Reminder that God is neutral and doesn’t give a fuck about you, nor your race.
Reminder that God is neutral and doesn’t give a fuck about you, nor your race
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1 Peter 5:7
"he cares for you."
God is Japanese. Get over it.
God doesn't give a fuck about the mortal body. To him, genes are literally just a flavor of a human. Refer to that "there is no jew nor greek" quote.
"God is angry with the wicked everyday"
I dont believe in Jewish God.
I can relate. God sounds like an alright dude.
Rare flag
"God hates us all"-Slayer
Not true
God spoke to me last night he told me to tell you all that, muslims are 100% wrong and they should stop fucking goats and children
"the LORD" , his name is Yahowah you basic bitch christcucks
>2000 ago a god incarnates in some judean shithole
>spends 30 years doing nothing in a desert
>then goes full mccandless and kaczynski
>nailed to a cross
>300 years later some roman emperor suddenly makes it a official religion, wraps up all kinds broken telephone records about it and incorporates other pagan worship shit into one big mess of a fucktarded religion which makes no sense
>world goes to shit
>church dissipates into million subsects which make even less sense
>it's all pedophilia and homosexuality and intercult conflicts like all other religions before
Fuck Jesus Christ. Fuck Jews.
Cool aesthetics tho.
Anti-racism is gnostic heresy
>source: a jewish fairy tale
Retarded atheist going full retard.
In Christ. Outside Christendom, the Bible is very specific to say that God created every nation and decided on their borders.
>Reminder that God is neutral and doesn’t give a fuck about you, nor your race
Does that mean it's okay to be racist?
Monotheism is universalist/globalist. This is true for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
These nations will disappear at Armageddon, tho. Apoc 16:14-16
Sounds like random chance.
I don't believe in god, but lets say he does exist. Why would an omnipotent being care about such trivial things? The earth is just a speck in the vast desert we call universe.
Because the Earth would be the only interesting place in the Universe : there is intelligent life here.
Because he created everything in the first place for his own enjoyment.