>2nd highest tax rate in the world, have to pay up to 45 % if you earn more than 30k a year
>government employees and politicians do not have to pay any taxes
>2nd highest tax rate in the world, have to pay up to 45 % if you earn more than 30k a year
>government employees and politicians do not have to pay any taxes
Wait what the fuck? They don't pay taxes?
Also a 45 percent tax here is enough for me to get some fertilizer and diesel.
Because it's a crime of taxation, not sex.
The Kraut deserves everything he gets. Now shut the fuck up and Get back to wörk
because we are a social democracy if u didnt notic, imbecil.
also dont spread lies.goverment employees in germany are also police force teachers all the social jobs. you fucking inbred.
Smell a Turk's ass, you pathetic cuck. Germany will be a caliphate soon.
wtf are you on about, this is literal fact. stop we wuzing our whiteness stupid mutt
its not a crime because they make the rules
life here is pretty damn comfy though
>tfw my grandfather receives almost 5000€ as a pension as a former school principal
>his nursing home costs 3200€ a month and that's considered cheap
>the accomondation is filthy and on the lowest standard imaginable and 90% of the staff can't speak basic German and ignore his needs 90% of the time
>if my grandmother wouldn't visit him daily he would already have been starved to death or died due to the staff forgetting giving him his medication
Our future ain't bright bros. I don't even earn 3200€ after taxes and I don't think I ever will, so I can't even afford the most shitty nursing home when I'm old. And even if I'm going to have children some day, rampant individualism and narcissism will teach them to not care about the elderey (like it's already the case with the current generation, but at least they still earn somewhat decent money, but our will truly be fucked).
Just work for the government if you hate being taxed so much lol
Your government is like a parasite feeding off of your productivity. It doesn’t even pretend to serve you anymore.
fuck off retarded mutts u dont know anythign about germany
In theory, their tax would be included in lower wages.
In practice, it isn't.
>sending your parents to a nursing home
Literally waiting for the day Poland decides to invade and destroy every last remnant of G*rmanistan and Pr*testantism
He could live in Kolobrzeg, with top luxury retirement home for that money.
With German speaking staff.
He deserves everything he gets.
Also why isn't he living at home with his wife.
I smell bullshit.
Even with all the rapefugees? I knew a nerdy German guy on JewBook who told me that having a girl friend during the current situation is a headache as he is constantly worried about his gf being raped by Ahmed
Get rekt kraut. I pay 4% tax.
>muh old people
That's your problem right there, let them die, they are useless parasites.
They are why you pay 50% of your earnings, to sustain infertile, old, useless, social parasites.
That money needs to be invested into german couples to breed and investing in Germany to be nr.1 in the world at anything.
>also why isn't he living at home with his wife
My grandmothers flat isn't age-appropriate. My family tried to persuade her to move to another flat, but she is too much attached to the flat and stubborn like old people are.
She tried to take care of my grandfather for a while but can't lift him up anymore, carers wouldn't be there often enough to help her, it has already been tried. So she chose the nursery home for him.
I visit him once a week, but I can't help more because of my work.
Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. You failed to heed the warnings from America about non white immigration and civil rights for 80 IQ brown people and now you have 2 decades left before Berlin resembles Detroit. Your government is replacing you because they’ve deemed you to be too expensive and not worth taking care of. Deny it all you want, but when the moslems decide to finish you off, they’ll have the full backing of the next childless butch cut chancellor.
He is not useless, mentally he is still there for 100%, he is even writing poems and short storys ffs to spend his day. He just can't move anymore.
Give me TWO good reasons why I should give up 50% of my income to sustain old, infertile, social parasites aka old people.
Why should I work so they can enjoy life on easy mode?
Why should 50% of my honest work go to them instead of my family?
>old bored fart costing 3200$ per month writes poems and stories to occupy his day
How about he gets a job or dies?
Like everybody else?
I want to live MY LIFE, I don't want to pay for other people's life.
Again, tell me why should everybody else work, while old farts have life on easy mode?
Ideally only people should qualify for state pension who worked and also have children. The problem are all the childless people who didn't invest in future generation but expect money from that future generation as their retirement plan.
I know you are shit posting but after his retirement he continued to work as a private tutor well until his 80s. He is now 91, I think he deserved his pension my gypsie friend.
t. Vee The Individualist Liberalist
Poles are too busy suiciding and drinking themselves to death
The question is, if you didn't pay 45% in taxes, would the government have enough money to subsidize your employer?
>tl;Dr it was never your money, it's the government's money, they're just letting you have a little
>government workers and politicians don't pay taxes.
