Heard about /biz/ last year first time on Sup Forums

>heard about /biz/ last year first time on Sup Forums
>hear about a board called Sup Forums
>start browzing
>learn about international world Jew bankers, how Hitler was right, how the Holocaust never happened, how white women have been blacked, nigger threads, South African white refugees no news talking about them being slaughtered.

Guys I don't even get out of bed anymore. The only time I feel good is when I'm sleeping, and even then I have nightmares about everything I've learned. Holy fucking shit. What is this? Why is no one talking about these problems in real life?

Other urls found in this thread:



We are talking about them.
On Sup Forums
You realize thousands of people post on Sup Forums every day?

kys poltard

trust me it gets worse. Much worse..
Better forget about all this shit and try to live the normie life

I'm meaning why the fuck aren't we talking about these issues in our workplaces, with our neighbours, etc

wait til he finds out who the bogs are... he thinks the jew bankers are bad


Bogs not bad
Bogs chaotic

cause people dont give a shit, and it is by design. Think of it as a black magic spell which must be sustained or it loses its power

I speak french.

The bogs are fucking /bros

Would invite them to my parties.

Because most normies are employed by jew corporations or they are literally brainwashed by Jewish academia and media.

nice not /biz/ related blog post
let me help you get off Sup Forums with a ban, back to your containment board for the meantime

>btc created by banks
i always knew it

>triggered pajeets
Go back to shitting in the streets. You fucking make this board so much worse with your shilling. Fuck you.


>tfw you realize Sup Forums came here to get rich and ended up ruining it just like everything else in their lives

Oldfag Sup Forumsack here, I know everything you know plus more since I was browsing Sup Forums when it was still called /new/. I have posts with double digit post counts on current incarnation Sup Forums.

I am very happy with life as it is now. You are in that cringey newfag stage where you get depressed and care about every little thing. Wait it out a few years and you will return to your normal self. Honestly red pilling yourself is not beneficial at all to yourself.

This, Sup Forums can't stop ruining everything it touches. And I say this as an ex Sup Forumsack.

You don't just stop being a Sup Forumsack. You never were one.

just a FYI this is a cuck spammer trying to create a culture of depression, self defeatism, and lay seeds for cuckoldry

Whatever newfag. I took more redpills than you and then redpilled myself out of Sup Forums.

Once your honeymoon phase with the really cool conspiracy theory that makes your life more interesting wears off, you realize it just makes life more depressing and gives you excuses for your failure and ends up just wasting your time. You will spend all your effort caring and thinking of ways to save something you have absolutely no control over while your own life goes to shit as you neglect yourself.

Sup Forums is a fucking dangerous board and it can really get your caught in a rut.


What I am trying to say is even if you are a depresed Sup Forumsack who thinks the Jews are out to get him and the world is ruined. A few years of thinking it through and you can be back to your old happy self again no problems. Don't give up and become a fucking suicidal wreck over Sup Forumsshit.

jesus how people waste their lives....

I have been on pol ever since the zimmerman trials.... so I think that's seven years of pol haha...
I have just fall into this weird depressing state. I'm not going to elaborate, but financially I'm very secure and my kids do not have illnesses and are very healthy.
But man does the pol perspective on life fuck you right up. The western world I believe is headed for hards times unless we wake up.... I fear my kids futures.

because the good guys lost. why you think we should be happily chatting away about our masters enslaving us is beyond me, if we had free speech we wouldn't be in this situation

I can tell by the way you've written your post you're full of shit and don't know what you're talking about.

i took the conspiracy pill as a teenager and it fucked me up for 3 years. thank god Sup Forums wasn't around to suck me in deeper


People think video games are a time waster. Sup Forums is a mental life waster. You will spend all your time researching, thinking about and caring about the dumbest shit totally believing it to be real, talking to other people who take it extremely seriously.

Sup Forums is a dangerous form of escapism from a dull life of your average young white male. It offers you many excuses for why you failed to suck you in then offers you the chance to live out a fantasy in real life with all these "my whole life was a lie" conspiracy theories that totally turn reality on it's head.

>zimmerman newfag

I was there way before that, and that trail was so annoying to go through, completely clogged the board up to the point it was impossible to discuss anything else during it. I think I took a break for a week at that point. Which in retrospect it was a good thing but at the time I wanted to talk about Jew banking and have my WW2 good guy generals.

You don't know shit you fucking newfag.

>as an ex Sup Forumsack

Holy shit the amount of plebbit shit in this post, kys fag.

Mod moved the thread while I was halfway through typing it up. May as well post it.

Your lucky. I still visit Sup Forums every so often when I am board to shitpost but I don't take it serious anymore. The election neutered a lot of the more seriously conspiracy theory stuff as well, now it's more normie mainstream racist instead of full on paranoid conspiracy mode like it used to be.

Holocaust denial threads are much rarer now we used to have them daily. Also haven't seen a thread on Khazar Jewish origins on Sup Forums (aside from the Khazar milkers meme)for ages or any threads on anti semetic interpretations of christian origins. old/pol/ really got into some dark shit.

Don't worry you will see the light one day too Sup Forumsturd.

BTW who wants to see some old posts I saved from /new/ and Sup Forums from years back? (fuck you cunts, not showing real Sup Forums these juicy red pills, this was for /biz/raeli's only.)

forgot pic was on the /biz/ tab.

Why the fuck not. Mods are jewish and compromised anyway, they seem to be swinging this thread back and forth.

please sir


>Holy fucking shit. What is this? Why is no one talking about these problems in real life?

Probably because those people aren't retarded like you are. You know, those people are smart enough to question their sources or demand more solid proof than spooky youtube videos and some basement dweller's interpretation of old holocaust photos. That's why.

