what's next for germany?
What's next for germany?
Not WW3, it's gotta be someone elses' turn.
israel ?
Nah. China. They will lose too.
Follow the footsteps of Serbia/Albania
Total Domination over Europa
This continent belongs to Germany, and anyone who opposes us, will be crushed.
The subhuman slav masses in the East are especially ripe for conquering. They will be used as slave labour for our German war machinery.
The same goes for the subhuman medniggers in the South. They are barely above the level of a slavnigger anyway.
The subhuman French and British shall be conquered too, and their population either sterilized or exterminated. Nothing of value has come out of these subhuman countries.
The German Master Race will claim what is rightfully hers.
Our only ally in this struggle are the Turks and Arabs. They are the ONLY ones that are currently resisting the Anglo-American world power and they are fierce warriors that are as able as any proud German soldier is.
Germany has a better historical connection to Islam than any other European country, and the people of Islam will ALWAYS and FOREVER be closer to us than subhuman slavniggers or subhuman medmutts.
crashing this europe
turkroach spotted
You saying that while you're swimming in shit and flooded with africoid mongrels over there..
Its muricas turn to start ww3
When their depts colapse and the money is nothing then paper anymore, the military will raid their bases, then the civilists
>we never won a war and dont even have an army, but we kangz and sheeiiiiitttt
g*rman sissies belong to TURK KARA BOGA warriors
this Germanic way of thought sounds familiar?
you're next germany
We know you Kike
a grave
nuclear holocaust hopefully
what a fantastic clip.
shame we didnt firebomb every other german city.
Meanwhile Germany's economy is at its strongest for years and the productivity is booming, but it's nice that you Americans living in towering debt (with tip) and having streets literally torn apart by niggers and latinos think that Germany is losing the culture war.
We'll get it right this time.
>what's next for germanistan
Diesel ban in inner cities for starters
Merkel is elected caliph and white people in germany go extinct. Israel still receiving holocaust restitution from now predominantly islam country for next 100 years. Jewberg Inc. signs merger acquisitions to Mecca Llc. White goyim is listed in worldwide as "least concerned" by IUNC, even being reduced to only 24 individuals.
>muh economy
>cant even kick anybody from the EU, or else we go bankrupt literally the next day
>think that Germany is losing the culture war.
the difference is, if i go and as an american nigger who he is, he'll say:
>im american mudafukka, you stupid or something? murriica FUCK YEAH
now, ask anybody in germany who he is:
fake quotes not even funny
The latest time more and more niggers drop into my life.
It is something i dont want.
I vote for right wing
Industry actually works through milking and enslavement of middle class
It wont work
First of all get off your ego dick and realize trump is a good option
they could just wait for the US to brazilify
how is it in australia?i heard you are overrun by chink's
Who gives a fuck about identity politics? Need I remind you of the numerous of university activist who are far worse?
Why would you vote right wing? The reason we have immigrants is because it's cheap labor, you think the rich care about the Middle class? They would rather hire Abdul for 5€ than pay an upstanding citizen a fair wage.
You might disagree and sperm about "muh borders", but the right nationalist parties have repeatedly shown that they don't care about the German citizens and only give a fuck about distracting them with shitty idpol
that because of german workers taxes you shortsighted faggot you can already expect this will be not the case in 10-20 years when its the imported faggots turn to start working lol good luck
Germany was also demilitarized during Weimar era.
It took them less than 10 years to rebuild the strongest army on the world.
Don't underestimate the Krauts yet
>smug faced soyboy
He will understand the concept of borders when he's being gang raped by mobs of Tyrones.
Then they aren't actually nationalists
>who cares about your cities being divided into ghettos, black ghettos, white ghettos, muslim ghettos. its fine man, who cares?
>numerous of university activist who are far worse?
yes, a purple unshaved bitches screaming in front of a uni is far worse than the complete social and economic collapse germany is facing in the next couple of years.
Yeah a lot of Indians and Chinese. I walked past a high school group in Melbourne on a field trip or something a month ago. It was like 100 students and all of them were Indian and Chinese not even one white.
We all know what will happen
try to research how their military is doing, or what's the tax and social situation for citizen.
conveniently leaving out the death threats and harrasment that the woman got by muslims for doing that
hopefully germany cuts east euro gimmiedat trash out of the EU, it's pretty obvious this has to be done
>It took them less than 10 years to rebuild the strongest army on the world.
with untold trillions of dollars given for free from the rockefellers and rothchilds, and after shifting the entire industry into military overdrive.
>Don't underestimate the Krauts yet
the germany 100 years ago also didnt have gigantic social and demographic divides.
the germany 100 years ago also was patriotic.
10% of germans today, according to the latest poll, said would defend germany in a war.
comparing a country with a fighting, patriotic spirit from 100 years ago, that only had to rebuild assets, not change the mentality of the entire nation, to the utterly cucked and idiotic modern german society, is kind of.... stupid.
flag checks out, so it explains why the post is retarded.
