Why are millennials not saving up for retirement?
Is anyone here on Sup Forums saving?
Why are millennials not saving up for retirement?
Is anyone here on Sup Forums saving?
It's OK I saved a bullet.
I like to save but the problem is others just don't have the financial common sense to do so. Instead they get into stupid amounts of debt for no reason and claim to be poor yet have the latest money for whatever product Apple releases every couple months.
>WALL has been unlocked
I put money away each month but ultimately the way things are going I will probably be like 75 by the time I get to retire, I’ll probably be dead by then so what’s the point.
Maybe because everything is so god damned expensive. Specifically housing where I live. It’s fucking unreal.
I'm saving for a house.
Most people probably aren't saving for retirement specifically. but are still saving money. I have 40k saved but its my house deposit.
I have a 401k that I pay into each month and own a multi-family apartment building and collect the rents. I am 30.
The problem is people aren't living within their means. I'm pretty contempt with my financial position, I don't waste my money on stupid shit just because I want to show it off on social media like everyone else does and the only entertainment I buy are books which are pretty cheap. It's an odd phenomenon where people aren't happy with their social or living status so they feel the need to sabotage themselves to receive validation from other people but they end up being worse off both financially and happy.
The stock market is the ultimate Jew game.
>O got! Give me $700 every month and I'll invest it in my big companies aaaaaand it's gone.
Invest in your land and your family and your community. Not the stock market casino where the odds are against you.
>wanting to be old
Like it matters, If you save your money the Fed will keep printing and you will lose in 50 years 50% of your total worth. Soon AI will take over the plant" We are fucked"
Learn the crypto market, it's literally free money.
What is the actual age group of millennials now?
What are they going to retire to? A failing nation filled with subhumans?
This kek
>he thinks retirement will be something that exists in ~50 years
>living within your means
>having a girlfriend or god forbid a wife
>ever getting her to birth your kids while living "frugally"
Good Luck
Cost of living is too high
I am the only person at my job under 35 who has any type of savings for retirement. I bought into the pension scheme at my work as they match my contributions, and I have my own private pension savings plan on the side outside of my investments. There is absolutely no reason to not save.
My greatest fear is that when I get old enough to retire, because no one my age saved, they will means test the state pension, and I will get rejected for it. The more I think about the future, the more this seems like a real possibility.
This is a good point too, by the time I get to retire the way things are going this country is going to be such a shithole I hope I’m dead.
Sweden just elevated the retirement age. I suspect there won´t be anything left in the coffers when that time comes for me.
Hope I die before I get old. But seriously, pensions are bullshit. Buying gold and burying it is the only logical way to save I guess.
Bad goy!
But yeah, invest in yourself and your loved one's, at least that should be the overriding priority.
>mfw I got $250,000 in crypto gains
If you're a millennial and you're poor, you're objectively a retard. You have excuse not making money from crypto, I only started with $5,000 back in 2016.
I went from $1800 a month overhead to $5700 a month, with your mentioned problems...
>Nintendo DS games
>several gallons of soy milk per week
>avocados, lots of avocados
You tell me how I'm supposed to save with all these expenses?
You have kids and get them to support you in the future. That's what they're for
Back then it was EASY as FUCK to find a well paying job where a person can just buy their own house and have a gf and babies and etc but now everything is taxed very high and we live in this poisonous disgusting Marxist climate and people aren’t interested in having kids on top of being taxed to death and being in debt.
Today’s society is MUCH different than the baby boomer society and the sooner baby boomers realize that the better.
Because they don't even have jobs?
Can that out of your so great
Impossible to save with rampant inflation, which is designed to the sole purpose of forcing people out of saving and spend. 20st century economics was a mistake.
Coz Gen-Xers and normie cucks are busy paying the taxes which will pay my government pension should I be alive to cash it.
Hopefully I perish in RAHOWA; that has meaning.
But should I survive I expect these slaves to pay my way as an old man. It's the least these selfish, greedy, consumers can do for depriving me of a healthy communal upbringing coz they were too busy looking out for #1.
What goes around comes around you selfish assholes.
Now STFU, get back to work and pay ur fucking taxes.
>having $5,000 back in 2016
Well look at you mr moneybags, some of us were just graduating then
You forgot the $500/mo in gourmet coffee and hot yoga
Nigga, I graduate with a computer science degree with 30k in debt 2015
Because I'm still saving for the deposit on a house, houses are 27 times the average yearly income here
based united nations millennial poster
>Saving for retirement when half of my money goes to taxes and the remaining are to pay the rent of a shithole flat and noodles.
