(((They))) want your guns. Are you going to give them up you good goy, you? Even your fuhrer Trump says it’s good to give them up. Come on now just give us the AR-15.
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Civilized people don't need guns. If you want to be a savage gun nut, why don't you move to Somalia?
Stfu you cucked germanfag. Why would anyone listen to a person who’s entire country is almost fully cucked by 6th century sand niggers?
Cucked indeed.
It doesn't matter what you NEED you dumb socialist war-losing EU faggot. The ability to freely own guns allows greater self-preservation and is the greatest possible equalization of force against a tyrannical government; perhaps that it may not ever be necessary, but that it may never need to be.
Go ahead and tell me you wouldn't want a 12-gauge and stand your ground laws next time Achmed runs a scimitar through your living room
>Go ahead and tell me you wouldn't want a 12-gauge
Correct, I don't have a micropenis.
>not wanting to defend yourself
>implying you have a penis at all
Pick one.
Aren't all of the Somalians in Germany now?
The micropenis has spoken.
Nope. I'm not giving up shit, and Trump isn't doing shit.
Zero culture. Leftists are pathetic.
They are in Cuckmerica.
surely your blackbelt and bravado will help you when Achmed is holding your wife's son at gunpoint
Imagine her 23andme. That shit shit has to be 99.9% Ashkenazi Jewish and 0.01% shekel
Enjoy your BBC.
Ja genau, anstatt auf die Probleme im eigenen Land zu schauen kümmerst du dich um die Probleme der Amis. Schäm dich, du Zecke.
By baiting (((Feinstein))) into putting her ban into the bill, Trump has assured that it will not pass congress. This is a variation of the "poison pill" tactic. By inviting Dems to shit up the bill he makes it unpalatable to majority Republican Congress to vote for said bill. The left is pushing those crying kids in the media really hard right now, which has the normies conflicted on """muh common sense regulations"""....but if the proposed bill ends up being an OBVIOUS gun grab (which is what's happening) then public opinion will swing back hard against it and it will not pass
>result = we win
"Feinstein in 1995: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, Turn Them All In'"
"Dianne Feinstein "Mr & Mrs America turn them all in""
"Dianne Feinstein cannot contain her excitement at Trump's liberal Freudian slips"
"Donald Trump’s Gun Control Love Fest"
"Feinstein shakes with glee after Trump suggests adding assault weapons ban to background check bill"
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein literally jumps with joy in gun control meeting with Trump"
"Watch Dianne Feinstein Erupt With Glee After Trump Seems to Endorse Her Assault Weapons Ban"
"President Trump Asks Dianne Feinstein to Add ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban to School Safety Bill"
>move to somalia
lol your country is moving somalians to you
See and weep:
anyone on the left that happy, you know you're about to get fucked.
Germans... civilized...
Typical basic bitch insults. People like you are so retarded.
>get blown the fuck out
>h-huu huu b-but uuuuuu
Germany rekt, painfully and embarrassingly!
Your agony is gorgeous.
I hope so user. I hope so.
Stop attributing your degenerate faggot lefties to Jews, anti-Semitic paid shill. Trump recognises Jerusalem and has Jewish relatives and he's not a leftie.
I noticed your data is from 2012. I wonder what the data will look like when your country is infested by niggers and arabs?
No literally I just think you're retarded.
America is a 3rd world shithole.
>homicides per 1 million
>claims it's just a gun chart
>numbers obviously include suicide
Who the fuck made this trash propaganda?
>a handful
lol ok kid
>numbers obviously include suicide
Americans commit suicide at record numbers because it's a 3rd world shithole.
Because of niggers, you'll find out soon enough.
>believing the propaganda of the newly Islamic republic of germanistan.
really hope Trump is building them up so he can let them down hard. wouldn't be surprising but we'll see.
>record number of suicides
You sure about that Ahmed? Japan, Russia, China, and India all have higher per capita suicide rates. Since mama merki doesn't let you have any guns, what do people kill themselves with in germanistan?
You had that one loaded and ready to go, didn't you?
If not, they'll all be in for a rude awakening. For the time-being, I'll keep my faith in Trump.
>Because of niggers
Americans are niggers, no exceptions.
Fuck off Russian rape baby. Your people or what's left of it have betrayed our race for the last time. Go assuage your guilt with kike cock, or black I don't care.
Germans have long ago lost their right to speak on anything.
