With jews you lose.
With jews you lose
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Oy vey Donald, do something!
Based Trump standing up to the dirty polacks. Accept responsibility you revisionist cowards.
>Based Trump
Kike behind proxy detected
GTFO to oven, mosche
So it is done. America caved to the few Jews who raised hell over our law on Youtube. Are you serious, America?
The anti-Donald shilling is getting really bad today...
how can a truth seeker be a coward?
how can a liar keep projecting their cowardice onto others?
Can someone point to any policy position he's been consistent with except Zionism?
Trump is unironically looking worse and worse with each passing day at this point, and Ive been his biggest fanboy since the 2015 primaries.
The truth will come out soon that in fact poland started the second world war and that they gassed the jews
>*muffled "Daaaaaaaaadyyyyy" in background*
expected but still disapointing
Eh, it was expected.
lol fucking this
Sorry Poles, looks like the Jews got their claws in again. Hopefully you can weather the storm and hold firm.
Also might add, didn't awhile ago, Trump was up and talking in press conferences and stuff about how great Poland is and how their increasing nationalism is a good thing and all that jazz?
Oh but don't anger the Jews, THAT'S too far!
Cry louder, trumptard.
What a Jewish cum guzzling fat lying conning faggot Drumpf is.
God fuck him, con man, traitor and jewish stoge.
>"oy vey, you don't want to be blamed for the Holocaust. despite you not participating in it?"
>"well, our american slave-,friends are going to sell you out to Russia and block you everywhere"
Can we get a President Nehlen Gen going?
I'm getting sick of sending this faggot my energy and having him grovel to ZOG all the fucking time.
Poland, be prepared, the Russians are coming
Poland is the dumbest country ever
Let's make a deal with Russia, GTFO Ukraine and we give you Poland
they extermination camps were Polish, not German
>Let's make a deal with Russia, GTFO Ukraine and we give you Poland
hohol pls
And the wind whispered to Merkel
>go East
And thus she did
>America doesn't tolerate retarded anti-free speech laws
What's wrong with that again?
The American government issued an ultimatum to Warsaw. The representative of the Polish authorities cannot meet President Trump, Vice President Pence or any other American official until the crisis of the Polish-Israeli relations is solved as Onet.pl reported.
The sources of the title connected with the Polish diplomatic communities reported that all meetings at the highest level were frozen and the demands of the US are unambiguous enough.
Poland takes the chairmanship in the UN Security Council since May and it was planned that Andrzej Duda, the President of Poland and Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister will pay the official visits to the US. The Foreign Ministry of Poland considered this visit as the most important diplomatic event of the year and put prominent efforts to organize the meetings with President Trump and Vice President Pence. However, the White House signaled due to the Polish-Israeli crisis.
‘The Americans reported us in a delicate manner that there will be a problem with the organization of the meeting with the U.S. senior-most officials’, the source reported.
The Polish mass media also reminded that President Duda visited South Korea due to the 2018 Winter Olympics at the beginning of February and attempted to meet Mike Pence, the U.S. Vice President but the meeting was not organized.
The Polish authorities did not officially comment the situation.
Get those mutt troops off polish land while you're at it Drumpf
A man chooses
A slave obeys
America is a slave nation
Poland will cave
The EU hates them
Russia hates them
They can only count on the US
Good, we can't tolerate revisionists
All Jews have to die, of course
>b-but america is our best friend and ally
the state of the typical braindead idiot in poland
What makes you think we are fishing for anyones sympathy?
US hates them too now. Rest assured that Poles wont budge
full damage control mode, US Jews want The US out of Poland
Jail all Polocaust deniers!
Yeah it's like the first time someone betrayed us.
PHAHAHA How are trumpfarts ever going to recover ?
It's funny really. First EU thought they can blackmail us with taking away our status in EU and money if we do not take shitskins, and was suprised we do not give a flying fuck, now USA will be suprised that we do not give a fuck that they will "unfriend us"...
we hate you all back twice as hard
we will eat stones and piss blood before we go back to marxism and willingly destroy our own homeland
fuck off and fuck kikes, time to look for all those alleged jews who died, let's see how many deaths were in reality
Russians don't hate Poland. Stop saying bullshit.
Yes, Satan
yeah, but you have funny way of showing that
That's because Poland acting as tsundere.
you only betray yourself by being an idiot, who would trust americans? only the most retarded people
>expecting jews to understand concept of bravery
I like Kiev and would move to Ukraine if you guys would let me bring my guns
because our elites have tendency to die when visiting Russia or lands around Russia or when Russia visits lands around itself
totally justified
also if there weren't so many thieving asshats - i had to watch my luggage and beat back aggressive cabies constantly
>m-muh guns
stay where you are, slave
US allows dual citizens to run for office.
