Why do people need to own a gun?
I can't think of a single reason other than to kill someone.
Why do people need to own a gun?
I can't think of a single reason other than to kill someone.
>I can't think of a single reason other than to kill someone.
pretty broad but theres also hunting
if you can't you're a retard
That's a good enough reason.
What if that someone is breaking in your house?
Shoot down my Christmas tree
That could class you as a psychopath
>Why do people need to own a gun?
Niggers and communists.
You're not thinking very hard.
Self defence
That's the only reason
Jesus bro didnt you see those cops just standing outside the school while kids were getting killed? The cops wont protect you, who the hell will? You going to sit down and have a cup of tea with the crack head that just broke into your house and is holding a knife to a family member?
Yeah, honestly if you don't need something- you shouldn't have it. I think the federal government should ban things like smart phones, television, personal computers (aside from work-related activities), fast food, video games, movies, books, traveling (aside from when necessary), toys, music, etc. If you don't need it, you don't have it. Everything is for progress. The problem is, people have too many distractions. Too much freedom.
I'd want a gun if I lived in a 44% non white country
I'm not even American and I know it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. Fuck you commie scum
What's wrong with killing people? I hear it's the one thing you comies are actually good at.
>I can't think of a single reason other than to kill someone.
So what? Sometimes people need killing.
Sometimes you need to kill someone to save yourself.
Shooting pitbulls, killing robbers/rapists, eradicating prairie dogs, hunting animals, home defense, and target practice.
Up to 500,000 to 3 million lives are saved every year thanks to gun defense.
Oh it's a subIQ communist. No wonder.
To open beer cans and turn lights off without having to get out of my chair. It's the most American device ever created and shart not be infringed.
All private property exists merely because of force. Either I am willing to defend it more than you are willing to fight to take it, or an extension of it such as the legal/state ramifications of taking my property outweigh the benefits of doing so.
With this in mind, property is essential to life, and quality of life. Without any sort of property, you lack any means of sustaining yourself. If you depend on public property, you become at the mercy of the owners of said property. If you depend on community/family for property, you become dependent on family/community to continue to exist.
Thus you get into this situation of "what if the state lays claim to my property?" which it does in a social contract in most of the world; e.g., you "own" land that belongs to the state. It's therefore in the best interests of the property owning individual to hedge the power of the state to the best of their ability until a point where the state is too weak to maintain sovereignty; this is your "we've gone too far with personal liberty" stage.
So, logically, you want to make your property, and therefore your life or right to exist as strongly defended as possible. To inhibit your right to defense to those who may wish to deprive you of property is not only short sighted, but is the road to slavery.
>tl:dr; property rights are important to personal liberty. Guns are enforcers of property rights.
So basically your only argument is to protect yourself? Well can't you use something other than a gun? Why do you need lethal force?
Target shooting to prepare for the impending race war.
Why don't you need lethal force?
Police response time to a 911 call in my area is counted in hours. So yep.
A person attempting to kill you isn't going to be using less than lethal tactics. Why should you?
Stun gun or sleep darts or a blunt object work for self defense
Guns are just made to kill
I have no idea (((comrade))).
Yeah, this will work against nigger gang.
Your potential killer wouldn't have a gun if they were banned like they should be
If you have a stun gun and I have a real gun then guess what; you're dead. That's the point you're not getting.
Stun gun only works as long as you keep shocking the perpetrator. It doesn't work like you see on TV. As soon as you let off the shock, they can get up and fuck you up. No such thing as "sleep darts" and any blunt object is considered lethal force.
They would still have something to kill with. Even their fists. I would rather have all the advantages I could have in that situation.
Why would someone trying to kill you be using lethal tactics? You sound like one of those crazy people who shouldn't have guns.
This. If the government just bans and takes away the guns, there will be no more gun related violence. It's so simple.
Works in Asia and most of Europe
Mexico. Brazil.
Recently obtained a .38 revolver illegally for home defense.
I unfortunately live in Melbourne so I need to arm myself against the horde of rampaging African youths breaking into houses every night.
Should any break into my home I'll have to go to prison for using an illegal weapon against the intruders.
Such is life in the nanny state.
I carry a gun because the second my life is in danger nothing else matters. Of course they're made to kill.
you are an idiot and a loser to post this horrible virgin nerd bait here
Shart not infringe motherfucker!
better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
but meme flags are more real than that
Check the IDs
I'm phoneposting in bed now
hide them and make plant fertilizer out of them. you are australian, you guys always have a huge plot of land to grow stuff in and hunt crocodiles and big aggro kangaroos, I saw this in tv.
The actual non-retarded reason that the right to bear arms is in the constitution is to give the people a way to overthrow a tyrannical government.
Whether people would be able to actually organize to do this is another question, but that's the real reason people "need" to own guns.
Precisely why all governments should ban them. Guns are an excuse for terror and murder.
Canada reasons
Anyone that lives more than 15 Km from a city needs at least 3 types of firearm in their household.
Here in Canada we have plenty of animals that will kill and eat us.
In the winters even herbivores will kill, they kill and eat the contents of the stomach.
>City Protection
Deters robbery and in larger cities prevents niggers from doing home invasions.
bank guards and tellers are armed.
Here in Canada the farther north people go the more practical it is to hunt for food as there are no stores and supply lines are thin.
That's the default reasoning but it's a pussyfoot answer. It'll never become reality.
