Why are little girls and teenagers allowed to dress like this? I mean if they are not allowed to drink alcohol or smoke because it could damage their lives we should ban these slutty clothes until they are older, since I've seen prostitutes dressing more decently than some little girls.
Why are little girls and teenagers allowed to dress like this...
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Because its sexy you faggot
Meh. That's between her and her parents.
Daddy's little princess is a dirty SLUT
That's on a beach. A place where we have decided that since swimming is probable, swim wear is acceptable attire. Male Olympic swimmers wear almost nothing.
Clearly it's about function.
I wouldn't have a problem if girls that are like 14 didn't use too revealing clothes at the beach, I mean I'm not gay, but seeing girls that have just started to grow up dressing like whores is a bit awkward.
I'm not gay dude, but the media is brainwashed the kids to think that despite still being kids is ok to use this.
That "kid" is really hot and sexy
personally i’d fuck anyone over 12 if they looked like that
That's only because she's using a whorishy swimsuit like this, otherwise you wouldn't find that kid attractive.
a 14-year old in ecuador is nearly a grandmother
Only the retarded and really really poor ones, most teenagers just fuck and use anticonceptives
Because some parents are fucking retarded. Just keep an eye on them. Once they turn 18 bed them quick before they realize how dumb they are.
During the cleansing all parents who enabled this will be shot, same with any girl who is older than 9 and hit puberty and is dressing like that and wears makeup will be shot as well.
(((WHO))) owns the entertainment industry?
(((WHO))) wants to destroy western christian values?
(((Social Engineering)))
LOL, beta dreams
Also they will be shot with cum when we invade
Oh hey it's you again from the other day. Do you know this girl?
That girl is clearly well developed and ready to make babies. Only the most hardcore indoctrinated goyim would say otherwise.
>beta dreams
>Also they will be shot with cum when we invade
Projecting much.
Ti snimi bydesh tozha
They want to attract little boys and teenagers... people might guess. I know the answer.
Yep she used to be a closed friend before I started college.
Being married off to a male as soon as they're capable of childbirth?
why are clothes a problem? are you afraid you cant contain yourself like the nigger you are?
No, now they want to fuck chad as soon as possible and they are willing even to send nudes to gain his attention.
Yeah she should just walk around naked right?
Have some modesty
Watch out man, retarded Sup Forums admins will ban you for this picture. I once got banned for "pedophilia" because I said that I fucked a 16 year old girl when I was 18
The problem is the sexualization of kids retard, I don't have problem woth women using that or even going nudist, but seeing little girls like that is off putting since they should use something more accordingly woth their age.
That's why you marry them of as early as possible, publicly shame degeneracy, immodesty and flog them.
average age of puberty onset in women used to be 16-18
they've done something to our food to cause sexualization of children, it's not natural
>but our ancestors
different time, even children then were more mature then adults now. not sexually but in terms of morality and sense of responsibility. she was often set up by her parents to get married. lower the age of consent now and isntead of earlier marriage you'd just get 12 year olds on tinder. also just because our ancestors did it doesn't make it right.
Marrying 16 years olders is illegal in many western countries including mine, and the ones that isn't are in a bad situation.
>Marrying 16 years olders is illegal in many western countries including mine, and the ones that isn't are in a bad situation.
You can marry a 14 with parental consent in some states in the US.
But we can still change that in western countries, after the DOTR
>>but our ancestors
>different time, even children then were more mature then adults now.
Because of how they were raised.
Your children would be more mature if you teach them maturity, responsibility and discipline while they're young.
Also teaching girls how to become mothers and boys how to become fathers and leaders of their families.
Females used to marry around 14 and Males a few years older.
legal in US too with parent's full consent
I go to a nudist resort every summer, so...
Well actually I have not problem with that since everybody is naked and as long as there is bot recording of the kids there wouldn't be any problem, besides I remember going once and seen a girl of the age of 15 and she was the only one with pubes, it was nice since most women and even girls shave it all.
Just because you can’t get laid don’t try to ruin it for the rest of us faggot
>browsing catalog
>hnnnnnnn them hips
>that's one for the collections
Fuck you phone posting Ecuadorian.
Because fathers lost any sense of control over upbringing of their children and sex-addled celebrities are the role models for most girls.
Sexuality is a precious and dangerous thing to uninitiated, letting teens loose into a world of predatory sex is only making them incapable of having valuable relationships later of and prevents them from having a full family life.
Is this the thread where we post hot pictures of underage girls as long as we pretend to deplore it? Okay then!
How do you get away with a boner? Do women get regularly approached by guys with boners?
It's mostly young women who shave, over 30/40 they stop with that coquetry.
Nothing like that, most people there grew up being accustomed to nudity.
Age of consent doesn't do shit if their vagina is fully developed. She will crave and fuck anyone of her interest.
