they take a holographic picture of the persons brain and are then able to upload a person’s memories into the brains of these organic robotoid clones who are programmed just lIke a computer. The technology the elite possess now has been given to them from the fallen angels and it is hundreds of years more advanced than they show the public.
Other urls found in this thread:
1970s-- Rand Corporation predicts that "para-humans" will be genetically created to do menial tasks in the future. In a totally different affair, (((Lord Rothschild))), who is a physiologist who has studied genetics, warned that self-centered fanatics might set up cloning shops privately. (((Lord Rothschild))) suggested to genetic scientists that a clone controlling organization with world wide jurisdiction to license cloning be set up to protect the world from evil men who might want to clone people for evil purposes. He called his suggestion ’Commission for Genetical Control."
is this what happened to trump? is that why he suddenly turned into an anti-gun nigger??
whenever a jew is talking about someone else doing something terrible they're referring to their schizophrenic personalities.
trumps a pawn from all ive seen
truth hidden in fiction
i agree, unless he's a victim of whatever OP is talking about or some kind of MKULTRA program.
I think in Trump's case is more about blackmail or threatening his family. Maybe they got him somewhere he didn't expect they would.
Dave and Eminem are more blatant in terms of being a clone replacement. Not only the huge difference in attitudes but also visible physichal changes (and I don't mean just getting older, or fatter or bulkier).
if they're threatening him and his family then IMO he is still a nigger. he is the president and the most powerful single person in the land. 18 year old kids go to war and die and bleed out in the battlefield on his orders. he's a 71 year old nigger. if he cucks out because he is afraid for his own safety then he is treasonous IMO. he has a responsibility to the people first in his public service. i really mean that. i would sympathize with him, but he doesn't have the right to sell out the entire nation for his own self-preservation or even his families, that's the fact. he should have stayed the fuck home if he wasn't read for the job. 350 million people in the USA, he can't betray them all and leave them enslaved and vulnerable to tyrannical governmetn just because he's scared for himself and his family.
Explains why he suddenly came back after quitting for good and not been seen for years
Comes back and shills for global elite his Netflix specials where aweful literally the 2nd last one I watched was a 20 minute rant about some dumb nigger getting strung up 60 years ago and muh MLK Malcom X bullshit it wasn't even funny or well told it was just not comedy.
I dunno if this crackpot cloning stuff is real or not but he certainly talks looks and acts different than the old Dave
theres the face2face tech too
i wouldnt doubt people at those levels could have clones, but im not sure about trump
pic rltd
How do they get their voices so similar?
it is dave, but also not at the same time
The new Dave is not the same person. I agree.
I'm not saying he's any better I just think he's the legit D. Trump and not a clone.
Although I don't want to judge yet. Maybe he knows something we don't, maybe he hasn't given up yet and has something under his sleeve. He seems to be the kind of guy that ran for president for vengeance, knowing where he was getting into. But maybe I've seen too many american movies.
>Although I don't want to judge yet. Maybe he knows something we don't
that's what i said after syria, afghanistan, DACA and a few other things too frankly. when it comes to coming for the guns though.......there's just no conceivable excuse for this one other than "i want to get re-elected" as the best case scenario, and "i was a deep state plant all along" as the worst case scenario. wanting to get re-elected isn't an excuse to infringe upon our most sacred cultural values, which procure our protection from tyrannical and overreacing government tho.
im no expert on organic robotoids, the voices are similar yet still it doesnt sound the same, i guess they can recreate the physical bodies to a certain accuracy that would include the vocal chords too
anons, have you started making the glasses so you can distinguish between clones/organic robotoids or those beig inhabited by something else? do cia niggers glow in the dark?
I'm going to need a little more proof than "Dave Chappelle's cousin said he was murdered and cloned"
I'm not trying to discredit the OP, but this is pretty wild stuff.
Don;t get me wrong, Dave Chappelle most certainly looked different when he returned. Buffed up and muscular. But I always wrote that off as just Dave working out in his time off.
