Porn is a Jewish trick
porn has literally been around since before jews dude, stfu.
What about shota elf trap hentai?
Gamespy? Rare to see another true oldfag here.
Pornography as in sexual intercourse recorded on high definition cameras free of charge online with perversions beyond your cognitive comprehension . Not nude sculptures of women you brain dead ape.
Nice! Hentai S A F E
the oldest advertisement ever was in ancient sumeria and it was a mosaic ad for a fucking prostitution agency. that might not technically be "porn" but i think you can see the relevance to the discussion here. porn is not a "jewish trick", it's something very deeply embeddedin the human psyche.
now, when you go on pornhub and they have interracial BBC porn? and "incest porn" on the front page everywhere? yeah. that's fucking jewish in nature, sure. they are fucking with us and they know they're winning. but not porn generally, no. that's a dumb thing to say.
>only just figuring this out
That game was really entertaining despite being so lazy and flawed. All the unit types and weapons/upgrades or whatever were just so damn satisfying.
sorry you know what? i've actually my facts a little mixed on that old ad. it was only about 2000 years ago and no in sumeria apparently. guess my memory is hazy from my college days.
but here, prostitution has been going on since 2400BC at least dude, ok?
>2400 BCE are the earliest recorded mention of prostitution as an occupation. These describe a temple-bordello operated by Sumerian priests in the city of Uruk.
they were sumerian priests 4500 years ago, were they fucking jews too? just face it, it's not jewish. sex and selling it is not a jewish conspiracy. it's human nature.
AVP2 was legitimately a great game. The best aliens vs predator game to date to be honest. I remember as a kid how fucking terrifying that tunnel level was as a marine.
You realize Sumerian was overtaken by the Semites? Babylon, the first Jewish city of recorded history, was a giant brothel. This doesn’t have anything to do with porn. There is obviously a difference between getting laid and psychologically brainwashing your dick into believing you are gonna mate with a fucking napkin or a TV screen
AVP2 was fucking fantastic in multiplayer as well. Using the motion detector to guess the position of a cloaked predator then nailing the fucker with an EMP-stun grenade and then shanking it with a damn knife was so satisfying.
yeah im such a kike with my fucking facts and reality.
dude there's lots of kikery out there, i admit. i agree. jews do use porn to erode our values somewhat. some of them think they're ruining us by selling us porn. whatever. a LOT of them use that BBC shit and incest shit to try to corrupt us. that's all true. but porn itself is not a fucking jewish trick. no. neither is prostitution. they're central and integral to human nature.
fuck off nigger. you don't have to just call everyone who disagrees with you a kike. you can have a discussion you know. you might learn something, god damn. you're embarrassing your naziness
Holy fuck you guys are retarded. Prostitution is not porn.
>(Porn) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal.[1] Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, phone calls, writing, film, video, and video games. The term applies to the depiction of the act rather than the act itself, and so does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease.
>prostitution is the same thing as "Pornography as in sexual intercourse recorded on high definition cameras free of charge online with perversions beyond your cognitive comprehension"
really makes you think .
Face it, numerous studies show the detriment of watching porn, especially in the way modern men do. You can stop watching porn, or you can accept that you're fucking up your mind for easy pleasure, but don't lie to yourself
that came after 2400BC though. these weren't semitic temples. they were sumerian temples and they practiced prostution right in them before the christkikery fucked us up. and the jewkikery too. our current interpretations of christkikery are based on jewkikery, so it's all intermeshed.
it's not porn but the only reason i can't prove "porn before jews" is because they didn't physically have the means to produce porn back then. but they did have the means to produce prostution, and they did that in droves, and it was so normalized and accepted that it was right in their temples. so to say "porn is a jewish trick", imo that's bullshit sorry. there are LOTS of jewish tricks, like the lolocaust, but that's not one of them sorry.
this is the special pleading logical fallacy. we can't find porn on digital high definition cameras in 2400BC because that technology obviously didn' exist. but their culture and their normalization of prostitution does show that they weren't averse to that sort of behavior. prostitution is actually a more extreme version of porn anyway. so the argument you're making is dumb.
>this is the special pleading logical fallacy. we can't find porn on digital high definition cameras in 2400BC because that technology obviously didn't exist.
but we know when the modern porn industry began, which was in the 60's if I remember correctly, and we know (((who))) started it. You don't seem to understand how the modern form of porn, especially when connected to the internet, is so harmful to society, Cavemen trading cave paintings is not the equivalent to what we have today. Your making a false equivalence.
Its funny people can't watch porn without fapping.
then they blame jews because the ceo of vivid is a jew. who the fuck watch vivid??
Just enjoy the porno and stop choking your dick.
