
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump w/Congress members on School Safety 2/28/18
>Pres Trump @Billy Graham Memorial 2/28/18
>SurgGen Adams/OMB Dir Mulvaney @Natl Assoc of AGs 2/28/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec DeVos on HBCUs 2/27/18
>VP Pence/HUDSec Sleep Carson @Natl Religious Broadcasters Conv 2/27/18
>VP Pence @Life Issues Institute 2/27/18
>AG Sessions on new Opioid Policy 2/27/18
>AG Sessions @Natl AG meeting 2/27/18
>NSA/US CyberCom Cmdr Adm Rogers @Senate Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>US CentCom Cmdr Gen Votel @House Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>FED Chair Powell @House Financial Serv Cte 2/27/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 2/27/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/27/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @Governor's meeting 2/26/18
>FLotUS Melania @Governor's Luncheon 2/26/18
>VP Pence @Indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>2nd Lady Karen @indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>DepAG Rosesnstein on Fed LE 2/26/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why the fuck is DACA even on the table you retard?
it expires in 4 days, the whole thing was intended to split the democrats in two right during midterms. There are grander plays to be had than simply Y/N to a policy. Trump is a businessman, not some autistic politician that can't see the forest for the trees.
>because it weeds out the disloyal and the stupid.
I am regretful for being a bit hysterical over Syria but once the play was obvious I settled down quick enough. Now Mick and Wilbur openly admit the purpose of it was for Chinese Diplomacy (which is kind of insane when you think about it)
you have two options
>woah I don't like what Trump said here at all, I'm going to call my congressman and Senator to tell them how I feel. Well we do know Trump though, best also wait until anything is actually signed before I become a shitflinging retard.
>tell me what he is getting in exchange for gun control?
he's already baited you into thinking he's going to sign gun control, I can't imagine you'd understand whatever potential benefit he gets out of SAYING this stuff.
nah it'll be something like 'well yknow when you think about it a lot of gun regulations are anti-constitutional, bans on automatic rifles for example' and then all the cry babies will run away into their den of snakery to never be heard again for months to come
>I can just see your little brain searching for any possible reason he would do this.
well people who aren't braindead retards actually try use their brains to rationalise things. Considering Trump just last week was talking about the importance of the second amendment (putting above his beloved tax reform) and then this week saying democrat shit, it is cause for concern and we must look at the deeper reasoning behind things.
>go against right wing wishes in public
Trump said thing?


delete this split thread

Go here first:

Recycle this one after.


Donald Trump said that from his office window he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.

He spoke to WWOR/UPN 9 News via phone to describe what he saw.



Trump's uncle helped steal/suppress Tesla technology which is used for HAARP technology in Alaska.
→ → → (You)

Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11 from HAARP, Alaska - at the time of "impact"
→ → → (You)

Hurricane Erin on that morning swerving off unnaturally to the east prior to impact as a consequence of manipulation of the ionosphere, on the morning of 9/11
→ → → (You)

Donald Trump had prior knowledge the attacks were to take place
→ → → (OP)
He claims he witnessed not only the plane strike
→ → → (OP)

but also "Muslim's dancing in celebration"
→ → → (You)

We have proven that the planes didn't exist in the aviation bureau here:
→ → → (You)

Have of the initial "strike" which are devoid of planes
→ → → (You)

Bush's former advisor is in agreement that there were no planes used:
→ → → (You)

The steel columns of the building demolecularize, which is not a thermal reaction:
→ → → (You)

and there was no "thud" seismic impact upon the basin of New York upon the "collapse" because the materials were turned to dust mid air
→ → → (You)

An Israeli art group were given access to the towers during the year 2000
→ → → (You)

Riveting stuff here.


You obviously have a firm grasp of American history.




bump for TRUMP




I wish I was a sycophant too. I'm pretty positive that Trump is surrounded by sycophants, kinda reminds me of Hitler's inner circle.

What kind of Q-level retardation am I looking at here?



This is Trump's 2A guy.

>tfw Trump tricked everyone into talking about stupid shit like guns and niggers



This is not my bread this time so I can post awoos all day long.