Drugs and time will do this to a person.
Go check out progression of methhead mugshots, their faces change a lot.
Chappelle just started lifting and maybe gained 50 pounds of muscle, that changes a man drastically especially a really thin man that had a pencil neck.
People thinking he was cloned are fucking insane.
the link is quite informative, though one of the videos explaining organic robotoids has been taken down. to me seeing the (((rothshit))) connection with the cloning programms indicates it all. also the boys from brazil movie, the clones there, mengeles brazil twin town.. then nazi scientists coming to work for usa..
Zinātkāres centrs ZINOO
kas tas?
Dave wore his Dress in Men in Tights, he was always one of them, whether he knew it or not.
seems like (((holy wood))) has certain breeding programmes in place?
> (You)
>the link is quite informative, though one of the videos explaining organic robotoids has been taken down. to me seeing the (((rothshit))) connection with the cloning programms indicates it all. also the boys from brazil movie, the clones there, mengeles brazil twin town.. then nazi scientists coming to work for usa..
Is this the video?
I will take a look at the boys from brazil.
Miley Cyrus was a real person she did not want to go along with the program luckily they had been incubating her clone since Hannah Montana.
As far as how to tell the difference between a clone and a natural person it's actually quite simple the one thing you cannot reproduce artificially is a soul So clones break down and degrade over time.
When you see celebs hospitalized for exhaustion or going to rehab especially the crossroads rehab, they are literally going for reprogramming.
Also not all but most of those death hoaxes aren't actually hoaxes but stories they couldn't get ahead of quick enough that they have to discredit
this seems to be on point, a lot of info in this link -
>" His personality which used to be very direct, carefree, honest and refreshing is now flat and lifeless. He is certainly not charismatic, quick witted and charming like Dave was. "
^ This, used to be a huge fan and Dave not quick witted anymore
>Also not all but most of those death hoaxes aren't actually hoaxes but stories they couldn't get ahead of quick enough that they have to discredit
reminds me of alan rickman and david bowie death hoaxes
Idk about that but eminem's voice has been pitched on record since about '04, thats why he still sounds like an eighteen year old version of himself, so they could probably re-create the sound of any celebs voice from old recordings, since most people never talk to them in person anyway.
i have been thinking about abductions and taking dna for quiet some time.
what is if the armed forces came up with an idea of getting clones of pilots that are grown with an implant that allows to projection conscious from the original into the clone ?
this way you don't have to train another pilot every time the pilot dies and as a bonus the original pilots gain more and more skill.
anyway just a thought... but somehow it makes sense doesn't it ? like a bio drone
thats an interesting thought.. -
Madonna has a DNA cleanup crew that follows her everywhere btw, you can google that
its legit.. would it be to keep her dna from getting in the hands of others or to keep others from realizing shes an organic portal?
“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”
– G.I. Gurdjieff
I don't know what you thought he was but if you think he suddenly became something he wasn't you're dead ass wrong. He's a New York billionaire and close personal friends with all the people most of the posters here know are the enemy. As an average American man and genuinely decent human being, he never truly represented me and he was never what this country needs. He's the same exact bullshit we've had for several decades, how so many people got duped into thinking he's something new and different is beyond me. They got exactly who they wanted elected and you guys think it was your choice. They've secured another 8 years of generally passive behavior by the masses, by the end of it we'll have a bunch of animosity and frustration with the perceived establishment and they'll use that just like they have been time and time again.
She's basically possessed by Satan so who knows.. Satan's house is a house divided though so they do have big time infighting methinks
interesting link !
but than it would not make sense to put chips or any kind of non organic matter into the "original" body since the body is a pretty messy place.
i think the implanted stuff in the body might cause horrific effects of infections and inflammations and could cause a rather painful death over time or you would have to constantly taking pills so the body does not reject objects.
like the people getting new organs or in general stuff from other bodies that need to take pills for the rest of their lives.