G0un control is just a necessity in a multiracial and multicultural society. Crime would significantly drop as a result.
The Rwandan genocide had the highest kill rate in history, using mostly cheap machetes. When the chimpout comes, you need guns and plenty of ammo.
Vietnam: mixed with farmers and soldiers with hardly any military training and no where near the matched tech as the US. Vietnam was lost by the US.
To kill someone
what's the gun on the bottom?
Whats the mod?
Let them break into your house and have their way with your daughter. You can always have more children or adopt one from the state.
>he doesn't know most of the gun deaths and terrorism of the last 100 years was done by governments
Don't expect people to give them up without a fight. Will you be volunteering for confiscation duty?
This unequivocally.
To kill communists!
Communism has flaws but its a good system. You shouldn't kill people over political ideologies.
You could just blow out their knees or something, not every bullet is fatal.
Self preservation
>I can't think of a single reason other than to kill someone.
the sole potential to be able to kill someone is in itself a tool of self defense, less violent that to-death hand to hand combat, or to just let your wife get raped and possibly murdered along with your children and dog
Surely worked on Utoya
I think I like you, Denanon. You're welcome anytime.
>biggest famine in history
>good system
>sleep darts
Communism didn't cause that.
Because I want to.
Killing people over ideology is communist ideology
>Why do people need to own a nigger?
>I can't think of a single reason other than to own something.
You mean the part where everyone dies out of mass starvation?
Fake news
>Communism didn't cause that.
You're right. Socialism did.
According to Marx, communism is a final phase that comes naturally after the means of production is returned to the working class ... no need for a totalitarian state, people naturally behave as communists.
China, Russia, and so on, were never communist, they were socialists.
because of civil war
>The Left’s gag reflex at the Second Amendment is a Pavlovian one, conditioned by mainstream liberals’ association of gun rights with conservatism. But the unilateral disarmament of the American Left is a recent development. Eugene Debs, reputed to be the hero of Bernie Sanders, responded to the 1914 Ludlow Massacre by urging labor activists to acquire “enough Gatling and machine guns to match the equipment of Rockefeller’s private army of assassins…The constitution of the United States guarantees to you the right to bear arms, as it does to every other citizen…” Howard Zinn wrote that “Thousands of dollars were sent for arms and ammunition,” to the Colorado miners from union halls across the country. The post-World War I era collapsed the labor movement across the board, but when it roared back in the early 1930s, it was ushered in by armed miners in campaigns like the Harlan County War (Urban unions hired mobsters to do armed defense against strikebreakers in this period, most likely because gun control laws prevented them from doing it themselves). It was this militant labor resistance that created the New Deal.
why does anyone need a spare bedroom? Why does anyone need a pool? Why do you need to tell me what I can and can’t own?
I don’t need a gun, but I own them simply because I want to. Fuck off commie.
Marx was clearly dumb as fuck. Maybe in his context his ideas were game-changing ... but to take him seriously today accuses a weak IQ, a childish mentality. Average anti-capitalist millennial leftist who never worked hard for anything haven't read a single page of any of das kapital books, but they have all the Marx's posters hanged around the walls of their messy disastrous bedrooms.
Im sure you want to own a slave too, Cletus, however there are some things you just shouldn't have.
nice false equivalence fallacy
Because Americans have owned firearms for hundreds of years. It is an ingrained tradition, and it's an integral part of our culture. That being said, a gun is an object that we have the option of owning.
We also have the option of eating organic produce, or fast food that is killing us at alarming rates. You have to understand something about the US - the idea of freedom from government interference and the concept of self-reliance is the foundation of our country. The point is that we don't need a government power holding our hand when we cross the street.
>muh false equivalency
Stay butt blasted freedom hater
if slaves had been armed, they wouldn't have been enslaved in Africa by their black African masters, and then sold away to every single continent of the world
He used the same argument.
Because I need to kill the fucking animals that try kill my animals. The animals that try and kill my gardens. And it's cheaper and more enjoyable for me to go out and kill a few rabbits, roos, emus, camels or boars for meat.
The left over meat I don't use, since I only have so much space to store it all, is given to local soup kitchens for the poor or homeless, or the local church, who have a tonne of kids.
I also enjoy using them for sport.
If they're a commie, I can think of a few...
your safety is your responsibility
why cant people think for themselves. Also sage.
Yeah, I need a gun to kill people. That's the entire point. That's why they wrote it into the Bill of Rights. To kill people who try to take my rights away.
This is a terrible false equivalency. I'm not even sure if you're serious, but in case you are - slavery was an obvious blunder. Human beings have no privilege of ownership over other human beings.
Again, guns are objects, manufactured in factories. Some people choose to own them. The vast majority of gun owners do so responsibly.
Please don't malign people by calling them names. Your stereotype of Southerners doesn't contribute anything to this conversation.
Fucking nice, dude.
What if I need to kill someone?
no fucking duh
thats like saying why do people make a burger? i can't think of another single reason other than to have it eaten
thats its purpose congratulations
is it really hard to understand that we have
guns for safety
food for hunger
women for breeding
and jesus for praying
I'll tell you what OP you can eat a gun and pull the trigger
"someone" doesn't exists. only friends or enemies.
To kidnap and torture faggot communists and then unload a magazine in their face so they need a closed casket burial.
Why do people post their opinions on the internet?
I can't think of a single reason. other than to be laughed at.