What a fucking retarded thing to say by Gorka

>mfw a non-country talks to me

I quite like that design as well. President Trump is going to travel there soon and inspect the walls.



repostan from last bread

I think Trump's comments on taking guns before due process reveals liberal bias. It's kind of cute. He has this naive view that systems will always work the way they are designed, but in this example in particular the system failed at every level. I agree with him on his premise that courts take too long, which is unconstitutional by the way (quick and speedy trial). Why doesn't he focus on that?

>retards actually think Trump would pass a bill allowing the confiscation of a single gun.
Only shills and newfags could possibly believe this.


This was just an emergency thread (which ended up split), so I will not be baking the next. Someone else, if not yourself, will have to take over.

This is my favorite /ptg/ post.

fuck,i just realized something.....

trump is negotiating with US....he started with a extreme position and now will fall back to a softer one(like bump stocks)"


Exactly we shouldn’t believe anything Trump says anymore!

That's an innocuous bill but any bill reaching the senate will be ambushed by all sorts of amendments. Trump must do like for immigration and release his "pillars" for what he'll accept and what means instant veto.

>Implying people who listen to Alex care.

Pure autism.


ptg fags think this, unironically

Not if I get digits again. Quads would mean you delete your folder by the way.


Do you like pew-pew sticks /ptg?

what a sicko

me and my gf(male) were going out for sushi last night and i was drunk af and some fucking lolis were moving in next door and they had me thinkin about cheating on a girl(boy) who pretty much saved my life. rate my degeneracy.

: While the first part of the discussion here goes through each mass public shooting from 2009 to 2014 discussed in the Bloomberg report, further down in this post we have updated cases up through 2015 and the sources of older cases dating back to 1950. At the end of the post we have a response to Everytown’s response to our post. Using the data from 1950 through February 2016 has three mass public shootings in places where general citizens are allowed to have guns — that is just over 1 percent of the shootings over that period.


>attack crisis actor
>get the media barrage treatment

>Donald "Scalise can suck my dick, I'm banning shit" Trump
>Donald "The DACA extender contender" Trump
>Donald "Due process for me, not for thee" Trump


oh i also got my shoes so dirty cause we we had to go thru the yard to get around their uhaul and her fucking car got stuck

It's not entirely a matter of thinking he will sign anything. This really damages his chances for reelection and makes most of his base apprehensive. You don't play with the 2nd. The only way this gets fixed is by shitting on gun control measures and very clearly clarifying what he means either in Twitter or in a white house official statement on their demands, like the immigration bill. He has proven to do that before but most people don't pay attention like we do. The damage is largely done and because the MSM doesn't report good things I don't see this leaving the mind of single issue voters for a long time. Maybe ever.

who even are these plants? I've never seen them before

Maybe we should trust him based on his actions, which have all been in favor of the 2A? His twitter showmanship is largely irrelevant but you wouldn't care because you are a grade-a shill.


I tried to warn you about the liberal big city New Yorker with a bad 2A history.

but honestly I doubt Congress will sign anything to send to his desk. keeping the 2A in public discourse will help in the midterms. support for gun control goes down every single year.

> trump is negotiating with US....he started with a extreme position and now will fall back to a softer one(like bump stocks)"
In any other subject that's a valid negotiation technique but there is no compromising on the 2nd user. Fundamental rights are one way gears, everytime you crank one turn it can't be unturned, it becomes the new normal.

The American revolution went from dumping tea in the ocean to protest unfair taxation to shooting Brits in the face on sight the second Britain ordered all weapon and collected and gunpowder stocks seized.

PARIS (Reuters) - France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen was on Thursday placed under formal investigation on suspicion of disseminating violent images over tweets she posted of Islamic State violence, a judicial source said.

The investigation relates to three graphic images of Islamic State executions she posted on Twitter in December 2015, including the beheading of American journalist James Foley.

Le Pen denounced an earlier stage of the investigation as “political interference”.

Europe has a very nice freedom of speech definition guys :) Share violent images, get investigated :))

Tomorrrow your Mueller will have to answer their opinion and observation on Hillary’s payment for the dossier. Remember this post when you have to change shilling tactics.

Pillars for this would help. And by end of today. Or he will lose single issue voters support for a long time.