Okay, I'm willing to treat any concept or idea as valid to an extent. There's some truly wild shit beyond human imagination going on in this world, and you guys seem to be reasonable about all this shit even though I have to say it seems like pretty obvious bullshit.
So tell me, what makes you believe this shit is real? Do you know with absolute certainty?? If you do that understanding should come from a place you can show me, if you're not certain it's some incredibly speculative shit and it's probably not worth considering beyond being a passing amusing thought. What are you supposed to do with this information anyway?
ruby rose was literally cloned from biebers dna, who himself was made in a lab, to push the degenderization agenda, which they soft rolled with the justin bieber looks like a lesbian meme
They could clone a sheep in early 90s, what makes you think they can't clone a human? Beacuse of people would sperg out over the ethical implications of course they want publicize this. 10 year old government laptops can mine more bitcoins than modern day nVidia SLI GPU miners...
>What are you supposed to do with this information anyway?
food for thought and new ideas... expanding the imagination.
What branch of government has these laptops? That's kind of hard to believe.
>They could clone a sheep in early 90s, what makes you think they can't clone a human?
no doubt about it! but i see it like an exact copy of the body but i have problems with the conscious part.
will a clone have the personality as you ? or will it be an entire different human that shares only an exact copy of your body ? or will it be you just without a soul ? so what makes you... YOU ?
search for TPW P4-15-NB on 4plebs archive and read your heart out.
>As far as how to tell the difference between a clone and a natural person it's actually quite simple the one thing you cannot reproduce artificially is a soul So clones break down and degrade over time.
>They could clone a sheep in early 90s, what makes you think they can't clone a human? Beacuse of people would sperg out over the ethical implications of course they want publicize this. 10 year old government laptops can mine more bitcoins than modern day nVidia SLI GPU miners...
For me, I am not questioning that human clones are real. Science has cloned many other things, and I don't think cloning a human would be out of the reach of the human race.
But what has me interesting is the concept of Organic Roboroids and Ultrasonic Cerebral Hologram's. These are concepts I am not familiar about.
The elites promote mongrelization of the low caste serfs and then horde the gene editing tech for themselves. They want to breed ~95% of people into low IQ goyim.
lmao literally every facial feature is entirely different
Sure that's all true, but how do they prove any of these other claims are also true? Just because they probably can clone humans doesn't mean that anybody actually is, let alone that they are doing anything with that beyond it being possible. Again, if you know there is truth to any of this then explain how you know that. I have no interest or ego about questioning it, there's nothing hindering me from believing this and if you believe it for the right reasons then you should have the insight to show me why.
Fair enough, that's perhaps a constructive thing but then again it has no inherent value. It could equally be true that this is detrimental. If it's absolute bullshit then it's only obscuring the truth that needs to be understood and actually dealt with. I'd recommend being extremely skeptical and dismissive of any "knowledge" presented that has no applicable use or possible solution. It's just an interesting thought and a distraction unless it's something worthwhile.
Okay, I'll bite here too. How do you know that's true, and for what purpose would they do that? More importantly, what is anybody supposed to do about it?
Sounds pretty fake
he was in his 20s and still sharp at the height of his popularity. he's 44 years old now
i know what you mean and your certainly right.
imagine the applications for the military... imagine you have a perfectly trained seal team and you could make copies of them so the originals never die and you have not to retrain new members while the experience and skill of the originals constantly grows.
like projection the conscious of the original into the clone and use it like a bio drone.
the idea is not new... just look at the idea for the movie universal soldier.
i doubt that the mil boys have not played with this thought... what do you think ?
i'm not going to insult your intelligence by giving an explanation that implies you don't understand that this is just the amateur hour consumer grade version from a year ago that we are allowed to know about while we'll never be permitted to see the advanced versions that will beused for psyops. i refuse to believe you don't understand this
Sure, it's entirely possible some dudes in the military have played around with this concept. Maybe even high ranking officials, and there might have even been serious consideration into making it happen. That's all incredibly speculative but reasonable to assume, but to believe that it's all been actually accomplished especially to some extensive degree is absolutely beyond reasonable speculation.
