All I've ever heard is The German Empire and rarely someone will bring up the Black Hand. Germany didn't start it, right?
Who really started WWI?
one angry serb boi
Rothschilds aka jews
france and russia moblized their armies first
Source, conspirafag?
There was huge tensions in all of Europe. All was needed was a spark which came in Serbia. Bismarck actually predicted the whole happening.
Autro-hungary with Russia, Kaiser went on vacation and then it just blew into everyones face. As much as I dislike Extra Credit and their pandering, their series on the begining of I WW is really good.
The assassination in Sarajevo was the spark that lighted the fuse that was already present, you dumbfucks. The tension in Europe was huge during and after the scramble for Africa, everyone was excited to try their brand new military technology on eachother. National pride was also at stake for all parties, so the german kaizer Wilhelm felt like he needed to prove the worth of the brand new country Germany by going to war against the triple entente.
Everyone itched for a war because everyone had ambitions that they wanted to achieve
The french.
t. read the sleepwalkers
To add to this, the war would have started sooner or later. Wilhelm is simply responsible for starting it in 1914 rather than in e.g. 1920.
European powers believed that it would be over quickly; a simple "let-off" of steam.
What it became was an industrialized mass-slaughter.
The war was going to happen. Ultimately, Germany is mostly responsable. Russia was experiencing a serious economic growth and the German high command predicted that Russia was going to be unstoppable for the german armies. Both France and Russia were not ready yet.
No, he didn't want to
yeah also the frog cunts were egging on the russians for years. They wanted germany 'contained' when in reality they were just salty re humiliation in the 1870s franco-prussian war.
From a wiki article on Wilhelm II:
>The impetuous young Kaiser, says John C. G. Röhl, rejected Bismarck's "peaceful foreign policy" and instead plotted with senior generals to work "in favour of a war of aggression." Bismarck told an aide, "That young man wants war with Russia, and would like to draw his sword straight away if he could. I shall not be a party to it."[12]
Look at what your country has become
Bavarian Rothschild Vs. French Rothschild: Featuring Peasants
You made a little conflict in to a world war because you were still assblasted about your humiliation in the franco prussian war
France never forgot Alsace, obviously, but revanchism was never the official French policy. When the war started, it became obvious France would take back Alsace in case of victory. The truth though is that after the Franco Prussian war, Bismarck isolated France for quite a few years. France was very vulnerable at that time, and Germany, at one point, shocked to see France was recovering fast from the last war, wanted to wage a preventive war. When Russia allied itself with France, the country was no longer isolated. Considering all of this, the French were not going to abandon their alliance with Russia, especially since Germany was asking, in order for them to remain neutral, to surrender French towns like Verdun and Toul.
look up on youtube called The Great War, its a series that started July 2014 and will end November 2018. they mention alot about the Black Hand and how they basically started the war
France was a lil cunt who tried to take advantage of the Polish invasion, when Germany came and kicked your ass you screamed for Britain to help you out, and when Britain got its shit kicked in you cried to USA, USA didn't want to get involved but had to because dumb nips bombed us.
I hate France and UK just for that alone.
>be Germany
>allies under attack
>defends its allies
You got it all wrong. France wasn't ready when Germany attacked Poland, they didn't benefit at all from it, considering what happened next. It was the UK who thought it was the right time to wage war against Germany. France can't defeat Germany alone, considering Germany is way more populated, and followed the UK.
the Germans were dragged into it due to muh alliance
he said WW1 you fucktards
He didn't want to go to war with Russia, Tsar Nicolas was his cousin.
>I foresee that very soon I shall be overwhelmed by the pressure forced upon me and be forced to take extreme measures which will lead to war. To try and avoid such a calamity as a European war I beg you in the name of our old friendship to do what you can to stop your allies from going too far. Nicky.
russian proxy through serbia
On a personal level, I think he tried to avoid the war. But the German high command had its own ideas about it, arguably justified.
Not by Serbs, Axis powers started it.
Dumb asian faggot
Don't forget the 6 gorillion Belgians
In part everyone is to blame.
However I give a fair bit of blame to Russia.
Muh honour need to save face because we lost a recent war to japan and now we must protect the slavs made them escalate what could and should have just been another balkan conflict.
Austria shouldnt have been so stupid in their demands to serbia but they were humiliated by serbian forces even without Russias help.
They just wanted a casus belli.
Germany just wanted to defend its ally.
That's actually amazing.
Basically europe was overpopulated and they wanted to liquidate the masses. also historically Europe would fight each other over colonial holdings, ports and influence. this war was sadly no exception.
Except Wilhelm never wanted war and pushed for the austro-hungarians to step down after Serbia agreed to a joint investigation into the black hand.
World War One conditions were referred to as a ticking time bomb. It was the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinandz and his pregnant wife which lit the fuse. The intertwined treaties and alliances, particularly the warsaw pact and the treary of versaille, compelled the melting-pot's concomitants into war.
Essentially, it was gentleman's agreements and one single crazy motherfucker which started WWI.
A tangled web of alliances designed to prevent a war, actually created a war when no one was willing to back down. Everyone thought the war would be over very quickly. I doubt any country would've actually tried to go the militaristic route if they knew it would be the biggest conflict in human history that killed millions of people and bankrupted entire countries.
>who lit the fuse?
Yeah OK Some little anarchist twerp from Serbia acting like an uppity bitch about Serb independence. Decides to shoot the only heir to the throne who actually sympathizes with their plight. But to solely blame him would ignore the huge arms and navy buildup, German imperial territory grabbing in Africa and the pacific, and the stupid amounts of alliances and pacts being set up by everyone and their mum.