Inform yourself first, assbreather.
Civil servants don't pay for health care plans and pension plans, but otherwise pay all taxes. It would be kind of silly if the state would deduct something from their pay instead of not paying them that part in the first place, right? In exchange for being unfireable and receiving a pension the civil servants forgoe some of their rights, most importantly the right to strike and have a duty to behave themselfes. They receive a higher pension than those inthe private sector, because technically a civil servant can be reactivated into active duty, should it be required. It happened during the refugee crisis when a bunch of pensioned volunteers came back.
Politicians pay income tax as well. Their income just doesn't fall under paragraph 19 EStG. Politicians get taxed under paragraph 22 EStG.
For once in your life, Kevin, read a book.
If you want to talk about theft, let's talk about immoral businessmen that smuggle their money out of the country yet profit from German infrastructure with their businesses.
>Tfw your skin color is all you've got going for you
He'a right you dumb fuck. Stop voting in people who are pushing this just because you currently feel 'comfy'.
>pay up to 45 % if you earn more than 30k a year
Just fuckin nuke those faggots already.
>it's a butthurt ausländer make up lies about the best country in the world thread
Drubk Aussie inconibg
Surely if he keeps posting mutt memes the brown rapists and murderers will disappear.
I just got out drank by some wog
Why would it make sense for government employees to pay taxes if they are just paid out of the tax pool.
It would just make more sense for them to pay no tax and have a lower wage.
t. student who never had to pay taxes
Same as our overpaid army
T. German cuck
>1 post by this ID
i wonder why
>Not rebelling against the matriarchy by being a parasite NEET who spends most of his time Learning/Lifting/Shooting/Farming and building relationships
>If you want to talk about theft, let's talk about immoral businessmen that smuggle their money out of the country yet profit from German infrastructure with their businesses.
>Thinks theft is taking ownership of the product of their labor
>The state of Krautistan
fuuuck. Offf cunt
nah I'm 26
it's the underage faggots who feel desperate for approval on Sup Forums that like to shit on their country
Politicians not paying taxes is actually a Roman invention , in the Republic Era(Im not sure it stays this way in the Imperial Era) , politicians who held important positions were exempt from taxes , however they were not paid at all , In other words , rather than pay them money , they were paid with tax exemption.
I think this kind of system could work well in the modern world too , as it would encourage successful businessmen who are good at management to become civil servants , hence making use of their management skills on a national level.
Because we (sadly) are a nation of loyal cucks.
>have to wageslave every day
>barely able to safe up money
>almost 50% of your income goes to Mutti Merkel
>see how much immigrants actually get
Kinda angry and I don't understand how this system is supposed to work. If you are for whatever reason are not able to work anymore as a german and have to get welfare they will treat you like shit even though you've worked for decades and paid your taxes. But when mukumba and his family asks for money they will take care of everything and don't say a word.
Good businessmen dont very often make good politicians. Trump is the exception
>tfw you realize that most people find Germany's situation shocking but your country is much worse
stop crying i pay 56.5% tax
Well he is not wrong. You are in the highest tax tier if you get 30k netto per year, which is to be honest fuck all.
Governments are just corrupt mobsters.
>Washington elites get to carry out white-collar crimes like insider trading and it's totally okay for some reason
>it would encourage successful businessmen who are good at management to become civil servants , hence making use of their management skills on a national level.
JUST fuck my Republic up dude and instate Globalist Neocorporatism Oligarchy
>government have enough money
Sure cucked friend.
A nation need taxes to have money.
Id rather be a mutt, than a man of a dying country of which you and your people won't do a damn thing about.
>the best country in the world
The brainwash is unsagbar with this one, alda, wow just wow.
Merhöll's ddr2 dreckslock !
Merkel muss neutralisiert werden, und ALLE Linke !
>Id rather be a mutt, than a man of a dying country of which you and your people won't do a damn thing about.
>tfw we pay around 54% of our income to the state, yearly
>tfw we have a trillion duties to pay for state social services (justice, administration, fiscal services) when you need them
>tfw we have another trillion taxes to pay for our houses, utilies, cars, nr. of people in your house, type of land you own, type of business you have, "solidarity tax", another weird million taxes for your business or commercial society (whether it is a legal person or not)
We also have 19% VAT on everything and some million yearly taxes added on top of it.
We are poorer on paper than we think.
>government employees and politicians do not have to pay any taxes
They'd just be paying themselves, wouldn't they?
