
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump w/Congress members on School Safety 2/28/18
>Pres Trump @Billy Graham Memorial 2/28/18
>SurgGen Adams/OMB Dir Mulvaney @Natl Assoc of AGs 2/28/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec DeVos on HBCUs 2/27/18
>VP Pence/HUDSec Sleep Carson @Natl Religious Broadcasters Conv 2/27/18
>VP Pence @Life Issues Institute 2/27/18
>AG Sessions on new Opioid Policy 2/27/18
>AG Sessions @Natl AG meeting 2/27/18
>NSA/US CyberCom Cmdr Adm Rogers @Senate Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>US CentCom Cmdr Gen Votel @House Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>FED Chair Powell @House Financial Serv Cte 2/27/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 2/27/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/27/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @Governor's meeting 2/26/18
>FLotUS Melania @Governor's Luncheon 2/26/18
>VP Pence @Indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>2nd Lady Karen @indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>DepAG Rosesnstein on Fed LE 2/26/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


Little did we know...

This is the second bread I've ever made, so I have one thing to say:

Fuck Joe.

>recused himself from Mueller fraudulent investigation
>put out a statement against Trump
>had dinner with his unAmerican subordinates
>made sure the fake news was there to photograph them, to send a message
Trump needs to fire Mr. Magoo NOW

I could of swore Joy Behar was a kike

thank you BongOP
I swear I didn't sneak any butterknives into the thread

thanks for baking!




Grats on the split

You're right, Trump never said he wants to take guns from people without due process, that's just shilling

figures she got Lori'd
>no Losif
Why would Joeisjoe kill a fan?

assuming that this isn't 4D Comet Ping Pong and Trump did goof up, he's going to have a huge incentive to make a splash at the trade meeting today
apparently no one is sure what's been decided yet, but an urgent need to repair relations with Republicans could make Trump go full economic nationalist


President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Moscow would regard a nuclear attack on its allies as a nuclear attack on Russia itself and would immediately respond.

Putin said that
>"Russia had tested an array of new nuclear weapons, including a new nuclear-powered missile at the end of 2017 which could reach almost any point in the world and could not be intercepted by anti-missile systems.
>“We would consider any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies to be a nuclear attack on our country. The response would be immediate,” Putin said in a speech to Russian lawmakers.
>Russia has tested new nuclear weapons, including a nuclear-powered cruise missile and a nuclear-powered underwater drone, that would be immune to enemy intercept.
>The nuclear-powered cruise missile tested last fall has an unlimited range and high speed and is capable of penetrating any missile defense.
>the high-speed underwater drone capable of carrying a nuclear warhead could target both aircraft carriers and coastal facilities.
>Russia also tested a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, called Sarmat, with a range and number of warheads exceeding its predecessor."

Can't help but feel like it's your fault, Joe.

This one was made first so recycle mine afterward.



Hopefully he'll slap those 50% import taxes that Ross recommended.

Man, this bill is going to be a doozy.
Wonder if they'll even put confiscation in there?
>This is gonna be great.

Joeposters are the only reason you get new breads


Donald Trump said that from his office window he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.

He spoke to WWOR/UPN 9 News via phone to describe what he saw.



Trump's uncle helped steal/suppress Tesla technology which is used for HAARP technology in Alaska.
→ → → (You)

Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11 from HAARP, Alaska - at the time of "impact"
→ → → (You)

Hurricane Erin on that morning swerving off unnaturally to the east prior to impact as a consequence of manipulation of the ionosphere, on the morning of 9/11
→ → → (You)

Donald Trump had prior knowledge the attacks were to take place
→ → → (OP)
He claims he witnessed not only the plane strike
→ → → (OP)

but also "Muslim's dancing in celebration"
→ → → (You)

We have proven that the planes didn't exist in the aviation bureau here:
→ → → (You)

Have of the initial "strike" which are devoid of planes
→ → → (You)

Bush's former advisor is in agreement that there were no planes used:
→ → → (You)

The steel columns of the building demolecularize, which is not a thermal reaction:
→ → → (You)

and there was no "thud" seismic impact upon the basin of New York upon the "collapse" because the materials were turned to dust mid air
→ → → (You)

An Israeli art group were given access to the towers during the year 2000
→ → → (You) [see image]


Not a good way to start my day. I feel sick.