Just because it's a really interesting thought that could be utilized in absolutely incredible and diverse ways that some people would want doesn't mean any of those things are true or even likely. You probably have a ton of ideas every day that doesn't manifest into anything in reality, the thought really doesn't count.
I believe it. Eminem went from outspoken anti-faggot street kid to fag loving mouthpiece.
Don't you love how a start up pulled this tech from its ass?
Just like how Google was funded by a alphabet program when it was a startup
Seems kind of frivolous and useless technology, they don't have to resort to anything nearly that elaborate to do successful psyops. Radio was decent, television was amazing, and the internet is incredible when it comes to control and manipulation. What is actually happening and is easy to prove as actually happening is already more than enough than needed.
i know its a lot of ifs.
but than again how can we accurately know what exists and what is possible when we the people are constantly out of the loop ?
just think about the secrecy about the high tech industry... everyone says the are much further ahead of the tech they release for the public. it makes a lot of sense that you would sell tech that has become cheap to build to the public to fund new areas or next generation tech.
so lets says the consumer industry is always a few years ahead of what they are selling now.
but when it comes to mil tech the rumor is they are decades ahead... but these guys are not in the loop as well... maybe they are for their own field but certainly not in the field of the contractor that builds stuff for them.
and that is without the next if... so what is if crashed ufos are not just an idea or a meme or rumor. if that is true than they are far far ahead and we will certainly never know if the ifs are true or just ifs.
so since thoughts are all that we grunts have... i think we should never stop the mental gymnastics of thinking about the ifs.
maybe what we are talking about will be the next huge healthcare thing. imagine you could get a new and younger body to house your conscious while the old one is rotting of cancer or other things. i bet the (((big pharma))) has thought about this gazillion dollar industry that could arise clones.
but like i said a lot of ifs.
>fallen angels
are they aliens or demons?
He quit doing drugs and started working out. Trent Reznor is the same way. Why would they clone nobodies just because they tell jokes instead of cloning Hawking or something.
"aliens"=extra dimensional entities=demons
>"aliens"=extra dimensional entities=demons
I'm not saying I agree with everything in this thread, but on this i've come to the same conclusion
You know, listening to Dave Chapelle's cousin, this is insane, but to a point believable. Calling Oprah Windfrey a "queen bee" of the Illuminati is very accurate.
Also, another thing to note about Dave Chappelle is that he lacks the conspiracy theory aspect that he used to have. His latest comedy specials were really off putting.
why do they all need space ships ?
since demons are more like a spirit that can take over a body or have to be summoned thru a portal ?
or are we mistaking evil space cunts for something higher or lower ?
Oh yeah, link to the video...
If not some kind of fake replica, he has been seriously threatened and no longer is the same he used to be.
May be he was MKUltraed
In medieval times they appeared as demons, in a science obsessed, atheistic age they appear as aliens in metal space. I believe they're performing to an audience. If you look at the phenomena from a distance they are remarkably similar
>Being kidnapped by demons
Being taken to a lair, have your genitals tortured, be blasmephous things by demonic entities
>Alien abduction
Be taken aboard a spacecrafy, have sexual experiments conducted on your genitalia, be told strange and curious things about the universe.
It seems like an act, what the endgame is though is anyones guess. Read Jacquee Vallee
>metal space
Metal spaceships
no i get what you mean.
but the original idea is that this is not of this realm/universe/dimension.
it kinda disappoints me that they have to rely on what we call technology.
>Mystery airships or phantom airships are a class of unidentified flying objects best known from a series of newspaper reports originating in the western United States and spreading east during late 1896 and early 1897
Look up phantom airships, the use of technology is illusion to impress and deceive
checked the link user. if we just look at pictures then i must say its not enough. dave just got older like all of us do. i also dont look like how i did 7-8 years ago. do you have any other sources, any proof or evidence?
You just got an A+ in governmental studies.
