We are not calling for the slaughter of white people...for now
They shouldve done everything they could to help Rhodesia. Now, theyre all alone against the horde
heil schwarz Hitler!
This is what happens when you choose Dutch heritage over the superior Anglo heritage
>Not getting out of South Africa in 2018
The writing is clearly on the wall! South Africans should seek any means possible of leaving!
Liberate South Africa?
Whites genocided the Africans and now it's payback time you dirty cumskins.
as if that shithole could get any worse, at least now the civilized world has another reason to stop giving the niggers financial assistance.
I’ve already given the Boers a plan that will work, they just need to act.
1) Fortify the contryside farms and store up ammo, food, and medicine.
2) Have a few brave Boers go into the large cities and attack water, power, and sewage infrastructure all at once or within the same day.
3) Let the cities fester for a while, and watch them eventually erupt into chaos.
4) Hold the countryside and gun down the smelly, unwashed, starving, and weakened city dwellers who will inevitably flee the cities in search of food and water.
5) Enjoy your new country.
which branch of our military would go help the whites if war ever actually broke out there
how do i legally get in on this
And western governments will just take it like they did when Zimbabwe did it. Niggers can do no wrong in this cucked clown world.
Implying you'd even dare complain if they started raping the bong girls over there.
None would. Your Jewish press would hail on the black murderers maybe and the black supremacist press ALREADY does.
They don't need your plan. They already have militias with plans to capture military bases and evacuate civilians.
>blacks trying to create their own ethnostate
>nu-pol thinks this is bad
1st volunteer Sup Forums militia when
it won't, it's been going on for a while and they chuckle if anyone mentions genocide. Fags on Redit literally wrote akshually: it's more like ethnic cleansing, not genocide.
I hope they go for it. With the internet and all the independent US reporters there, the (((media))) can't stop stories from getting out. It will be a dire warning to whites in Europe and American that this is what brown, shitskin third worlders will do if they think they can get away with it.
Let them have their country and watch it rot to pieces.
Let the white flight continue...
huh? he specifically said they aren't calling for white genocide. you fucking racist bigots can't even read.
We could bomb the rest> They are devil worshiping voodoo loving commies.
I like how the nigger boy set forth his agenda.
Your move, chicken farmers.
>d they aren't calling for white genocide.
FOR NOW you retarded mongrel
Dutch heritage
I hope he takes back his niggers from europe and gives the whites back to europe.
>it's more like ethnic cleansing, not genocide
technically true
Knowing the incompetence of dindu police and army, organised Boer forces could wage a successful Guerilla war and in the end make some kind of deal like guerrillas did inColombia for example. This seems to be the only alternative to slavery for them.
The best thing that could happen, is if the nigs go full 1488.
>has to be recognized in media
>white refugees have to be sent back to the west
>blacks smeared with racism
>ethno states become priority
>Reuters is euphemistically calling it "land reform".
Vote in South Africa's parliament moves land reform closer
>South Africa took a step on Tuesday to hasten the transfer of land from white to black owners when parliament backed a motion seeking to change the constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation.
I don't get this newspeak Reuters is playing to hide what's going on, and de-emphasizing the horror of this plan with an innocuous headline.
>Whites still own most of South Africa’s land following centuries of brutal colonial dispossession.
Annnd they're justifying racist policies with sins-of-the-fathers arguments.
Except many can't leave. Also them abandoning S. Africa is like running from the USA or Australia.
Please elaborate, user
Not gonna happen, whites will be genocided, the only people reporting on it will be right wing outlets like Milo or Lauren Southern, liberal brainlets will hail this as a victory for "multiculturalism" whilst unironically disregarding their own cognitive dissonance in regards to their own countries... same shit different day
Except there need to be a trigger for this.
The blacks are not going to attack all at once. So when do you decide the landgrabs and accompanying incidental murders reach a point where you risk the lives of millions of your own? Never.
soon. VoC battalion here we come.
Boers will win, the question is how many thousands will be macheted in the cities and eastern farms.
I have respect for this guy. Isn't cucked and will fight for his people.
Lol this is propaganda for racists
Africans are just fighting back
For his people? He knows damn well what happened in Zimbabwe and that this is not in the interest of his people. He is willing to have many of his own die go gain power for himself.
How far will white men be pushed before another actual recognisable separatist movement eventuates.
How much longer will it be before people take to streets and act in the name of God, Volk and Vaderland. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves at the stability they created only to be decimated by incompetence and inaction.
Everything is fine in the Rainbow Nation. You goys are just falling for nazi propaganda
Maybe so but nomenclature isn't the issue, it's murder, expropriation and the mainstream western media ignoring it because fuck whitey or something
What are the odds of Trump intervening if they go through with it?
pic related
It's finally coming
save the whites..
then the blacks will kill themselfs
Russia will most likely accept refugees for syberian farms but that's it.
How is this acceptable by other world leaders?
Are all just okayish with it due to niggers being retarded?
when you think about it, groids have a lot more in common with whites than whites think. Malema is bold, unapologetic, inflamed with righteousness, and willing to TAKE what he believes is his. a titanic force of will is crackling through him, and he may actually be able to overcome the wavering and frightened will of the whites
When Ghadafi was "killing his own people" it wasn't OK.
When they're killing whites it's OK because they aren't people I guess?
Haven't heard any "we need to interveene" or "we need to take white refugees".
They are too guilt ridden and self hating to do anything. They want their own kind to be punished.
Would be a good move.
>Accept white SA refugees
>Grant citizenship
>Gain millions of Replublican voters
Look at a demographic chart for Africa you cunt.
>"creating an ethnostate"
choose one, niggers cant create shit, only destroy the beauty of others.