>march 2017
>man we are going to get so many gun control laws rescinded. concealed carry! suppressors! repeal NFA!
>march 2018
>h-heh well maybe trump won't infringe on our 2nd amendment rights THAT much

Vendettas against awoos are not the answer.

I don't want to bake, but will if absolutely necessary. Anybody available to take over?


What does that even mean?

>judge him for his actions
Advocating for gun control is action and he’s a fucking dumb ass for it


Scalise is the whip of the republicans in congress. More than Ryan, no bill reaches the floor without him, as it's was proven when Freedom Caucus sunk repeal and replace part I, house edition (after he was out recovering from getting shot)

>the resident jew
>the jewish individual

>mfw a meme flag posts

Trump is being nice to Dems because he knows they're taking back Congress. It won't help him of course he'l getting impeached and that's a good thing. Fuck him.

>El planeta de las mujeres invasoras

I'm a sucker for old scifi movies but I never knew there were ones made in Mexico too.
Thanks, Sven.


Fresh OC bro.


Thanks, that means a lot

No one will ever confiscate any guns. At best, more laws will be passed so you can't buy certain stuff anymore. Look at the automatic weapons ban. Let's say something is passed saying AR's are hereby illegal and you must give them up Australia-style. First off, who knows if I even fucking own one? Secondly: you think Officer Wilson will come knocking on my door, knowing I have guns? Plus I go to the range with him. He's a good friend. We don't want to shoot each other.

>Alex naming the Jew

He was /ourguy/ all along. If AJ gets kicked off JewTube he'll display his true power level.


IS 1488!

Normies need 4 pillars like with immigration. This isn't going away until that happens.

Yeah, it's bullshit. I'm sure if there were white supremacists beheading poor minorities videos they would post em everyday

> This really damages his chances for reelection
2020 is far away, lots of time for this to be rectified
> and makes most of his base apprehensive.

> You don't play with the 2nd. The only way this gets fixed is by shitting on gun control measures and very clearly clarifying what he means either in Twitter or in a white house official statement on their demands, like the immigration bill.
100% this

Fuck yea pedes! Trump wants to ban bump stocks with EO. It's 4d chess! Take the guns first, worry about due process later? WINNING

Mueller has been tasked to detail an investigative statement on the DNC/FUSION GPS scandal.

Background checks don't do shit either, though

possibly just being nice to Dems to see where they wanted to take the discussion. If they knew he wouldn't budge, they wouldn't even bother to show up.

Since democrats are supposedly so worried about foreign influence in U.S. elections, why aren’t democrats concerned about illegal aliens voting?

Nice meme flag, meme Fag.

>there are people on Sup Forums who actually believe Trump has a chance in 2020

Sorry, alt-right, but this trainwreck of a presidency will be over less than three years from now. It's a miracle that he's been elected in the first place, and now that democrats know he's a real threat we'll throw everything at preventing a second term. Our allies at Facebook and Google will censor your shitty memes on a scale you can't even imagine. Donor money for a democrat candidate will be absolutely unprecedented. And with the non-white electorate ever increasing, it will be impossible to stop this tide.

Black Lives Matter. Diversity is the future.

>banning an irrelevant accessory = mass confiscation
You must be a kikebarter

How long would be too long for the pillars to be released, portubro? I think it needs to be today but I fear it'll take until monday.

now they come with a doctors visit.

They are as american as you and I you bigot

it's a mommy kind of morning


I'm saying loyal, but I'm starting to sweat a bit. Problem is we have actual shills in this general saying it would be okay to ban bump stocks and even other things. Wd need to weed out these redditors and ironically shitposting doesn't help

As I've said before, they're literally biological weapons

Putin was invited to Clinton Foundation galas while Hillary was serving as Secretary of State :P


Do you honestly think that there is a single soul in this general that won't just sigh and roll his eyes while reading your cringy LARPfest of a post?

Israeli-U.S. teen indicted for bomb threats, hate crimes: U.S. Justice Department
>9-year-old man has been indicted for hate crimes connected to threats against Jewish community centers, as well as threatening the Israeli embassy and cyberstalking, the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday.