>hopefully germany cuts east euro gimmiedat trash out of the EU, it's pretty obvious this has to be done
amazing, that in this day and age there are still dumbfucks on pol that think the EU is a gigantic charity, showering other countries with billions of free money.
no, nigger, EU is not a charity, its a gigantic loan-giving organisation.
why is the EU threatening to kick the polaks out for the last 5 years, but didnt do shit?
because they afford to cant kick the polaks out.
EU is a limp dicked organisation that literally cant do a fucking thing, besides showing a crying woman in the EU parliament.
>literally a bunch of turkroaches imported by americans in the 60s (who're turbocucked neets for the most part) and more recent EE human garbage willing to work for 50cents an hour
WOW, things we really BETTER back then hmm
stop posting, ya fucking retard
Germany will at best become some European version of Brazil with a side of Kebab.
2020's will not be fun, especially considering modern German hostility towards technological innovation.
your country is already shithole
look at the crime rates
Slow decline. When it eventually falls, noone will care.
Superiority breeds jealously
LMAO the memeflaggot is asshurt about east europe, wonder why that is
stop tying to educate people, moron
nobody gives a shit about the corps and banks and how they love shitting up east euro retards
they have TO GO, because illegal migration from these shitholes should be completely reversed with every single non-ethnic deported back to fucking poland
>eu t-treid to kick poland
good, it should be in the public's eye that east european TRASH that doesn't uphold agreements and that there already is sentiment about getting rid of them
You know how to hurt a man, don't you, user?
average kraut is a boring person full of shit virtue signals on one side while glasswalls any other non-western nation even if said person is normal with language fluency
you think uk is in better position then germany?
>abloo abloo abloo
next time, try typing in english.
Slow decline and denial by the vast majority of "real" germans.
Not unlike SA eventually.
Find the post where I said that.
show your flag, virgin
I could go for a laugh
guys, can anybody translate into english what this dude was trying to say?
Jealousy breeds violence
look at this turd-worlder, he's so proud of that esl class he took
shame you're still a jobless faggot with no future, huh?
>jealousy breeds violence
>and the biggest looting, stealing spree in human history
The reason i vote right wing
1. All other partys got left wing jewish leapdogs
2. Jews want "muh diversity" and i care for the future of my arian daughter.
3. I am like the most bio germans, even if i came back from deportation 1991.
We are not nazi, but we want to have neighbours who think similar like me.
Germans are fleeing the citys from "diversity".
4. I dont want the rich jew get more, while i have to work on 2nd job, it have to stop.
Germany get destroyed by jewish diversity.
the coalition vote on sunday no one is talking about because thats actual politics and you are way too busy sucking trumps dick and other /pop/pol/
Nur Wachstum
i am not saying you said that
i was just asking
vollständige Transformation zum Islam und Sharia.
>born poor
>no future
>goes on 4chanks
in all seriousness, you should be kicked the fuck out of europe just for crashing the wages alone
UK is a mess. London has fallen, the North is just as bad. I live in a tiny hamlet in the country, and it's affecting even here.
The only thing still going for the UK is the City.
that's sad
>what's next for germany?
indoor plumbing
>hire Abdul
he doesn't know... should we tell him?
oh crap, i think i broke this austrian, better call the hospital.
try painting or something, it didnt help the last famous autistic austrian, but its worth a try.
The damage has already been done and it’s irreversible
Just enjoy your life’s and do whatever the fuck you want
There is no point in trying to save anything, it’s just like fighting against windmills
I’m meeting arab qties and the local Vietnamese supermarket has nice spices, the polish workers do a great job renovating the facade and the Romanian freight carrier does the job for a low price
I find this diversity quite comfy actually
why nobody in western europe has any balls?
Finally posting the original!
you are a idiot and the next generation will seethe with hate just thinking about losers like you that sold out their safety, future, continent and religion, all just because it was the easy thing to do.
The only thing i am glad about is that you will experience it as old faggot on your death bed what they think about you.
Haha! Watching your culture die! Your grand kids will be moooooslum. :::))) faggits
I hope they die out by the end of this century. Arabs and Turks are at least harmless due to their incompetence with technology. Germans on the other hand have cutting-edge technical and logistical skills and mentality of a Stone Age tribe.
>t-ther's never been ethnic tension before, its ireverese!
hahahahahaha, fuck off poolack-mutt
Hans is butthurt he will be replaced.
Well as I said the damage has been already done, the political climate in schools and universities leans extremely to the left , the liberals are the majority of the younger generation unless you life in the middle of nowhere
Also if you should happen to be from Vienna, you should know that districts like ottakring and Favoriten are beyond saving
>i'll just lay down and die
the post
Kurz, the product of rape sperm shall save you!!
>btfo all of europe when poor as as a polack in 30s
>some fucking muttboy is posting about the "bb-bolitics not goood and no fix things"
ok bud
You need to seriously get outside your basement for a moment if you think an ethno nationalist movement has the chance of happening in Austria
>Our only ally in this struggle are the Turks and Arabs.
t. Mehmet al Frankfurtistani
(((Spaces, spaces)))
You will not have control over your own land.