Post more delicious brown cuties, ecuadorbro
How old is she? Her body seems remains me of this chick at my hs who fucked with the whole senior year promotion.
Every time
I had a better shot, but I keep getting an "upload failed" message. :(
Exactly this. This is not an example of a failure of the state but of the failures of the parents
post more pics or you’re fake news
Because they are delicious
>most people there grew up being accustomed to nudity
That's some bullshit. Or did you get to see your dad's dick there?
Well it's kind of a shame since at that age most women hit the wall so it doesn't really matter, and I don't really get why women shave it so much, I mean my sister haven't had a bf for a year and still shaves regularly.
Degenerate frog. Nothing unusual.
pics or gtfo
Idk why do you shave your dick? Name me some reasons.
>ywn go back to early Sup Forums when there was a jailbait thread on every page
Prime fapping years.
b was always shit ;^)
Of course.
Makes it look bigger.
I postef them here last year and got banned for it.
Simply appalling
AAAAHHHHHHHHH nah too old.
It's easier for them to suck my dick.
Not your dick- your balls Hans. Shave your balls. Trim everywhere else.
1) makes your dick look a lot bigger
2) smooth and comfy af
3) girls are 200% more likely to put it in their mouths
WHY should we deplore it???
the (((feminist movement))) pushed the nonsense of age of consent. NEVER existed before in entire human history. Women were fine. Families were stronger.
Because I don't want the chick to stop sucking every other minute to pull a stray pube from her mouth.
pls post moar
yes.... but TYFTT threads.
Cucked fathers and whore mothers.
Stay mad whores and keep up the triggered bait threads.
You are cucked if you don't dick your own daughter.
Just one more.
Why not?
If your penis is small
Wait how did she get there?
It's a swimming attire worn for comfort I guess. The faggots here just sexualize everything too much, they're like a bunch of sex depraved muslims or something.
When you are nude you can go whenever you want, I took the photo btw..
environment appropriate dress?
also its your fault for finding skimpy clothing arousing, you degenerate
Implying I would want to know del todo that goblin.
The problem is not self-control, it's the media sexualizating little girls and making that as something normal and that all girls should dress like whores.
That it was whores usually said, the most insulting ones usually use passages of the bible.
that's not slutty clothing. it's beach appropriate clothing. would you wear "slutty" clothing alpine climbing? dafuqing retard.
Blame everything but yourself since you have no introspection, typical native savage.
So you would be ok with your daughter if she was still a pre-teen wearing those things?
a whore's outfit is only a whore's outfit if it is viewed as a whore's outfit
it's an entirely cultural thing, why do you think in the west sluttiness has escalated rapidly?
because the slutty women try hard to be slutty but their increasingly slutty behaviour becomes normalised and not viewed as slutty anymore so they try to be even sluttier
but then normal women dress sluttier because the scale of "normal" slowly moves toward previously sluttier things due to these turbosluts and media influence
>Cretan women's clothing included the first sewn garments known to history. Dresses were long and low-necked, with the bodice being open almost all the way to the waist, leaving the breasts exposed
this was completely appropriate in their culture at the time without social stigma
the reverse of this is the burqa, which just got more restrictive along the way
in the end all of this is stupid, because clothing is just clothing and the true degeneracy lies in the behaviour of a person not their dress
They're spelling at the market square. Finland wins. Every time.
So you mean that the reason are even whorish than before is because media doesn't consider them as such anymore hence they have started to wear even more revealing clothes? Well that actually makes a lot of sense.
So Chad can fuck them while you subhumans endlessly rot on the internet.
and in the west it'll continue to escalate until it falls over itself and nobody gives a fuck anymore about what anyone is wearing apart from current fashion trends
we'll probably default back to proto-human behaviour back when everyone was mostly naked (I don't mean everyone will be naked) and look at someone's behaviour, body language and the context in which these are being done in
basically what nudists do already
Yes being comfortable on a beach is not a great sin, here people are very civilized and don't care you wouldn't understand. Apart from that pedos are always hunted too, fortunately we still do take action againt them.
men get arroused by outfits women wear often specifically designed to arrouse men. why would you go out of your way to arrouse a bunch of random men you don't know in the street unless you were of whorish disposition. minoan women were clearly sluts by your description.
this is the first real woman in the thread, the rest are las pesadillas
Kids want to grow up when theyr young and imitate the older cool ones they see on tv
I remember me and friends would roll up leaves in school paper and smoke it and pretend we smoke weed in 5th grade
You can't never change their biological raw attraction to Chad.
You are going to get cucked under any possible scenario and you know it. Keep coping tho.
>t. im too ugly for teen hotties to be attracted to me
Ford was right. The death of the American christian Titans was the final coup. Now they stand unopposed.
Because they wanna be fucked you dumb shit