/ptg/ President Trump General - PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN EDITION


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump w/Congress members on School Safety 2/28/18
>Pres Trump @Billy Graham Memorial 2/28/18
>SurgGen Adams/OMB Dir Mulvaney @Natl Assoc of AGs 2/28/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec DeVos on HBCUs 2/27/18
>VP Pence/HUDSec Sleep Carson @Natl Religious Broadcasters Conv 2/27/18
>VP Pence @Life Issues Institute 2/27/18
>AG Sessions on new Opioid Policy 2/27/18
>AG Sessions @Natl AG meeting 2/27/18
>NSA/US CyberCom Cmdr Adm Rogers @Senate Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>US CentCom Cmdr Gen Votel @House Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>FED Chair Powell @House Financial Serv Cte 2/27/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 2/27/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/27/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @Governor's meeting 2/26/18
>FLotUS Melania @Governor's Luncheon 2/26/18
>VP Pence @Indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>2nd Lady Karen @indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>DepAG Rosesnstein on Fed LE 2/26/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


I might have missed the discussion but I just read T-Rex's dad passed away this week.


New baker needed, too drunk to go on, can't solve 5 captchas every post

Honestly you should just stop making threads. It’s just sad at this point

But why didn't Trump tackle him?

I feel so bad for the few sane leafs. Life must be suffering for them.



In seven years maybe

> the golden days of this general were around early 2016
Bullshit. Say a specific date you think this general has high quality discussion instead of exactly what goes on now

Convince me Trump isn't a turncoat sacrificing our 2a for some cheap"bipartisan" support.
Please do it. I want to be convinced.

>he thinks only 3 ways free speech can be shutdown

screaming ppl down with muh shills is also a form of shuttting down free speech, didnt u learn from SJW? i think you dont notice anymore that u have become the very thing you hate.

Trump looks so American wearing that outfit, I mean, The US is really a multicultural nation after all.



At least shill with the animated version. She really kikes out

So blumpf finally decided to ban every gun in America. Guess the ultimate patriot Adam Schiff was correct all along - only Russian bots would ever defend the 2nd Amendment, and real, true, and honest Americans are not Russian bots. The Russian interference has got to stop, and removing every single gun - especially the ones you own - is a high priority.

>every woman wants the Trump Tower

kek @ Feinstein




I need the pic of him shopping,
...for reasons
>also F


now lets shill ignoring this post because they cant refute it.

>lets pretend it didnt happen

Yeah not after that shameful display


imagine if obama had worn an islamic outfit like that


Here I went back and got it for you. Wanted to save it anyway.

this crop of it is all I have, maybe check NEWSWIRE mega

>grug sell
pump it

This is a picture of Trump stealing a lone soldiers gun right off the rack after he announced he would be banning everything with a trigger attached to it.

You think you can keep your firearms, but when he shows up in person and pries it from your warm pulsing hands you'll be powerless to stop him.

I think anyone cares what you and me consider stupid but calling people on you own cabinet names makes you look stupid just by definition, he choose Sessions, if he hates him so much then why doesn't he fire him?

Honestly, dude, I don't remember an specific thread with high quality discussion, comparing it to what takes place in this general at the moment, it wouldn't be hard to pick just a random 2016 thread and it'd probably have better discussion.

happy faggot? here's your (you)

Guess what she's wearing under this coat?

Perhaps, we made a mistake

besd i gan do :DD

i find it funny that /ptg/ shills have become so obnoxious that even Sup Forumsacks want them back to bleddit.

so much this

She's just giddy to disarm whites. This is the moment she's been waiting for since Sandy Hook.

>I think anyone cares what you and me consider
no one*
>he choose Sessions

Just try not to worry so much. I know it's hard to do especially for people like me (and presumably you considering your post) who care deeply about the Second Amendment and the RKBA. But this isn't the first time Trump has said straight up retarded things only to reverse minutes/hours/days later. Remember the Tomahawk missiles he lobbed at that airfield in Syria? The DACA amnesty? He has a long history of being flippant in negotiations.

I don't think he'll sell us out because he wants to be reelected and he wants to keep Congress in GOP control next year. If he sells out even a little bit on gun rights he would without a doubt lose the House and certainly he would lose reelection in 2020. Trump doesn't like to lose.

Static image does not do justice.

I'm betting on black lace. Do you actually know the answer?


such solid arguments you bring!