>taking ownership of your products and doing with it what you want is theft
>literal SUBHUMAN parasites having to pay way less taxes for doing less work isn't
Just. Fucking. Kill. Yourself. You subhuman cunt
Funny that all you've got is a mutt insult and nothing else. I kek'd Hans.
It worked for the Romans , in fact they believed that good generals , makes good managers and politicians , and vica versa.
regardless of that , their culture was vastly different from ours , as they were a lot more loyal to their people , nation and its ideals.
you guys are a bunch of retards, if u believe that politician dont get to pay taxes. OP has 1 post in this thread he made, and 1 google search u can prove him wrong. why are you so low IQ
Private businesses are funded through corporate loans, where do the banks get the money from to give out all this money? Right, that's the central bank that prints out every month, even more so now with the Quantitative Easing (2,5 Trillion Euros). Your salary is not independant of the state, even if you work in the private sector. Without those 2,5 Trillions, many people that whine about the taxation would be unemployed.
That still dosent excuse the shitload of tax money that our politicians receive to finance their high life, which they keep increasing yearly despite the working having to pay more and more.
He said "government employees"
>he calls me brainlet
>he believes politicians and government employers dont pay any taxes
fucking mutts man, why are you so low IQ???? tell me what the fuck is ur problem that you are so fucking dumb
I feel for you Romania, I did not know you were in deep shit too.
The worse is that the government takes a lot of money from my salary, but it also took some from my company even before the money reached me. If you compare how much a company spends on an employee with how much this employee actually gets, the difference is staggering.
>Having an economy based on debt to ((((banks))))
This is exactly what is wrong with our economy.
How is it brainwashing? I'm not saying Germany's perfect. Which country or countries do you consider superior?
And this is why we should all exit EU.
Let the NATIONAL Central Banks do their job, not a fucking piece of shit in Bruxelle.
The eternal Kraut
>If you compare how much a company spends on an employee with how much this employee actually gets, the difference is staggering.
Here, honest businessmen have a saying, let me translate :
"I have to pay the state 75 euros for every 100 euros I pay you"
This is our taxation system in one sentence.
Merkel is a fucking Marxist
>19% VAT
we have this the same way
except for basic food, they have a 7% VAT
>The eternal Kraut
>lets just deny facts lol
niggers from africa are whiter than you spaghetti nigger
It is a crime. But you krauts don't have the balls anymore to do anything but build Mercedes and get fucked by Turks and Syrians
crybaby leave the country if its so bad. I bet you are the same cunt from yesterday who made refugees responsible for a destroyed street.
But their labor only gives a profit because it's being done within German society. Without us paying the upkeep on everything here with our taxes nobody would make a profit. And by their use of our infrastructure, they cause us costs like maintenance, modernisation or capacity upgrades.
I mean, you could probably have it so that these people would only pay what they use themselfes, but they'd have to pass on those costs to their customers then. Their competition from within the community would kill them by sharing infrastructure costs.
the argument he made is a lie lurk more you retarded mutt
Who has the highest nominal tax rates in the (((EU))), Denmark?
it is a crime. Unfortunately Europe has been influenced by the reds, so we have this overpowered government.
Germany also has access to an individuals bank accounts and will forcefully take owed money without the persons consent.
Sieht so aus, als müssten wir umziehen. Die Türken bleiben. Es sind nicht die Deutschen, die uns regieren.
it's sad to see such great people enslaved by a so crooked government
>having to pay almost 20% VAT (value added tax)
>paying more money, out of your pocket, for nothing (literal thin-air added "value"), as a tribute to The State
>you are also obliged to pay VAT for every sell, resell of that product/service (snowball effect) and this is legal
>you are obliged to collect that VAT for every sell, resell of that product/service (unpaid slavery to the State)
It's the most disgusting, kikeish, abject, treacherous, inhuman financial invention right after debt interest and fractional-reserve banking loans.
I want to go back to primordial trading, aka "give me 1 banana for 1 coconut"
ITT low IQ countries
They are responsible for many crimes.
I totally ignored OP, I don't get why you quoted me.
It was just totally dumb what you did.
Where would you recommend moving? +900,000 people move out of Germany annually.
troll seeking for a little attention. KYS
u quoted me, u nigger
>Germany also has access to an individuals bank accounts and will forcefully take owed money without the persons consent.
This happens here too.
But they don't collect money stolen from the state by proved and judged criminals (politicians who have stolen national funds in the millions of euro), yet they will block your bank accounts for a missing 25 euro payment.
If you're white, come to New Zealand.
Bring white women.