Like 90% of what you believe is just made up shit for stupid people. So it's a pretty good indication that you're a stupid person that doesn't have very good critical thinking skills.

Hell, you're an even bigger pile of shit because you aren't even stupid and happy. You're stupid and sad. I'd probably drink myself to death if I were as retarded as you are too.


>implying normies question anything and they dont just watch the TV for the undeniable truth
Kys turdlet

sorry user. it doesn't start hurting, but it does give you a chance to become strong enough to handle the pain.

Because life is still relatively comfortable. People can still pay bills and take a vacation.... once our bankrupt western countries finally run out of money, all of these things will come to the forefront. It's the economy

it gets worse stay away from spengler, strauss-howe and pareto. there is only suffering and there is no escape. ideologies are nothing more than rationalization of our actions caused by sentiment. our society is doomed to fail as all others were. political altruism is a religion that has replaced Christianity and the boomers and leftist are their clergymen. a short term rise of those who are the elite at appearing to have integrity have risen to power and are now beginning to lose that power. censorship online will rise and violence will rise as these clergymen attempt to not be replaced with some other class of elites that have been pushed under and prevented to rise into positions of power. on and on elites rise and fall on and on societies climb and fall over and over we repeat history under the delusion that we have changed and old lessons are no longer applicable because we are in a new paradigm. we are cave men who have been nowhere and learned nothing and there is no hope.

This. It’s a process.

>north korea is a utopia
user stop it



>a communist Hillary supporter who loves Google and the EU
Truly a meme for the mentally disabled.

Make good natured children and send it forward

this right here

Get married and have kids if you're white. Get out while you can, it's not too late. Good luck.

The mods purged all the /x/ shit because they’re Jewish niggers

because most people are pussies. the time is now to tell people the truths they have ignored for so long they no longer have any choice in hearing about it or not.

>Guys I don't even get out of bed anymore.
Understand. Yes it is all lost. Jews won. I have advice for you. Commit suicide while you are depressed. Before you accept whole this madness as reality. We will not fight back. This shit will get worse every year. Look to England. Look what hapen to Paris and London or Detroit. This is future jews prepared for us. I already chosed nice rope for myself. Do same and leave this shithole while you can do it yourself.

> Guys I don't even get out of bed anymore
You are obviously at some early stages
"This too shall pass"
and when it does, when you are strong again to interact with the world - use your life, use your time to do some good, hold the torch for the next generation.. they will need you more than you expect


>next generation
Nothing more than false hopes. Replacement of Europe still continue and nothing can stop that. We would have to start biggest war ever in history of mankind. Against all niggers, muslims and jews. Niggers and muslims have untlimited respawn in Africa and Middle east. There is about 100 000 000 of jews on planet. Hitler wasn't able to kill even 1 000 000. We are not able to start that war anyway. We will get slownly replaced. Meanwhile censorship is getting harder and people go to jail if they do not think agree that white girls should be raped and killed by shitskins and niggers. Don't even try to kill them as revenge since you go to jail forever but nigger get out in 1-5 years for rape and murder.

I do and I am the richest person they know so they have to listen. Pretty comfy

Hi jew

Hi jew boy

how? you dont understand how retarded leftists have gotten

If i was jew, i would be happiest person on planet. But i am not. I just see reality and pretty dark future. My youtube account is 1 strike from deleting and my friends on twitter have deleted account now. Everytime i try to do something against jews or to help white ressistance, i get shoaed. I expecting my youtube account erased in month. These fuckers are more powerful than i was ever expected.

just wait until you find out the real reason the titanic sank. fucking end it bro. (they) have won.

Just wait until you figure out you're nothing but livestock on a farm and that actual Vampires(with fangs) are running the whole operation.

also that the name "Rothchilds" is derived from the term "Red Shield" and designed to be the distraction diversion away from the pharaonic vamp rulers who must consume human blood ...the Red Shield

>hiring a hitman on yourself

pussy can't even expose the goyish flag,

wake up pussy.

It’s from /biz/ my nigga
Kike mods moved it here

And I say this as an ex Sup Forumsack.

Why are you calling yourself an ex Sup Forumsack when you're still fucking on here?

People think video games are a time waster. Sup Forums is a mental life waster. You will spend all your time researching, thinking about and caring about the dumbest shit totally believing it to be real, talking to other people who take it extremely seriously.

Sup Forums is a dangerous form of escapism from a dull life of your average young white male. It offers you many excuses for why you failed to suck you in then offers you the chance to live out a fantasy in real life with all these "my whole life was a lie" conspiracy theories that totally turn reality on it's head.

Um... So what the fuck are you doing here?

Probably because those people aren't retarded like you are. You know, those people are smart enough to question their sources or demand more solid proof than spooky youtube videos and some basement dweller's interpretation of old holocaust photos. That's why.

Like 90% of what you believe is just made up shit for stupid people. So it's a pretty good indication that you're a stupid person that doesn't have very good critical thinking skills.

Hell, you're an even bigger pile of shit because you aren't even stupid and happy. You're stupid and sad. I'd probably drink myself to death if I were as retarded as you are too.

Um... So what the fuck are you doing here?

Jesus Christ some people are absolutely insane.

We are.
I work for an sjw company and I redpilled half my colleagues in the first month.

>What is this? Why is no one talking about these problems in real life?
It's the truth. People don't talk about it because most people don't know. Those that have heard glimpses have shut their eyes and ears to avoid the inevitable death spiral you're on. Don't worry, it'll get more manageable as time goes by.

I haven't heard of a single man who has completely recovered from the truth, but it'll be ...better.

Shlomo's getting desperate, I see.