I mean I'm happy he explained it so well, but the rise of neo-fascist far-right conservative populist nationalists exploiting people's unfounded fears of immigration and diversity in 2018 is fucking scary.
Don't europeans realize right-wingism is pathological and leftist politics is the natural state of civilized society?
This is actually scary
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh, (((you)))
very progressive
Fuckkng right-wing retards
Sweden is toxically right-wing
Right-wing pedophiles ruin everything
The biggest right wing party of Germany, AfD, just past the 16% mark in surveys making them bigger than the biggest left pary.
The were to small in the last election and jumped to 13%.
The interesting part is that they not just get votes from non-voters but lose from the center people.
They were only able to rise because the fear of "national socialism" outweight the danger of lefties.
People don't have tolerance anymore.
White nationalism or barbarism
"proximity" to the crisis in syria LMFAO
>White nationalism is barbarism
He's right
Unfounded? My country is being taken away by shit skins. My fear is based on hard facts and reality.
And so she shall.
Funny, I can make the same point in one image.
kek, wtf?
>unfounded fears of immigration
Doesn't know about the rape epidemic.
It's a natural response to the fact that the left wants to destroy cultural identity on a national level and western identity on a continental level. I did not have fears of immigration until 1000 women were sexually assualted in Cologne on new year's eve and rather than immediate brutal response against the perpetrators and all like them inorder to send a message that refugees are welcome, but abuse our hospitality, our values and our women and we will fuck you up, the government is trying to ignore these problems and shut down anyone who tries to speak out about them.
They do not have my interests at heart and they do not know what they are doing themselves and if rules like the Dublin-accords can be broken just because a country like Germany decides they are regardless of what the other countries say, when the UK wants to leave and the EU threatens bad trade deals just to discourage anyone else from leaving and when Poland does not want to take refugees because they see the problems they cause, yet the EU wants to have the power to force them to accept them anyway, then the EU has become a tyrannical project which may serve the vision of a few european elites, but certainly not the interests of ordinary Europeans.
>unfounded fears
That's bullshit, obviously.
> far-right
Nothing wrong with "far-right" groups. If they had their way, the world would be much better right now.
>right-wingism is pathological and leftist politics is the natural state of civilized society?
Gotta be trolling. It's the opposite.
>Civilized society
>Leftist politics
Pick one.
You're a cringing AIDS-ridden poof, m8, choking on paki cock and sucking your own shite off Abdul's dick
I'll knock your cunt right in and stab you afterwards
Left wing pedophiles try and incorporate it into society you braindead idiot
Its coming.
>unfounded fears
If our mods weren't such faggots you would have been ip range and mac address banned a long time ago.
>sage goes in the options field
Putin has unexpected nuclear weapons so the liberals come crying on Sup Forums begging to not ally with the Russians. Typical. Sad.
The cucks are scared
hi CNN
>A pacifistic stoner ideology is the natural organisation of a mamal predator in a world with scarce resources
lol, show your flag coward
The real story is very different
show your flag coward
The communist fears the right wing
This kills the commie
Everything political is a pendulum.
Each side is pushing on it.
The more you push it, the more force it has pushing back.
The left has already pushed the pendulum past the easy part and onto their side, now they're at the limit of the swing and it's pushing back.
The harder the left pushes, the harder the pendulum will return.
Given how hard the left has been pushing, I'd be surprised as fuck if the entire political spectrum isn't entirely fascist and iron fisted within the next decade.
Otherwise, you are one to talk about the natural state of civilisation
Leftism is an unadulterated violation of the natural state of things. Since the stone age the smallest social unit has consistently been the family with only a handful of exceptions, with the will of the father overriding the will of the mother when push comes to shove.
Now leftists come along, split the family up into individuals and encourage everyone to vote and think in terms of their individual interests rather than the interests of their family, so if the children do not think their father gives them enough of an allowance, they can vote for someone to force the father to give them a bigger allowance and if the mother no longer wants to live with the husband, but wants to keep the children to herself and still have the father pay for the expense of raising them, she can vote for someone who will give her these rights and force the father to concede and pay, if the Father has a dysfunctional relationship with the kids and they do not want to take care of him when he grows old, he can vote for someone who forces them to pay for his retirement (sounds very natural, doesn't it)
Translated into society as a whole: If women want children but not get married they can vote for someone who will make the government give them money to afford their children. If the children want to go to college but have no means of paying for it, they can vote for someone who will make the government pay for it, if people do not think that children are worth the hassle eventhough they are your primary caretakers when you grow old, you don't have to worry because the government will pay for your retirement.