Only a violent uprising and decades of continuing war can change the course the elites have us set on.
We fight now, or our decendants will be slaves... assuming they are even allowed to live.
Barbra Streisand reveals she cloned her 'beloved' dead dog Samantha twice
please don't get me wrong here the points you make a lot of sense but it all reminds me of a cargo cult where some things from another planet are larping as something they are not.
would it not be more impressive if lets say an angel shows up and thru to what it is and how it got created is closer to source or what we call god. you would feel the divine spark and its pure energy and all of the divine it represents.
because otherwise we would talk about something physical and what ever experience is beyond death cant be physical.
does that sort of make sense ? cause im having problems putting it into words...
The saddest part is that I trully believe in this.
Control. And ultimately, eradication through generational reduction: once the elite manipulate or directly control human social norms, they will reduce the number of people “nonviolently” by discouraging reproduction. This agenda is already in place in the developed world, with the “affluent, educated people CHOOSE not to have children, or as many children as the poor,” meme. What is pushed is selfishness, moral weakness, docility in the face of soft power, and unthinking obedience to peer-pressure enforced norms.
It is glaringly obvious what is being done, and where this is going.
Human labor and security roles are about to be replaced by machines and AI. Most people become obsolete and redundant at that point.
Your masters intend you for the slaughter.
Fight or die.
>does that sort of make sense ? cause im having problems putting it into words...
I'm going to be honest, i'm not following you. Want to try again?
You're talking about angels? I believe we were talking about fallen angels. The angels cast out of heaven to live on earth as punishment, in the bible it describes them as having their flesh burnt and their faces disfugerd, which sounds like a description of the "grey" ayys. I think we were suggestion that interdimensional being are the same as demons(fallen angels) are the same as aliens. Angels would be a different kettle of fish
Thats bullshit but I believe it.
checking this semi-rare all-letters all-lowercase ID
it also contains "nig"
>The angels cast out of heaven to live on earth as punishment, in the bible it describes them as having their flesh burnt and their faces disfugerd
if they are part of haven where the soul goes after death... how can they wear flesh ?
i get that demon and angels are not the same.... but we are talking about non physical things otherwise how can you become possessed by a demon ?
>if they are part of haven where the soul goes after death... how can they wear flesh ?
I think you're getting too bogged down with the physical/non-physical, maybe they have properties of both, maybe neither as we know it.
>How can they wear flesh?
Well, according to the bible they were present in the garden of Eden, so maybe they were flesh, but they also were able to shapeshift, so maybe they weren't. Maybe, the act of being cast out of heaven as we understand is to be made flesh? >How one can become possesed if they're still of the flesh or have a material body?
I think of it as more having the ability to influence our way of thinking or affect our souls.
So, street thugs and people with their pants rolled to keep them out of a bicycle chain are disguised freemasons?
>if they are part of haven where the soul goes after death
If you're talking about fallen angels, there souls have been damned.
i mean im not saying you are wrong !
but it sounds to me as if we give some sort of credit to something that absolutely fits the description but yet is not the same kettle of fish.
like we are calling some humans monsters while they are still human but are evil and sick to the core but yet they are not monsters.
no i meant angels... sorry
but is it not weird that the ones who's souls have been damned are occupying the same space/location as the ones who have not yet been damned or being let into the havens ?
nothing happened to him, you're just a gullible, blind mutt
>i mean im not saying you are wrong !
i'm not saying you're wrong either, i'm giving you my beliefs us I come to understand them on this subject, I used to be a hardcore atheist
>but is it not weird that the ones who's souls have been damned are occupying the same space/location as the ones who have not yet been damned or being let into the havens ?
The fallen angels punishment is to live amongst humans for all eternity, who can connect and devote themselves to god and go to heaven, while they themselves can never be forgiven or reconnect with God. Our punishment for original sin to live in a world with a lot of pain and loss and unhappiness , but we can escape it and be redeemed and one day connect with the god being. I understand what you're saying though.
this. understand projection and you will understand all of this.