Lot of those are dumb
oil:dont care
Aids: Not a fag so whatever
I use how much electricity I feel like who cares?
Why do I care if there are poor people?
If I died in infancy I wouldn't be reading this now would I?
And you're clearly a turk who hasn't met any peaceful African migrants yet.
This. That german cuck is a disgrace to his ancestors.
What does it matter how people die?
>What does it matter how people die?
Americans aren't people, so it doesn't.
Absofuckinglutely not.
Now show what it would be like to be anything but a nigger
I know its you.
Get off oof Sup Forums you damn pig bitch
Merkel > Trumpnigger
...and yet, you continue to comment on it Kapitänleutnant Cock-nose.
So what?
It proves Americans are cucks, no exceptions. The only gun Americans need is their black bull's love gun.
he's a great example of where no-guns takes you
all jews have significant donations of German, Italian, Slav blood
You have demented fantasies.
reminder: this thing supported banning violent video games and jailing people for not getting vaccinated
>jailing people for not getting vaccinated
People who don't get vaccinated shouldn't be jailed. They should be shot.
because then somalia moves to germany since germany has no guns and is easy fodder.
This thread reminded me who do you think can last longer in a Native American torture rite?
>A Chinaman?
>A UN Swissfag?
>A Dirty White Communist?
Find out, this SUMMER!
I am civilized and do not rob, rape, or murder. There are people (and governments) in the world who are not. I will not let my loved ones be harmed or killed by these people. This is why guns are necessary.
>muh dikkkk
You don't have a dick. You were mutilated at birth.
Enjoy your glorified vagina.
I like the cut o' your jib hans how long you gonna go at it tonight?
Also I bet you lowkey have guns quit playin around.
>how long you gonna go at it tonight?
I am unstoppable.
Feinstein is literally a merchant meme.
Kek will save us.
If anything, I'm glad that disgustingly giddy hand-rubbing was caught on camera as further living proof that Sup Forums is always right. First mention of banning firearms and that old Jew is grinning from ear to ear.
>civilized people don't need guns
You know what you're right kraut, whoops would you look at that some uncivilized person has me at gun point looks like he wants my wallet. Ya think I should tell em civilized people don't use guns?
Leftist use this attack all the time on people with trucks and on gun owners. I don't get it. Do you think this tricks us into thinking we have small dicks? Or that it persuades us not to drive trucks or own guns?
Why waste money on trucks and guns when you could spend it on penis augmentation?
They just want to try and make people believe that people they don’t like have small penises to cover up the fact that in fact they have ultra micropenises. Projection at its finest, really.
Face it man, women love small dicks. Even black women prefer white men.
Found the German.
Yes, this will cost him the second term.
They're projecting.
>migrant-filled oasises
Incorrect, kikel. This is a "bipartisan meeting" to show that he's a "Good President" and "Fair". The republicans will NEVER sign anything, and Trump would veto...
Trump never said ANYTHING about anything substantial other than mental health; no reference to anti-2nd rights. No bump stocks, no nothing. Give me a direct quote, not huffingpaint.
Self defense is a basic human right. That right extends to defense against a tyrannical government, peasant.
>gun murders are more important than other murders
>what are nigger crime rates
He explicitly made clear, that this (((ban))) will happen without congress. Sure, he expects to get some votes from more rightish Democrats, but they made it very clear, no Trump. One term president, the democrats can send a cat into the race and it would beat him after this desaster
You're pretty bad at concern shilling.
>He explicitly made clear, that this (((ban))) will happen without congress.
>implying that is even in his power
(it's not)
>mentally fucked people shoudl not have guns= OMG TRUMP WILL TAKE ALL THE GUNS
The fact that some people fall for concern shills or just plain idiots is quite sad.
nice gaslightning faggot.
One Term President, and the wall will never be finished, Dreamers get voting rights and you will end up with Australian style gun laws. That's what happens if you vote a Democrat disguised as Populist
Who defines what is considered mentally ill?
>150D chess
Not this time dude.
Civilized people don't crave black cocks. If you want to be a savage BBC lover, why don't you move to Somalia?
Oh wait, my bad, you are already
>vapid conjecture
>no arguments to be found
Like I said, bad concern troll.
>define white
easy this one for me.. what about not a savage
Maybe you’re right, I should move to Somalia.
Any towns near you that you’d recommend?