It's time to die, filthy peendoses

It's time to die, filthy peendoses.

Putin just announced WW3 and this is proof screen.

Other urls found in this thread:,417,center-middle,ffffff/img/var/news/storage/images/paris-match/actu/international/exclu-match-un-camion-vole-pour-transporter-le-systeme-lance-missiles-577289/5504402-1-fre-FR/EXCLU-MATCH-Un-camion-vole-pour-transporter-le-systeme-lance-missiles.jpg



which planet is WW3 going to be on?

And more.

What did pinya mean by this?

Find yourself a cover.

What the fuck am I even looking at? That's not Earth.

I wish

i know right?

We are going to war with Wakanda


These screens are from Putin's Union speech.

Recordings are available on YT somewhere.

that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat


That's fucking Florida, oh fuck oh fuck this isn't real, can't be!

Nice work.

The only thing we have against Russia is that not everyone there is like Putin.

Fallout 5 IRL when?

Can't wait to horribly die in a nuclear apocalypse or chill in a bunker.

Look out in the window. You already living in it

This I alredy have a bunker

honestly if there is nuclear war, the lucky people will die in the blast

Everyone always said florida had too many boomers.

Been looking at these pics for the last 2 mins and still don't understand those continents

from what final fantasy game is that planet?

That was very VERY unusual speech.
More powerful than Munich one

No, it wasn't. It was retarded. Videos were embarrassing too.

Is that supposed to be the North Pole?

What planet is it?

Is this supposed to be a post?

I think this movie was supposed to be about nuclear fallout and they just added in a clover field monster to the end for no apparent reason

thats what jay said

What happened? Did Putin declare WWIII because he found out he might get less than 70%?

Fuck off leaf your just pissed that you’re going to be vaporized by exploding nukes flying over Leafistan being shot down by us missles

what planet is that?

Good, nuke us and get it over with.

Why is announcing your country's capabilities considered starting WW3? The US and China flaunt their military dicks all the time.

Considering Russia is irrelevant globally and will always be in the shadow of the Soviet Union, no country would bother instigating a world war with Russia. It just isn't worth it considering what you'd get from winning a war with Russia (Nothing).

The power of russian 3D "artists".

>Everyone always said florida had too many boomers
it's about to get a few more

So putin plans on ending the Medicare and social security issues with boomers eh?
Thanks Vlad.

it should threaten you more cuz this 3d videos was created in MoD...not just a good bluff video

remember when they showed the "satellite image" of a NATO plane shooting down that jetliner over the Ukraine and it was a blurry lowres google earth map with a crystal clear jetliner and fighter jet and a line of bullet tracers drawn in?

The part you are referring to is him talking about "new American nuclear posture, which has relaxed some rules on when the US is prepared to use its nuclear weapons"

Бaхнeм. Ho пoтoм (c)

they edited the article

Boдяpы иди бaхни. Bвп cтpaны в пoлнoй жoпe пo cpaвнeнию co злoй aмepикoй, a пидopaхa гopдитcя paкeткoй.

> Earth if a sphere

Obviously fake.

It was shown on Russian TV, but not on English RT. They said that someone claiming from MIT sent this picture. Now, I won't go into details on why they even showed it, there are few theories, but they: (a) didn't say it was as some sort of undeniable evidence; (b) said it was from US someone claiming to from MIT, not from Russian source.

Now since you're talking about "lowres" images, would it surprise you that this "photo":,417,center-middle,ffffff/img/var/news/storage/images/paris-match/actu/international/exclu-match-un-camion-vole-pour-transporter-le-systeme-lance-missiles-577289/5504402-1-fre-FR/EXCLU-MATCH-Un-camion-vole-pour-transporter-le-systeme-lance-missiles.jpg

was used as evidence by Bellingcat and all of western MSM that cited him as evidence right from the start that Russian Buk was in Ukraine, that particular Russian brigade was involved. But I won't go into details ;)

Я пpocтo цитaтy из фильмa пpивeл, пpoкcипидop ты eбaный.

Лyчшe пeнcии пpивeди в peгиoны и инфpacтpyктypy.

лyчшe пpoкcи cмeни, вacя

Hy дaй ты eмy oтpaбoтaть cвoи кpoвныe 15 pyблeй (или cкoлькo тaм). Пapня oтoвcюдy ccaными тpяпкaми гoнят, пo cпинe и в зaгpивoк - пycть хoть пepeд aмepикaнцaми выcтyпит, я нe знaю...

Fuck fuck fuck, oh god no. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

haha Amerimutts going BOOM N SHIT

Shoulda chosen California

"And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!"

The whole world will be effected by this

I saw the photo linked from Sup Forums at the time and don't recall in what context or on what websites it was presented, so I'll have to take your word for it.
As for the accusations that Russia was behind the shootdown, I lost all faith in the western media around the time that they showed the solemn-faced Russian soldier holding up a toy monkey to the camera with the clear intent to show that the plane was a civilian jetliner, and the bullshit western media had the absolute brass balls to claim that the Russian soldier was "looting" the debris.
That was when I realized that you might actually be the lesser of two evils.
Routing a jetliner over an active combat zone of a conflict that includes one superpower and one nation that was formerly armed by that superpower and somehow expecting that neither side will have active high-altitude SAMs in the theater is simply a bizarre failure of foresight.
It almost seems too bizarre to have happened by accident, and as we all know the western powers are not above sacrificing the lives of civilians to secure a convenient casus belli

That movie should've either ended 10~15min earlier than it did or not have aliens at all, a bunch of pandering at the end with a woman single handedly killing a huge alien ship by having the accuracy and strength of a videogame character when throwing molotov
It was a nuclear thriller, yeah, but it got bought then had the cloverfield name slapped on it, also the movie gave huge spoilers in the beginning when it tried to make you think john goodman the bad guy by playing "evil guy" music when he was talking, great idea but horrible execution

That was literally cia psyops

>obviously fake
>didn't come from russian MoD or government
>came from random russian news channel
>they didn't cite their source for it
>western MSM plastered it everywhere to erode russia's narrative

you're literally a low IQ brainlet if you couldn't figure this out

All I know is I want to stay the fuck out of this spat between the west and russia.

I guess I need to find a home innawoods because it's starting to look like nuclear war is inevitable. Everyone seems to be prepping for it happening in the early 2020's.

What does it say ? I don't speak vodka

>Russia can barely support itself economically
I'm not too worried about Vlad

>Ice cream cones

Russian anons were posting it on Sup Forums at the time but now that you mention it the Russian flag posters on Sup Forums are so consistently obnoxious that it wouldn't surprise me if they are all CIA agents shitposting to make Russians look bad
meanwhile Russian flags on Sup Forums are some of my favorite anons

Post yfw americans start jumping the Mexico/USA fence because of the ruskies' missiles dropping from space

is that like fucking earth but in 150 million BC or something lmao

You have to keep in mind that not a lot of russians know english, so the ones who do tend to be pro-west to start with.

Putin is so cute with his 90's cgi

Your shitty win98 animations of the earth dont mean shit cyka

>i just saw it on Sup Forums and didn't know the story behind it, i just assumed shit and didn't check it.
I understand, as long as you learn from this for the future, it's ok

Just saw it on television. He didn't announce ww3, he just said that he has nuclea armament that can btfo the Mutts defence systems, and that Russia is militarily invencible and that there is no country capable of defeat them. That's all. Pure propaganda.