crime are lower.

Yeah could be. His accent for Dutch-English is off and doesn't sound how a native accent would sound, it is plausible


have some tits my friend! :)

Also, his Skype pic is a sandnigger soccer player in a Dutch team, Abdelhak Nouri. Unusual for native Dutch to like Moroccan players.

There's the problem right here:

Yevgeniy Vasilievich Bayraktar

With a name like that, he shouldn't have been an American in the first place.



that's dingdong isn't it

Fuck you, ai-chan loves me


Soon the hourglass will tip over and the chans of time will fall.

Evi - Glass Stage

link me music i want to hear new stuff

Since you probably don't speak Japanese;
>Tappuru Tanjou
Use this.
I used it when I was in Japan. Got like six dates almost immediately. One from an "18" year old who I'm pretty sure was younger. The rest from 25-35 year olds.

what it mean

No. You'll get sauce & Joe Walsh and deal with it:

not bad my friend!

btw i am le 56 percenter!!!

ahahah! :)