They would rather tell their population about how the brave africans are fighting back against the evil white colonists. Fucking Nelson Mendela is seen as a hero in the west depaite being a literal terrorist and the worst thing thats happened to South Africa
>Falling this hard for a memeflag bait
>war breaks out
>whites are winning
>un """""""peace""""""" keepers get flown in
>they support the black africans
You really need to get the airports asap
>Living in the literal continent of niggers
>Expecting it to not end well
How? Are Afrikaners retarded?
>B-but we've lived here a long time! It's our home!
Still retarded, living near a snake pit and complaining when you get bit is fucking stupid.
Even if he did Some kike progressive activist Judge will cockblock him long enough for shtf.
I wish he'd sign some executive order granting refugee status to all white south-africans though, just to see the media kvetch.
>un """""""peace""""""" keepers get flown in
who would that be? Most countries do not have the capacity to send the kind of force needed to police a country the size of south-africa.
Don't a lot of white leftists support the EFF? Are they comfortable with this?
Shame we didn't finish the job.
And? What are you going to do about it, nigger? Post online? That'll fix the problem. Watch out, guys. We got a problem solver here.
This comfy fucker wouldn't go near a fight , he was likely raised in conditions better than 95% of white people and lives in a mansion , the second it turns to shit he will leave to America on his private jet
Probably not but they won't go near any situation where they might have to concede white could be victimized, it fucks up their worldview.
> It's really a shame white supremacists have to be white supremacists and also take charge of this issue. More people would be able to happily jump to the defence of white people being persecuted if white supremacists weren't so well known and dangerous that they're on the national mind set.
> I can't say that a democratic president would have made us intervention much more likely than any old republican president, but there is a near zero percent fucking chance that anyone touches this in the wake of a president who has seemingly too strong of connections, true or not, with white supremacy as a general issue. It's sad really. -- Redditfag
Perfect, they'll replace the Ukrainian farmers they genocided.
i think this every day i have to listen to fucking Abos. We couldve saved ourselves so much trouble.
He's a fat fuck too. They think wearing a beret makes them like Che Guevara.
It will probably be Germanistan and the irk supplying intel and materiel to the bantu hordes.
I don't expect based Macron to join them.
White leftist are this fucking retarded, literally sheep to the slaughter.
Come white man dis is just de new home for you, we will treat u well here in dis kamp.
Because people know where this is heading
>Whitey gets killed
>Country goes to shit
>Whitey has to fix it
>As soon as whitey leaves the country goes to shit again
>Whitey has to come in again and fix it
>Repeat until whitey is all gone
Sign this petition to notify the White House, and prioritize the immigration of White farmers to America.
Spread on social media.
Bomber Harris part 2 when?
>this obese fuck is going to lead a revolution
I say burn the crops and salt the Earth, leave the niggers nothing
There you go, typical libshit logic
> By which characteristics do you then define "European" and how does it explain your preference for them? I'd take a kind tolerant Syrian over an asocial apartheid-melancholic Boer any time.
> It's just contradicting for me because I associate being European with trying to live by Enlightenment values. I see European mentality as precisely vying to emancipate ourselves from tribal thinking.
That poor quality star. Oh my. His mommy must be proud.
Says the german.
>Implying you would even have to do anything except leave
It's not like niggers can use fertile soil anyway.
He's not wrong though.
Why don't the whites in Africa just move to the US or Australia or somewhere nice that isn't niggerville? if you ask me, they deserve to die there if they don't just leave the nogs to kill themselves off via starvation and new strands of nigger aids.
I wouldn't mind accepting them into the American Midwest and Northwest. In Pittsburgh we have plenty of buildings and houses that are unoccupied. They can gladly come live here if they're imported.
Implying they won't do this all on their own without intervention or sabotage.
This is one of those tragedies that are beginning to piss everybody off, like that person at work who lost a kid 8 years ago and still keeps bursting into tears at every opportunity not realising that sympathy turns to resentment when you milk it, and it happens twice as fast if people were offering good advice like get him to wear a helmet before the bike crash.
SA white genocide has been a fucking happening now for several decades, their neighbours in Zimbabwe went though it, so everybody knew how this was going to play out from the moment they released the white hating killer Mandela and white people lined the streets to cheer and celebrate.
You fucking morons, I've been coming here since 2012, there's been one or more of these aimless fucking threads on here every fucking day, many started by whiney south African retards who want to know 'what can we doooo to stahp the jennasyde lads?' and anons with good intentions replied 'GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE YOU MORON!'
The real tragedy is that the whites who are going to die in the worst way are the farmers, the rich whites who have the means to escape, but because their patch of Africa, as vast and beautiful as it is is basically worthless, they can't stand the thought of dropping from landowner class to pleb class in one move.
So it's arrogance and greed and ego that will be behind that moment when the hired help is raping and eating their kids in front of them, it's their own inability to accept that THEY fucked it all up, they THEY let go of the reigns of power and handed their destiny to savage sub humans, THEY are the fucking morons here.
so no more sympathy, the only whites I have any sympathy for at all are the children of the poor whites, who literally have no way out and who will be raped and eaten long before the mob descends upon the farms.
TLDR; get the fucking genocide over with already.
>implying saffers with any sanity haven't been preparing for this contingency since 1994.
This was only a matter of time.
Altruistic to the point of denying their existence as a people. Amazing.
>not niggerville
>the us
they are better of in haiti
I spoke with a SA a few months ago, he basically said that all anglo SA people already had prepared with Irish and Australian visas.
Because it isn't that easy to just pack up and leave. No country considers them refugees. South Africa is also their homeland, are you just going to give up and run away when the US becomes >50% white?
what a fucked up world we live in.