Yeah, but consider the following:
1. I am quite skilled in my job
2. Yet I have three jobs. Weekly breakdown:
2.1 Teaching 1 = 16 hrs (including preparatory time) = 14 € gross per hour
2.2 Teaching 2 = 9 hrs (preparatory time excluded. With meetings I get up to 18 hrs per week) = 38 € gross x9 hrs a week excluding summer
2.3 My own business. Private lessons and shit. Including legal stuff. I average 300 € gross per month, excluding summer holidays and January
Considering taxes, I get a neat amount of 1300 € per month (including extra time and end of the year bonus).
I am PhD-tier. But I make less than the national average.
On newspapers, we are calles "mamma-boys" because we still live with our parents and do not move out until we have found a long-term partner.
But why should I leave? If I manage to save 300 bucks a month (either with my own pocket money or with compulsory superannuation), the choice is
>pay rent
>save money
Fuck me. I prefer the latter. But what a life.
it's ok I started to get grey hair when I was 19.
boomer genocide when?
The only good retirement plan are children.
>>pay rent
I know that feel, honestly I am thinking about going back with my parents. I'm just sick of living with the standards of living of a rat and barely have money to eat.
Just earn more, bro
>I am PhD-tier.
what does that mean? you have a phd?
>earn barely enough to get by
>omg why dont you save for retirment
truly gets the noggin joggin
So you saved up your money from your job that you had for a year and instead of paying off your debt, you decide to put it all on cryptos. Lucky for you the market exploded huh?
>inb4 not luck
Winners typically never attribute their own success to luck, doesn't mean luck doesn't exist
I have savings and investments but not planning on saving for retirement. Honestly I'll probably end up killing myself before I retire and with the way things have been going the past 10 years who knows what's going to become of everything.
This is why my paying $600 in social security tax is theft btw
I save money and would have saved that too. I shouldn’t be responsible for other people’s impulsiveness.
That tax bred our generation not to take saving seriously.
Poor people here have iPhones
the rich are siphoning away our earning.
workers revolution is incoming.
oh yeah that 300 bucks would surely secure the retirement
Does this include 18 year olds in college like my self? Of course I have nothing saved, i have no job yet.
Learned from the shit head boomers just to live off gibs
Just move back to your parents and pay them rent instead. Better to help your folks than pay some apartment lord shitter.
I'm going to kill myself when I hit 60, so no need
no iphone is sold for $300
$800 put in ETH one year ago would be $20K today
this was an extremely obvious investment all over mainstream media
but hey, you enjoy your facetime, i'll be browsing /biz/ with my shitty €80 oukitel and my 6 figures
it's not the time for millennials to start saving yet
in a decade or so
I graduated hs in 2015 and got my first job in 2017 bc muh uni
Are you retarded? First of all, it’s a $1000 phone, shill
Second, if you put that $1000 into a Roth IRA JUST ONCE every two years for the next 30 years instead of buying the newest dongle, you’d have $30,000 saved
Also I HATE this argument because people act like it’s a one time person when it’s not and there’s also higher bills/accessories involved. I was poor growing up. Don’t patronize people, they’re not helpless idiots. They’d rather buy weed, go to the movies, and have an iPhone than work out or go to the library for free
1300 a month
I make 1200-1500 a month and im an entry level wagecuck. I can save 700-1000 every month and i rent and own a car
The jewish zionist infiltration control the interest rates and create wealth out of nothing through the control of PAPER money. Unless you have solid gold or silver you have paper and bits which are WORTHLESS. The Fed, BIS etc. are all jewish inventions. No one has savings when at the drop of a hat all capital can be wiped. They can pit management against the workforce, profitting from both. Any attempt to is futile, the system is rigged beyond control. Only hard assets apply as saving up. This goes back to the biblical story of the temple merchant, to the templar banking system, to the fed's withdrawal from gold exchange. it's always the jew
This is all choice
I’ve been making $37,000 a year since I was 19 with no connections and being poor all my life
I’m 21 now and about to graduate with more money than I started with. Do you people not apply for scholarships, grants, and contests? You just expect everything to be given to you
Newsflash: kikes don’t give free money
>believing the 401k meme
Sucks to suck, user
They don't give scholarships to anyone white or male. God help you if you're both.