This is so sad why is ptg still a thing?

>no awoo
>fuck joe
You should probably bake more often.


Thanks for baking, and apologies for the split.

You're right about them being afraid of seeming to patriarcal, however that doesn't preclude them from bragging. In fact it emboldens them to brag more about how progressive they are

stop worrying and let it play out.

>Why the fuck is DACA even on the table you retard?
it expires in 4 days, the whole thing was intended to split the democrats in two right during midterms. There are grander plays to be had than simply Y/N to a policy. Trump is a businessman, not some autistic politician that can't see the forest for the trees.
>because it weeds out the disloyal and the stupid.
I am regretful for being a bit hysterical over Syria but once the play was obvious I settled down quick enough. Now Mick and Wilbur openly admit the purpose of it was for Chinese Diplomacy (which is kind of insane when you think about it)
you have two options
>woah I don't like what Trump said here at all, I'm going to call my congressman and Senator to tell them how I feel. Well we do know Trump though, best also wait until anything is actually signed before I become a shitflinging retard.
>tell me what he is getting in exchange for gun control?
he's already baited you into thinking he's going to sign gun control, I can't imagine you'd understand whatever potential benefit he gets out of SAYING this stuff
nah it'll be something like 'well yknow when you think about it a lot of gun regulations are anti-constitutional, bans on automatic rifles for example' and then all the cry babies will run away into their den of snakery to never be heard again for months to come
>I can just see your little brain searching for any possible reason he would do this.
well people who aren't braindead retards actually try use their brains to rationalise things. Considering Trump just last week was talking about the importance of the second amendment (putting above his beloved tax reform) and then this week saying democrat shit, it is cause for concern and we must look at the deeper reasoning behind things.
>go against right wing wishes in public
Trump said thing?

Here OP, you can borrow my personal awoo

My problem with muttposting is that it just isn't funny to me I guess. I don't mind laughing at myself and appreciate the banter on this board. I especially like when people play off the banter and post self deprecating humor. Like just as an example, not making fun, when countries like Sweden makes some Muslim joke, making fun of himself in a way. Hell, I could be your stereotypical redneck joke. I have that country boy Midwestern accent, love the 'murrican flag, and own a shit load of guns (just kidding CIA, they all got lost in a tragic boating accident last week - dunno what I was doing on the frozen river in a boat this time of year but it happened). Anyway I don't wear cowboy boots or a cowboy hat or anything, but the point is find it funny when anons post shit making fun of hicks and the American pride stuff. Like "MUH GUNS MUH FREEDOM"! And the "rural and suburban retards" stuff.

Anyway, that was damn near a novel
tl;dr people need to relearn how to laugh at themselves. Learn to take and receive banter for fuck's sake. Now carry on with the shillposting now that I got this post over with.


>cuck for lefties
>they still dogpile you

Everyone's' jumped ship.. it's over.

There's no hope just end this fucking world now.


I like awoo but your holy digits confirm it.

>Can't post awoo in my own bread.

>Look where the ball is right now.
I was never good at sportsball game match competitions so you're going to have to elaborate. You really think Democrats are going to keep hammering the trannie/gays/women pay gap/other bullshit ""social issues""? I wouldn't put it past them since they never knew to quit with that shit during the 2016 election cycle which started entering people's minds like like 2014 so that's when you can test the waters on what to run on, but they just picked their strategy and went headlong into that all the way and basically kept doubling down on it. Then they got totally BTFO by the Republicans in general, even the terrible Republican candidates that should never have been on the debate stages given normal circumstances. But basically the knife was twisted extra hard by Trump. Some man who admittedly was important and politically involved for decades but if you asked the random voter you'd hear a "who?" if you asked if they were voting for Trump before it got serious in the elections.

