Chool science teacher, 26, is arrested over 'sexual relationship with boy, 14

Jesus lads...

Other urls found in this thread:


>married to 6'5" firefighter chad
>fucks little Jamal on the basketball team


fucking gypsies

>Sex with child
>"Gypsy soul" shirt

Well that checks out.


Daily reminder that instead of cheating on her husband with you, she fucked lil Johnny Boyscout. She's a thot who deserves nothing less than 20 years in prison and a tax payer funded clitorectomy.

I'd give my left nut for a girl like that.

That's in Florida, not in the real world.

show bobs and vegana.

Bitch lasagna


I'm going to die alone and some 14 year old kid fucked her and then sent her to prison. Sadness blankets me.

She is almost twice the age of her student male victim.
I really hope that she goes to jail for as long as most of the male rapists went for raping girls almost twice their age.
I like to see her getting from 12 to15 years in prison for this rape.
Equality between males and females must be respected and prison sentences must be equally harsh.
Especially that she used her superiority position of being his teacher and figure of authority.

She must be used as an example of the "Justice being blind" to the gender or how "attractive" the offender is.
Same harsh penalties that were applied to male offenders must be applied to her as a sign of true gender equality.

>Getting outplayed by a 14-year old Chad


Clearly wasn't alpha enough...
I wish someone kept a receipt for that fucking rip be traded for these holes.

A lot of those guys are too clean-cut. You need to be able to responsible and a little thug at times

And this is exactly why you'll never have a girl like that, or an actual gf for that matter.

>the state of white women today

It'll never happen, the boy in the story is going to be framed up as an aggressor. We've seen this shit before.

>If you like the way this smells, do I have something for you when we get home!

Why did that little fucker snitch? HE was slamming a 7/10 ADULT and he's 14
I dreamed of doing that back in middle school

Stop stalking that 12-year-old black student, you 26-year-old Roastie.
Your sexual frustration has grown tiresome.

she's a pedophile, she needs it

By calling her a predator you retards are claiming men and women are equal. At 14 I jerking off all day hoping an older woman would do as much as look at my cock.

Men and women are not the same and should be held to different standards in different areas.

The age of consent should be different for men and women because the dynamic of sex is different for men and women.

Everyone knows that this is different yet retards are so mad at broads we try to act like the boys are victims. Stfu


poor kid will suffer from a too big ego for the rest of his life

i'm suire he needs psychological treatment to process this whole thing

you fucknig mongolodis



Kek. Why is it always Florida?

gypsy is a slur

she's fucking hot if you compare her only to other teachers
i will never understand how jamal could be the victim here

was a white kid not a jamal

Kid gets std and then is made to pay vaginamoney.

Also what do you do when little Johnny comes home saying hes in a relationship with his gym teacher Tyrone?

Your dumb as fuck for not wanting to give these degenerates the death penalty.