Where does all the money for this come from you ask? Well, officially everyone is supposed to do their best to do their share and pay into the system, but in reality it is the upper class and working men who create a disproporitionate ammount of wealth, so what you do is you vote for people who take a disproportionate ammount of money away from them and when they start to complain insist that they oppressors and beneficiaries of privilege and have no right to complain.
As a result rich people move their production and money overseas to avoid taxes, so now the government starts spending money to pay people to investigate rich people for tax-fraud. Similarly in the "family world" men no longer want to get married because the wife can decide to divorce you with full child-custody and entitlement to your income and posessions on a moment's notice, no need to worry about "doing his duty" and running the risk for the sake of offspring anyway. So women step up their game and vote for people who write laws that say simply being the biological father of a child means you need to pay child support for it, does not matter if the condom broke during a one-night stand or if she removes your semen from a used confom and deliberately impregnates herself with it without your knowledge or consent (this has happened, I am not making it up), she can sick the government on you and entitle herself to your resources, and in return you get MGTOW, a group of men who discourage intimate relationships with women and hope for the day that the artificial womb is created so we can do away with women altogether.
Very functional and natural state of affairs indeed.
But if that was not bad enough, now that the left has done such a good job at destroying national pride, made a mockery of the institution of marriage and pushed women's rights at the expense both men and women, it now insists on importing millions of muslims who do not believie in any of these things whatsoever and chastising anyone who points out the problems. In other words, you can't even be trusted with safeguarding your own interests let alone ours, so you can fuck off and decompose on a pile garden-seeds somewhere, while the right wing has a revival and injects a bit of common sense into the state of affairs.
and so completes the pendulums return.
fuck you pussy, we are coming for you. expect a knock on your door soon. purge time is here.
Throughout human history, human beings have shown time and time again their natural and unstoppable natural instinct to purge viruses from their population.
It's the reason they're cautious of different cultures. It's the reason they function as a hive mind with regards to social norms and etiquette. It's the reason genocide occurs. It's unstoppable once in motion, the body reacts to what it perceives as corrupted parts and the individuals operate as cells, obeying their instructions to purge anything that doesn't fit the image of the healthy cell.
We are at the precipice, this instinct is already beginning to take hold in the more susceptible. It cannot be stopped from within the body, it has to be another nation/alliance that shuts the purge command down, typically via war, but by that point the body has usually already purged itself, and is now working on purging other nations of the same targets.
Like I said, it's unstoppable once the purge command is given. It's not given by any one person, or organization, it's given by everyone to everyone, almost like a dormant subroutine that only activates once it notices others are active.
It's coming.
It can't be stopped.
It doesn't matter if you're for it or against it.
History repeats.
Just give it some time OP. You'll come around.
If it is comming i am sure i will not to be in your country.
Leftist policies can only exist in a monoethnic society at peace. Otherwise it is fight or flight.
Study Biology/Neurology before debating, because if you cannot know the natural state of man, you should not be debating. Civilization and culture only emerged BECAUSE of Biology.
All is to better and increase the odds of reproduction and survival, even if that means "Culture" must exist.
What? That's literally age of marriage in pretty much every country. I think he's just whining gorgeous Helga no longer gives up her pussy to weak Swedish "men" and will only date Muslims now
He is more pissed about the subsidization in this case. Their tax dollars are going to useless breeders.
Sure but his entire twitter reeks of some beta whining about chad muslims.
>Political parties in power are tearing their own countries apart and racist bigots are raising to try to fix their unemployement, murder and rape rates increments and their stupid state of poverty
Colour me surprised.
If they shit their pants because of neo-fascists I'm interested to see what happens when the original fascists return.
>I can't read like 20 lines of text
As long as the fascist have liberal ideologies on gender and hedonism it’s ok
>Right wing
kek xD