Point is: you think the Democrats would learn and maybe not push the trannies/wage gap/muh equality shit anymore as their main platform, but I think that's the only sort of issues they have to appeal to. Both parties are full of corrupt assholes, but the Republicans win in the issues that appeal to Americans. Gun rights, immigration, etc. And unless the Dems learn this really fast, they'll lose every coming election.

Remember to keep this bump to recycle later:

Jesus, all the nice Americans are crawling out of the woodworks

does anyone know what countries are the biggest exporters of steel and aluminum to the US?

It was right to be upset about Syria, he was new and it seemed like a hilldog move. She even said he should bomb syria in an interview before he did it. I'm glad it turned out to be nothing. DACA also was upsetting but by that point some of us were going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now hes really going out of character and it seems very safe to assume hes not going to cuck us.

isnt that fat shaming? Hypoctirical niggers

Who is saltier right now? Joe, or John Podesta.
Joe is like perma-salt poster douche, but Podesta seems to be getting awfully wound up lately. Is he headed for a spurg?

>>Russia also tested a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, called Sarmat, with a range and number of warheads exceeding its predecessor."

Here's obvious propaganda video of it.

It's Canada

China and japan I think?

Jesus take his dick out your mouth. He’s literally getting nothing from supporting gun control. DACA isn’t ending on March anymore be got BTFO by the Supreme Court

Actually DACA is not expiring on March 5th, from what I understand the supreme court decided not to expedite the appeals process for the federal court ruling that DACA must continue, saying the case needs to go through the proper channels. March 5th is not the deadline anymore. Also I just got here, I'm not the user you replied to.

>Now hes really going out of character and it seems very safe to assume hes not going to cuck us.
of course, and you should believe that until he signs anything. This is almost an exact repeat of the DACA issue. I guess Trump saw a window to take whatever advantage he saw with that but also with gun control.

He looks like that guy from LA Noire

>I am regretful for being a bit hysterical over Syria

I wasn't. Though I wasn't posting Kellyanne then, I told anons to remain calm and not succumb to knee jerk reactions. But the shilling was unbelievable. Arguably worse than post Iowa.

Some recovered, others made fools of themselves and completely disavowed.


>friend freaking out over Senator "if I had the votes..." being happy during the meeting
>say like when Schummer and Pelosi were happy about the DACA meetings early on?
Fucking lolbertarians, man.



This is a nice thread. We are nice here.

>take his gun now, due process later
No amount of damage control will undo the fuck up he just committed

>He’s literally getting nothing from supporting gun control.
It is hasn't even been a day since he made those comments.
I'm unaware of this change and I find it hard to understand
>Arguably worse than post Iowa.
were the post pussy tape and november 7th shilling not worse? the Syria shilling was definitely awful though

People can meme about 4d chess all they want and even if Trump doesn't take action people wont forget this. This isn't like DACA where no one gives a shit what happens.

Nobody gives a flying fuck what Shapiro has to say. It's the base.

When even the asskissing sperg on the_donald are saying they're furious and done with Trump if he doesn't walk it back, you're in deep fucking shit.

yeah trump isn't going to be reelected after this bullshit. He's a gun grabbing cunt. If he does run again they are going to primary him so fucking hard with all these soundbites.

I lost hope during Syria until a few weeks later. I am still really pissed about gun control, but I am waiting out until I hear what he wants in return. In any case, all burgers should be vocally against Trump even if it is a play to remind him his base won't tolerate 2nd amendment infringement.

>and you should believe that until he signs anything
You are literally vindicating Obama's gun grab speeches with this logic 'just wait until he signs anything' and he didn't. Words have meaning and consequences and Trump made himself target by making these anti-2A comments such as "I like taking guns early/first", "due process second" "age restrictions to 21" - his own mind speaking his own opinions.

He could've achieved the exact same gun control politics from Democrats just by posting SHALL NOT INFRINGE on twitter, but no, he started speaking like a democrat and even going against NRA's recommendations.

