Sargons Youtube account is about to get deleted. Google have locked him out of his account
Sargons Youtube account is about to get deleted. Google have locked him out of his account
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kikes are redpilling the normies.
who cares?
Fake news. You obviously made the account Sargon of Akkad 100, then screenshotted that. What do you take us for?
Imagine if Sargon became nat soc, fuck me, the ride never ends
aww, were you subscribed?
All part of the 20 year plan.
Also the reason he wanted to be an enemy to the alt-right was so he could transition to UK MSM work.
Too little too late Carl
Based Jews
and nothing of value was lost
Jews win again, haha. Cry harder Carl. You can't compete with us.
Good, fuck the faggot and his cuck shit.
>muh I don't see race, group, ethnicity
He was and is worse than Kraut and Tea and it was actually HIM who told Kraut months in advance to doxx and get Rage after Storm fired. Fuck Sargoy of Mossad, fuck him to death!
Meh. Such disappointment.
Good. Fag
does he still think the alt-right are as bad as SJWs? if so
fuck him
Not a LARP. Check his FB account. It's real.
As hilarious as it is, its bad news for us, Sargon can actually put normies on the right track before they come to us looking for the answers he doesnt give ie the JQ and race realism
Sargon just confess you're afraid of Spencer and Enoch.
that's what this racist gets for talking to people like Anglin and Spencer
I hate Sargon, but he is right. You are as barbaric, subhuman and bad as SJWs. So please kill each other, so we can rule the world
who is "we"?
That is bad news, for all the edgefags here who can't see 10 minutes into the future. I have recently taken a dislike to Sargon, but if you just go "who le cares" then you're as bad as the SJW's trying to crush free speech
source? since he doesn't have twitter and shit
Good, fuck him
Take your medicine Sargon
Accelerationism is a thing so keep that in mind.
he wasn't radical enough for you huh?
well good thing he got banned! off to the fucking underground go any dreams of nationalism again!
Sargon leave you are not baby’s first red pill
literally who the flying fuck cares about these people they vomit up crap for shekels and clicks
they do some trendy keywords checks then there you go here is the video
average person has a life to live a body to feed
I know of no one in my extended social circle who even bothers with ecelebs
youtube should become tv and music streaming fuck the whole vlogger shit on it
Or you guys should give a fuck because Sargon is a starting point to becoming redpilled you idiots. Most of sargons fans watch alt-right stuff. It's how I got into it
sargon about to go 1488 on these kikes
agreed. the Alt Right ARE the cancer.
literally the reason Youtube banned Sargon is because the Alt Right keeps mouthing off and talking about "muh jews." haha... dude... if the Alt Right wasn't doing that Sargon wouldn't get banned. it's really not YT's fault.. and I'd personally take them over the Alt Right even if they DO ban Sargon 100 times cuz really they're just doing their job considering the Alt-Right SJWs they're dealing with lol
most people here agree this is the fault of the Alt Right, not Youtube. we're on your side.
Youtube wouldn't have to take care of this stuff if it wasn't for the Alt Right constantly having to mouth off about "Jews"
Look at this kike hiding behind his memeflag
Hate the smug cunt, but he doesn't deserve this.
Do you jerk off with a kekistani flag Jeff holiday you fucking grimy man child?
As an individualist I don't care about his shitty little problems.
Wasn't Sargon the one who had no problem with the dailystormer getting deplatformed? Was he too stupid to not realize they would come after him next?
Anyway, I am not going to celebrate this. We must fight back against this censorship or we will end up with a situation where the only "acceptable" political debate is between neo-libs and neo-cons.
Sargoing, Sargoing, Sargone.
Good news.
>muh kike
This is Youtube's place to deal with problems like anti-semitism. If you don't like it, LEAVE. Sargon's channel will probably be fine because he understands where the line is drawn and he has been mostly respectful. Kekistan isn't for the Alt Right, sorry bud.
He should get on D-Tube
How do you know he's banned. Areyou a jew on the inside?
I enjoy sargons and most alt-righters content that appear on warskis stream. Sargon had realised arguing against each other is stupid since SJW ARE STILL RUINING SHIT. Yeah alt right, hate sargon. But don't report his fucking videos because he doesn't agree with you. The ethnostate can be thought about after the sjws are fucking done with. Jesus fucking christ
Dang, if he deleted his own account by accepting defeat, it would be fine. If youtube gets away with it, its open season for them to go hunting the rest of the taught criminals who disagree with the left.
Tl,dr: Gotta suck that cock harder and more sloppy t. Sargoy
I didn't even mention Jews you fucking spastic. You are cringy as fuck with this shilling dude. The alt right are almost as bad as you.
>how dare does a private corporation with known views that don’t align with mine boot me off their free platform this is literal holocaust
Gee whiz I don’t know
Him and Warski in such a short amount of time
Someone go and start backing up JF and Alt-Hypes videos, we getting purged n shiet
Never thought Id agree with a fucking Aussie.
meh. Youtube is just responding to bigotry and the Alt Right. Sargon already pointed out that the Alt-Right can't seem to handle freedom and goes around talking about Jews, "niggers" etc... what do you expect?
It's horseshoe theory proven once again. Youtube saw a growing problem and took action. Not sure why people are so freaked out so it might be time to move on bud.