> screaming ppl down with muh shills is also a form of shuttting down free speech
That would be true in a moderated environment, which this place isn't. Here it is how it goes

> spouts bullshit
> get told "go be a retard somewhere else"
> cries to mommy "help, I'm being oppressed"

There are 199 other threads in the catalog and 300 posts every one of this thread, every single one of them one opportunity for you to speak whatever you want and for people to speak whatever they want to you. If you don't have an enough tough skin to be called names in a place where "nigger" and "faggot" are as common as punctuation go back to mommy




trump literally says, take the guns away.
good job, u guys did what dems tried for years.

I'd unwrap her and fuck her, if you know what I mean.

>San Francisco Cops
>Shoot 65 shots in 15 seconds
>No one was hurt

Jews are so fucking satanic

> I don't remember an specific thread with high quality discussion, comparing it to what takes place in this general at the moment,
Just say one date. Any date you believe this thread had this "high quality" you mention. I bet I'll find out two things

> the thread will be as shitty as it is today answer everyday
> there will be no or almost no post with a Mexican flag on that particular day, specially not a high quality one



>u guys did what dems tried for years.
oh yea,drumpf just swung by a while ago and took all my guns

We can't not worry about shit like this user. We have to repugnate him when he says things like this. Let him know we, his base, will not stand for it.

i am so fucking nervous about this. everyone keeps saying 3d chess and i still dont see the play here. what the fuck is going on?

So what kinda spin Will you put on his his bans?
What kinda spin you gonna do when republicans just say funk it and stay home?
Because trump just basically slapped his entire voter base in the mouth, and you think anything positive can come from telling people who supported you you're not afraid of them?

VERY pic related

stormtroopers confirmed


THIS, /ptg/ is just a echo chamber with no discussion allowed. why not call ur thread, "Trump Safe Space Thread" ? it suits them so much.

>Guess what she's wearing under this coat?

Early 2016 is just as bad. Remember the one week after Iowa?

Is Pepe white?

look at how happy they all are

Well, they may be as shitty as this one, but the 2016 had much more life, like you could see how enthusiastic people were about Trump winning the primaries, watching his rallies, it isn't the same now.

Your digits don't lie. FWIW, I've sent e-mails to my Congressman, both my Senators, and the White House (using the contact form on the website) urging them to oppose gun control.

> repugnate
Repudiate, I assume. And yes, that would be the correct course of action in any case, bluff or serious.

He's green.

I'm still going to the range today after work, and I just reported a sandnigger carryout for food stamp fraud and illegal aliens.
I'll bet the latter really bothers you. Good.

A wire.

>i still dont see the play here. what the fuck is going on?
it's mad enough to make you question for what purpose he's doing it, but he said it yesterday. Wait a few weeks. You can get angry if anything is ever signed, but for now stay comfy.


Didn’t she leave?

its a video in where he says it, stop grassping at straws trump shill

finally i get to use this


Working theory is he is either putting pressure on people to go out and vote for republican candidates to avoid gun control, shilling to get NRA members, or just said the wrong things in the moment. Could also be a combination. It sounds bad but nothing substantial will happen with gun control.

Pence staying cool

Wow. U guys will be shocked when u get translations of Putin's speech.

It's all over.

Hehe I LOVE Putin wow so epic xD


Give us a scoop or two.


Goddammit, did something bigly happen in the last 10-12 hours?


I don't care what he says, you dumb shit. I only care what he does.
>REEEE /ptg/ is censoring me
You are the biggest faggot I've seen on this shithole board in a very long, long time.

This isn’t 4d chess. Trump just fucked up big league

>i am so fucking nervous about this.
good. now go and call your congressman and senator to uphold the Constitution, especially the 2nd. and pokémon Go to the fucking midterm elections in your area.


Westward expansion?

Weren't they supposed to already have that?

>I don't care what he says, you dumb shit. I only care what he does.

this is /ptg/ safe space in a nutshell

>Give us a scoop or two.
>or two
2 scoooops!?

good, gotta stay one step ahead of zog-controlled Earth

i stayed comfy on the daca thing because i could see the play.
i stayed comfy on the syria airport bombimg thing because i could see the play.
and i am still pretty comfy on the wall

but i just dont see the plan here. he made fucking FEINSTEIN happy. for the first time my faith in the god emperor is shaken.

Romaniajoe pls show up. I need my link ;_;