You can say chess and memes, I say he spoke his own legitimate mind with these and they're really bad positions for conservative/supposed 2A POTUS.

Now did he do something like trying to persuade idiots to slam every gun control thing into 1 bill BUT leave CCR away from it? Yes. Is that good? Yes. Does it excuse his terrible opinions? No.

I'm pretty sure muttposting is nonwhites and "pureblood" whites' way of dealing with insecurity. Targeting insecurity is the way of Sup Forums, and that's what muttposting is all about, but I'm not insecure about my mixed European ancestry. I was insecure about "fedora" and "manlet" and laughed at myself for those things, but muttposting has less humor and more anger in it.

I was among the guilty. It has taught me a valuable lesson though, to always give Trump the benefit of the doubt. He knows why people voted for him

Yeah tell me what he could possibly get from advocating for gun control while actively taking a shit on his support base?

John Podesta is laughing.

>where no one gives a shit what happens
Wtf I love amnesty for millions of illegal spics now.

uh oh

Good, you will be easier to chip that way.

We are a country of peace

Pussy tape was too funny for shills. Even /ptg/ thought it was absurd

The only good one was the original >le -1% face one. That got a pretty good laugh out of me. Then it got ran into the ground with all the other negative percentage additions.

Give it to me straight /ptg/ did he cuck us? Was he really a democrat?

They can brag collectively but not individually
>In Sweden, we reject male privilege!
>I'm the best at it!
That's the difference. They might brag about how cucked they are, but a Swede would never say the second part.


How did you infiltrate them?

If they start infringing on the second amendment then it will just confirm the Constitution is just a piece of paper, not that I really give a fuck about it


He's all over the fucking place right now which makes me apprehensive to hold any opinion on this outside of slight discomfort until I see something in writing.

hmm might be 4D chess

>I'm unaware of this change and I find it hard to understand
A federal court ruled that Trump must continue DACA, and that ruling must be appealed within the judicial branch. In some cases you can expedite the appeal, but in this case, the request for an expedited appeal was denied. In effect, the federal court has extended the deadline; until an appeal is granted, Trump must follow court orders and continue the DACA program. That's how separation of powers is supposed to work, no matter what you think of the ruling itself.


Is this in commiefornia?
When someone tells you nothing is wrong, something is probably wrong...

>look at clock

>Three or four wenches where I stood cried, “Alas, good soul!” and forgave him with all their hearts. But there’s no heed to be taken of them. If Caesar had stabbed their mothers they would have done no less.

You microcephalic trumptards are so fucking blind

Well there we go, right from the horse's mouth. Hope this quells some of the naysayers

like a clockwork

>were the post pussy tape and november 7th shilling not worse?

No. The tape "scandal" was over within 48 hours with the second Presidential debate. Which, in my opinion, was also the best out of all of them.

Precisely. To this day, I have never lost faith in him.

H...he's not taking it away?

This kills the shill

>Gun control bill should emerge
>Respect the 2nd amendment
He’s totally fucked

>Respect the 2nd amendment by making deals with kikes that want to destroy it.

These games are pointless. Everyone knows the Democrats and their base want to destroy 2A and use corporate muscle to subvert 1A.

>"Respect 2nd Amendment!"

And with those words /ptg/ falls in line once again.

I think that was from the fake bomb alert in Hawaii where everyone thought they were getting nuked by N Korea


Most likely blackpilled people like me, This helps me though..

The endless cycle:

>Trump: ‘I hate bacteria, we’re gonna nuke it outta existence.’
>Trump supporters: ‘Fuck yeah’
>Trump, in meeting with bacteria leaders: ‘I love bacteria, we’re gonna co-operate and leave great deals’
>One half of Trump supporters: ‘4D Chess!’
>Other half: ‘He’s selling us out!’
>Trump eating a Big Mac, forgets all about bacteria
>Result: status quo

Rinse and repeat motherfuckers, you’re such predictable morons.