i have 85 grand in a IRA still growing
i also have a hefty inheritance coming once my grandma dies (mom is dead so she informed us when she dies, mom's portion is going to us). I'm talking at least 100 grand from her per grandchild, she is loaded, don't know how much of that will be put in savings.
as for my own contributions, i work 4 days a week at 10 bucks and hour, there is no "save up" cause there is nothing left to save up when it's said and done.
retirement is jewish scam
there is no guarantee you even see money you save, jews can take it away from you under 1000000000000000000000000 different reasons, and those are only legal ones
also the poorest generation of adults in history by many metrics. so when most of them live payqheque to paycheque and cannot even afford a home now let alone plan for retirement, its no surprise they aren't saving. mortgage costs more, job security is gone, insurance rates increased, student debt vastly increased, etc
Good luck finding scholarships when you are a average white guy
What do I think I am you twat
There’s merit scholarships that exist
Also I don’t know if you realize this, but you can pretty much find white scholarships (Swedish, French, Italian heritage, etc)
Are grants too hard for you desu?
depends what your career options are jackass
But how will you fire it if you have [spoiler]nogunz[/spoiler]
How do you live on 200 a month?
What is it with this poster and their 'millenials' and Soe pictures? So weird.
Fuck millenials.
The fattest, unhealthiest, ugliest, most entitled group of humans to ever populate the planet. Zero work ethic, they are the niggers of generations. Anyone born between 1980 and 1995 should be executed immediately.
>t. millennial
and yet mille nials make up the bulk of people who are redpilled and not apathetic. previous generations not giving a single solitary fuck are what got us into the mess that ruined the millenials in the first place. but despite many faults at least some of us are waking up
Iphone SE is about 180--200 bucks at Boost Mobile you sir are a liar.
Proud gen X master race reporting in (born 1979)
By redpilled do you mean addicted to social media attention and SJWs ?
Fuck you and fuck them for ruining society for good.
>Today’s society is MUCH different than the baby boomer society and the sooner baby boomers realize that the better.
I have some bad news for you: they'll never realize this
My parents are Boomers, they're never going to fucking change. As long as they can live in their suburban enclaves they'll continue to reinforce their delusions.
>Living in any western country and acknowledging the fact that they are all being pumped full of low IQ mudskins
>Actually BELIEVING in the retirement meme whilst knowing this
What the fuck are you going to retire to? This is assuming that in 50 or so years that your country is still even afloat and you are able to reclaim your pension. Anyone who knows anything about finance knows that this system doesn't have that long left and assuming it even did, who is going to pay for it, niggers? You're gambling with your money if you are throwing it into a retirement fund.
Society's gonna crash, might as well enjoy it while we can.
Also, I live in a first world country that will never let me go without healthcare or housing. I have nothing to lose, really.
In this country you pretty much have to save or else you'll be poor by the time you retire. Then again I don't expect this country and this civilization to have survived by the time I'm 70.
>expecting you will have the opportunity to retine
I retired at the age of 35. It can be done if you learn the Jew ways of capitalism
Huge debt from education, housing costs that are insane compared to previous generations, stagnant wages since the 80s, everyone needs a phone and internet connection if you essentially want a job, higher taxes, higher healthcare costs of which less is shouldered by the employer, worse benefits.....Gee I wonder why no one can save anything with the monthly pocket lint they have left over.
I am near 30 and i still got no worthwhile education/career/job going because theres simply nothing worthwhile to do/learn that wont be outsourced or overrun after you spend years of getting the cert/degree
I cant afford to save for retirement/family but what i do know is that refugees are welcome
Dont you have a super fund?
Do not save, invest.
I'm 30 and after all expenses, save nearly 3k USD a month.
Though my job means I have no life.
I do wonder if we can save for retirement, look at whose being brought into the west all the time. We going to have a society with this?
Give me a fucking break.
You know what fucks me off the most?
These people coming in are paid money to exist and given what is basically a state sponsored life.
If I look out the window one day and find this whole west has turned into Yugoslavia 2.0......I'll think maybe it's for the best. Very sad.
The millennials were raised for the boomer world, not the world of the 1900s. It's the new normal now.
>What is the actual age group of millennials now?
Its not concrete but most say 20s to mid 30s.
1980 to 1995 is most agreed
fuck off with your ponzi scheme
there wont be any retirement left, especially in the US they are already paying current payouts with young peoples money