Please change your mind. He's one of our own. He's the alt rights shunned cousin but hes still relevant. Stopping communism is the upmost important
You can quit shilling now.
Come on cunt. I don't wanna keep repeating myself but we NEED sargon.
They won't just go after the fringe right but people like Sargoy and Alex Jones will be first to go. Entry level redpilling is much more dangerous as they reach the normies.
Go ahead, call it "Jewtube" again, faggot. You can't HANDLE horseshoe theory.
Freedom of speech is supposed be a cultural truth, something that people embraced, not just words on an old piece of paper. This is a white value in the states, jews fear the truth, fear uncomfortable words and jews most of all are worried of it all unraveling.
I was just fucking around I actually agree completely with you
The cruel fate of kekistan is here.
>He`s one of our own
lol no he is not he is a fat fuck that make 8k from his patreon and does not give a fuck about anything other then his videogames and his stepchildren
Wrong. Freedom of speech doesn't cover talking about Jews. The first amendment isn't just an excuse to vent your disgusting, hateful racism on the internet. Youtube took action.
Guess you'll have to deal with it.
Meanwhile people who learn to play ball can stay in the pen. I'm sure Sargon will be fine because he knows how to show respect to his superiors.
good. fuck that faggot
So that fat worthless fuck might actually have to do something that benefits society for a change? Sounds good to me.
>sjw platform gets someone banned
Thanks for the giggle shillboy, freedom of speech is absolute, when one thing becomes out of bounds it then opens the window of any and everything being out of bounds. Hate speech is a new age term to shut it down, people aren't afraid anymore and they won't back down.
I know he's an insufferable douchebag on every level, but he reaches the normies with entry level redpolls like no one else.
Nice hot take Dr. Autismo.
nice try, but fail.
the reality is, if you don't understand this isn't your place to talk about this stuff, try harder. Americans think they can spout off about Hollywood, Jews, etc... nope. wrong. not your place. not your nation.
I really don't understand why people think its acceptable to act as though this is your world, your place to speak. The fact is that this is not your place, your platform, nor your nation, so perhaps you ought to learn more respect and back down.
Learn your place and problems will disappear.
nazis like Sargon deserves it
Actually Sargons assessment was that three altright were niggers
Listen cunt we know ((they)) are the problem, we have to unravel this sjw bullshit first. There's points I want sargon to get from the alt right and vice versa but we can do that later. We need to work together against the equality diversity mess NOW.
Who fucking cares about how much money he makes, he doesn't choose who gives him money. I want all alt righters on youtube to make that much too. Sargon isn't taking away your rights and telling you how to fucking talk. The time for memes is over, we actually need to make an impact again
An old amendment written by old Americans... nah. The things changed and you can't seem to grasp that. Again, i think if you learn your place these problems will go away. You're not the one calling these things now so perhaps you could learn?
>Learn your place and problems will disappear.
Yeah Jews are above criticism right Moshe?
>Being this much of a faggot
No need hide behind a fake flag Dr.Sheckleburg.
Most people seem to grasp that. Why not you guyS? huh? It's not even fucking hard
BASED (((kekistani)))
finally, this old man is gotta go.
Yeah good one idiot, im trying to get us to all stop shitposting at each other and you're spruiking this shit. Fuck up and go after the real problem
Old is bad goyim. Young and inexperienced is best. Trust me dumb got. Eheheheee
>google accounts team
What's the /bottom/ of accelerationism? I'm not looking forward to trying to cope in a post-civilization world.
>someone called the purge on march first a few months ago
>it's happening
*(You) must be 18 years of age or older to schill on this website
Kikes are the enemy of mankind. The writing is on the wall, it is only a matter of time heeb.
The writing on the wall was about not fucking with the Jews though.
I doubt it's the alt-right reporting him. Probably just some butt-hurt blue-haired tranny at Google.
good, fuck him
maybe reddit would care
>Who fucking cares about how much money he makes
i don`t care how much money he makes he can make 100k but you guys assume he is in this for muh democracy or some shit... when he is only for his ego and money
sure he reaches normies but what will you do when he tells the normies that hey don`t go to the alt right they are "evil" and shit or look at those identitarians they are losers they have nothing to be proud other then what there fathers did or some shit
life is better when you know your place and do not try to be more than you are. most people uderstand. i myself grasp that and i know that there is a place for me to keep my mouth shut.
more people need to try to learn these things imo, would really help
Reality is bigger than you can hope to imagine idiot. Taking words away just makes you weak and stupid.
I’m this close to deleting my Jewtube app. I stopped using Google a while back, this is the only thing left.
> freedom of speech doesn't cover talking about Jews
Shlomo please.
There was a flow once.
Alex Jones >Sargon/Peterson/Molymeme >Alt-Lite/Lauren Southern > Alt-Right/white nationalist/racial realist > 1488 Fascist/pol/ > Vargpill > Tradpill
... oh, I see, you're trolling. I like :)
This is a really good way of making yourself retarded and sterile. Testing boundaries is how new information is brought into the world.
Meanwhile the channel still seems to be up:
We have a saying here: he who sets a trap for someone else will eventually get caught in it himself.
After all remember jews love black cock. Diversity for Israel. 40% of American Jews are part of the 1% end Jewish privelege now.
Or how the Bolshevik revolution quickly ate her own children and gave way to Stalin...