When will the white man embrace the long hair again?
When will the white man embrace the long hair again?
When he can't afford a haircut.
no matter what a fat fuck does to his face he looks repulsive
long hair only work if they're thick and very well looked after AND if you look like a bodybuilder
otherwise you just look like a hobo
Ill only except long hair on males if hes running naked in a forest.
I'm thinking about getting it. I have beautiful blond hair tho.
true. some people look good/better with long hair but only if the rest is good,too.
After "transitioning"
It's alright until it becomes shoulder length or longer.
Long haired blond guy here. Chicks love it.
Long hair with rare exceptions is incredibly degenerate. The Romans were ultra degenerate and yet even they cut their hair.
good enough, Ivan?
I have hitlerjugend haircut and you know it has this hair parting...Should I shave my hair or it will be ok when it grows out.
Just gotta learn how to wear your hair as a man.
In OP's pic it's hella gay and feminine.
Gotta have a bit of curly or wavy hair, good volume and don't use any products after showering.
I used to have the gay hobo style long hair, now I have a "nonchalant" style and chicks seem te like it a lot.
it's easier to live with short hair
I'm in the way.
Want it longer.
what style do you mean by this?
I have 50+ cm long hair thick straight blond hair, parted in the middle.
Women love to touch it, want to style it ect.
Bald guys like to talk how they got long hair when they were younger ect.
Beard or head hair because those are contrast in that photo.
1 Corinthians 11:14-15
14"Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?"
15"But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering."
I've had long hair for 20+ years now, as long as you tie it back and keep it in a ponytail it's a chick magnet. My blue eyes probably help though
Only a select few men can actually pull off the long hair look. Same goes for the buzzcut. The guys in the OP look stupid.
So Jesus should be ashamed, right?
Jesus with long hair is a fairy tail. Jesus did not have long hair.
thats why ive been growing for the past 7 months :^)
Can confirm. Blue eyes and long blonde hair makes drives then most crazy
Long hair on men makes future baldness more likely.
Long hair in men is a 1980s high fantasy meme.
god's chosen also tell you to racemix
>god's chosen
If you talking about the jews you need to read the bible some more, jews were the chosen ones in the old testment, we have the new testment now, being a jew won't do any favor for you in the eyes of God.
Never. Long hair is degenerate.
when will he start being a man again? just look at those obese soyboys
Girls just don't like it.
I don't want girls choosing guys over me just because they got a haircut.
Imagine getting cucked by a soyboy just because he's got short hair.
I had long wavy hair like pic related, but i was a little bitch and thought it looked ugly and i wanted straight long hair so I would comb it, now that im red pilled i know wavy > straight hair
We don’t listen to christfags and their nonsense around here. Take your passive religion and shove it in your ass cuck.
Who the fuck are you to speak for all the others pussy? Fuck off
1 corinthians 11:14
Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him,
>Ultra degenerates cut their hair
>Glorious masterrace germanic conquerors didnt
Typical loser worshipping losers
Women love long hair on a guy. But you need the rest of the package to go with it. I like leather seats in my car. But it also needs to have a good engine and no rust damage anywhere.
If you're a fat slob, growing long hair will just make you a fat slob with long hair
I'm not sure you fully comprehend what that guy said
>I'm thinking about getting it. I have beautiful blond hair tho.
Me too user, I'm growing mine out, skinned it for about 13 years. Let the blonde locks of your ancestors shine in the sun.
I have long hair because I haven't gotten it cut. Why does everything have to be some sort of statement with the majority of you faggots?
Implying there's something wrong about looking like a hobo.
Never seen a coon with naturally long straight hair.
Long straight hair confirmed as best hair
It's a pain in the ass. I had a ponytail for like 6 months, and I couldn't stand having to brush it every night.
>Even faggots are not gay enough to have long hair
Its illogical. You should strive to be the opposite of degenerates
If I knew... It's just what the hairdresser says or other woman: "user, I love your nonchalant hairstyle"
I have thick brown curly hair (although it becomes less curly each year) and usually wear it in a ponytail (for work and sport) which looks like I have a small afro tied to the back of my head when it's frizzy.
When I let it down sometimes people ask me if they can touch my hair because they can't believe it's all natural
Been there, done that, never again....
Yeah some guys are fucked. At least he looks happy.
Long hair is no bueno in hand to hand combat. The pony tail or bun on a man is a handle for the other guy to bash your head into the pavement. Short hair is better in this regard.
Long hair properly groomed is chick magnet 110%.
Every romance novel, female fantasy imagery.
Most masculine beast on planet
Lion with huge flowing Mane.
Think Alpha male =. Where's your mane
(pic related)
>he thinks you don't have to cut long hair
Ive seen this before
Unaesthetic af
Well maintained long hair is a symbol of liberty and discipline. A man who spends his time doing manual labor or battle would prefer short hair. A well educated, accomplished man who lives a virtuous life in times of peace and abundance can freely grow his hair.
Depends on the guy.
Skinny men with long hair is just creepy but men like pic related jsut look more manly with long hair
back to fucking plebbit
Lions have manes
That's one stupid looking faggot.
Thanks for the support
>I had a ponytail
I have long dirty blonde hair but I work out and more importantly have an incredibly physically demanding job. In my 40s and have zero problem with the gals. I see fat guys in their 20s with scruffy beards and long hair and it just doesn't look good at all.
Clean, shaved and short hair. That is how a civilized gentleman presents.
No excuses.
Long hair you can cut yourself... Short you cant
Source: I had long hair
As long as you’re metal you can have long hair. You also have to like the New Testament.
I need to get on steroids.
Depends on how long is long.
The man looks pretty nice, he's pretty muscular now so it makes sense.
I think you shouldn't have hair past the shoulders, my ideal hair is long but below the shoulders.
Why do that when you can just shoot.
what is that lady's name?
Last time I cut my hair was about 7 years ago so yeah, it's gettin long.