Plenty of Repubs and Dems are Israeli and will put it first.
You could enlist to their army, they definitely would like to have a guy with his own equipment.
Go right ahead thier country is in such shambles that you could bring a tank and a bottle of vodka would be enough of a bribe to get in.
pols are pussies, i got into a fight with 3 of you weaklings at a bar in leviv. too easy
Russia isn't invading anyone, you moron.
The .eu is the biggest enemy of Poland at the moment.
EU have no army... NATO on the other hand.
Butthurt Poles and butthurt Polish diaspora ITT
>lol slavs
Judging by all your posts you're the one that's butthurt the most. What's the matter a strong polish plumber took you mother away?
I can guarantee you nobody's butthurt here except for you perhaps.
Poland is gonna do it their way and murica has nothing to say here.
let's play the mirror mirror game with a bunch of retarded Poles
no you are, no you are
Poles are the most retarded nation in Europe, and by far, even people living in the mountains in Romania are more advanced than you
>Poland is gonna do it their way and murica has nothing to say here
Quoting our former minister of foreign relations :
“We can only do a blow job”
We’ll cave in soon enough or have a coup or have someone assasnated.
I wish a strong (hung) polish plumber would take me away....
Irrelevant subject of Brussels detected
>Polish-Israeli crisis
Polish-Israeli crisis
>Polish-Israeli crisis
Polish-Israeli crisis
>Polish-Israeli crisis
Polish-Israeli crisis
This really has nothing to do with arguing over stuff that happened 70 years ago. It's just a way of attacking Poland for not participating in the rapefugee invasion. If they would change their mind on the rapefugees, this holocaust beef shit would disappear the next day and the media would act like in never happened.
Doesn't look good. EU hates us, US is irritated. Guess we have to prepare to drop our living standards if we want to keep this piece of land safe
This is pathetic.
Did trump Ok this or does he even know about the shit going in his government.
Just stay strong I guess.
This isreali bullshit is temporary.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
What about the 3 million poles who died.
can someone give me a quick rundown on the Polish-Israeli crisis
Like no one expected America to react. Pretty noob move from Poland.
Agreed. It is germany propaganda. Poland was dumb enough to sell all news, tv stations to german owners. Now you have german propaganda everywhere telling you every day that you hate Russia and Russia hates you. Russia does not care anymore about Poland, all they want now is secure border with nato, all that matters now is china.
0.1% of Poles and 10% of Jews collaborated with the nazis
Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996
Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65-300 billions worth in physical assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.
Basic history
Jewish lobbying
Polonia counterattacks
U.S. State Department responds
this. first you grab em by the pussy then you grab their guns
>polish israeli crisis
Oh, it's a "crisis" now. Look at that, boys.
what are they gonna do if poland doesn't obey? cancel visa free entry for poles? xD
So when do we ally with Russia? Or is it China now?
>6 millions jews died on WWII user! that is horrible and we must talk about this for years to come
>but what about polan getting teambanged from nazies and commies at the start of the war and the aftermath?
>user get out of class and talk to the director for being lack of empathy
>With jews you lose.
holocaust gets WAY too much attention.
China probably. It would make US jews shit bricks
>goyim still believe in holohoax
Fuck off. What if Poland had our own spies in Auschwitz already in early '40s? What if there are still people alive who remember Jews being killed in concentration camps as well as on the spot during operation Barbarossa and later randomly on the streets?
There were apparently 3 million Jews in Poland before WW2 and less then million after WW2.
Eastern Europe will not buy into this bullshit.
What even is the point of that? Do you think that normies will be more sympathetic to killing Jews if you tell them Nazis don't want to kill Jews or what?
Not sure if you were sarcastic but we need visas to enter.
Based Mexican.
Russia and Iran here we come. Good job kikes you have just planted a seed of authoritarianism in the centre of Europe, that will for sure end well for you.
>they extermination camps were Polish, not German
Do you mean the one built after the war with a disconnected chimney?
fake news
Actually it was russians that build that as after the war soviets used the camps as pow prisions. Dunno if they used the gas action features left by germans.
>So when do we ally with Russia? Or is it China now?
This is bollocks. The only important economic area in Eurasia is either Western Europe or eastern China and we have no trade relations with China, so Western Europe is the only thing left
>gas action features left by germans.
Yeah, sure. They don't give a fuck about no anti-free speech laws when it suits them. Like in Ukraine. But when it's jews. NO, NO, NO!!! Can't have that!
Why in the hell would you move from USA to Ukraine?