Da Joooz
Why don't you retards go to TRS and fucking stay there. You are fucking retarded.
this is just a dumb argument, we obviously didn't have internet in 2400 BC, but prostution was so normal that it was literally enshrined in places of worship. jesus christ man, come on. and porn existed way before the 1960s too, wtf. i'd post some old black and white pictures but it's against the rules here.
joooz do a lot of bad things. joooz are really powerful and stuff in our society. i just think these guys are wrong about this particular point. not the anti-jew views in general.
>I'd post some old black and white pictures but it's against the rules here.
rarely is that the hardcore pornography that's freely available. And back then there was a major cost to owning it. The internet changes the dynamic. Modern men view more porn in a week than someone from the 50's would in a decade. Do you need me to find the many studies that talk about how porn fucks you up? Can you not admit your habit might not be great for you?
I’ve stopped mastutbating for 6 days now already feel better!
no i think that porn and casual sex and prostution can all fuck a person up. i don't need you finding me those studies, i believe you and im on the same page there dude. i'm just telling you that the drive to consume these materials isn't a jewish trick at all. it's something deep and biological in us, and it goes back all through recorded history. people selling it is nothing new either. as far as porn not being hardcore before the 60s, well our culture did change a lot in the 60s, and certainly prostitution would be considered pretty "hardcore".
i'm not trying to argue that porn isn't unhealthy though, i know it is. and i know some jews have used it to try to debase our values in our society. it's not right to say "porn is a jewish trick" though, it's not. its something that lives deep down in the human psyche and in our natures to be drawn to this sort of unhealthy sexual stuff.
>I'm just telling you that the drive to consume these materials isn't a jewish trick at all
Ah I see. I gotcha. I don't even think anyone argues that the drive is the Jewish trick, the argument is usually that they prey on that natural urge and use it against people to gain wealth at the cost of morality
Fuck avp extinction is an old game
Good game didnt like playing as predators though
well, you know what i mean. i guess the point im making is that plenty of people would be selling porn even if jewish people had never existed on the planet.
but i don't deny there's a thread of truth to what you're saying. many jews do sit and laugh while we destroy ourselves with their products.
dude, i dated 2 jewish women when i was in college, both from prominent academic families, one of them with a fucking academic ROCKSTAR uncle who has written 100 books i gaurantee you've heard of. he is always giving interviews and shit, but i won't say the name to avoid getting doxxed or whatever. omfg dude the shit is freaky. they are like REALLY REALLY REALLY uptight and conservative personally. for them and their family's, being conservative is everything. BUT for everyone else they're like "hahahaha yeah do whatever you want. be gay. have sex. eat junk food. do drugs". they don't think about it. the jew does this shit naturally. sometimes it's intentional and malicious, but most of the time it's just what they do naturally
anyway, BOTH of these girls, their family forbade them to see me. they had to sneak out their bedroom windows and shit to hang out with me, or make up all kinds of crazy stories. they ONLY wanted them with other jewish boys. and when we went out ot eat, we had to go to certain areas in the city that had kosher districts. we'd walk down the street and they would know EVERYONE. the TWO OF THEM even knew eachother (dated them at different times though). it was fucking creepy man.
they are genuinely a tribe. they have one set of rules and values for them, and another set for everyone else. i never saw anything personally to suggest it's consciously malicious, just unconsciously how they are genuinely wired up, which i frankly think is even fucking worse.
now im redpilled tho and would never date a jewess again.
wtf, thats a triple degeneracy combo burger
and that girls famous uncle who is always giving interviews and shit? yeah, he's always pushing liberal commie politics and shit, and for his family he expects uptight conservative values. go figure man, right? that's how they roll. and he didn't want any outsiders marrying into the family either. only other people from "the tribe".
with the jews it's always "one set of rules for us, but another set of rules for the goy". that's their game. that's how they destroy us.
like israel has a border fence and wont take refugees, but we can't have a wall and we all HAVE to take refugees. i fuckin' hate jews man, i was't tryin' to shill for them in this thread.
fuck the haters, that game was fun.
you dont like elf traps?
So are videogames
A jewish trick to do what? To trick you into having an orgasm? Well, godamn them!!
>Babylon, the first Jewish city of recorded history,
look at him and laugh
Jewish trick to make you a brainless monkey.
anime is always safe
Damn I fucking miss AVP extinction
violence is much worse than porn
Theres was to get around this, and ill watch the video anyway, but why the fuck has youtube banned this in Poland?
He was completely redpilled
>being the guy who smashes things into pieces
>being the guy who jacks it to triple dick girl tentaclerape.avi
obviously every male with a pair of testicles that arent impaired to produce T would prefet case 1
Only 2D porn is acceptable.
try hooktube
He was.
Listen to the Nixon tapes.
He names the Jews and shows hostility toward niggers.