Dead to me.
Trump employs gun control
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I really want to see a poll with his approval rating among Republicans after this shit show of a meeting.
Are you in denial?
>TFW all people are suddenly shareblue roping your mongrel ass at the next lantern
You must be dense. The "give me anything on DACA and I will sign it" was like a month ago then he never signed it because it didn't have what he wanted.
But daca wasn't repealed and the repeal is in limbo now
So he's against the 2nd Amendment, big deal. At least he's moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem- isn't that the main reason we voted for him?
DACA is dead kiddo
Trump is done. I won't be voting for him in 2020. If anything passes ill be staying home midterms or voting for accelerationism and anyone why wants to hang Trump and turn your kids into trannys.
Thank you for your concern, Mohammed and Azabuke.
smart move, be pro gun knowing that itll get voted down in congress, that way you satifies the cuckold media and the pleb puplic.
He specifically said not to include any pro gun amendments in this bill. There is no "wall" in this bill.
you should probably post sources that are not anti-Trump fake news.
The supreme Court actually stopped Trump's request to kill it. This country is run by traitors, no one man (even POTUS) can save it. Repulcucks will probably cave in like usual and legalize the illegals.
If passes anything, I'll vote straight democrat at the primaries. Might as well crash the country with no survivors if they are just going to tear up the constitution anyway.
What my Ameribro meant by this was yes.
The media will never like him. He will gain nothing with this, and it pisses off a huge chunk of his base.
Don't be a faggot. Vote for founding fathers or people you respect instead. Democrats want to destroy this country, don't help them accomplish their goal because you're mad.
Nah, just a wageslave.
He has to post that every time.
>Red pill:
The only way America can be saved is if you abandon both parties
Don't vote blue if you get fed up with red
Don't go to red when blue lets you down
And once you go third party STAY third party.
That way, every cycle red and blue's shares go down and you slowly break their hold on the country.
>Black pill:
Americans are too dumb to sustain it. They always relapse, like drug addicts.
Every time a third party/independent puts in a good showing, and thus paves the way for their progress to be built on next time, (((they))) wheel out an especially 'charismatic' red or blue candidate, and the people fall for the meme. They go back to red/blue, and all the momentum is lost.
fuck yes
hopefully he loses voters
So basically, he spends a paragraph saying how he's going to implement gun control and shit on the 2nd amendment, and then states he loves it to try and pacify right wingers despite his intent.
That's it. He's done. We need a new champion.
What an idiot. He's lost mine and at least 10 other people I know votes over this in Ohio.
At least we got the Supreme Court pick.
This reminds me when amnesty don was spammed constantly. Its just all so tiresome
Normal sellout politicians say ANYTHING
Trump is different - he says EVERYTHING, kek
So that every side has a little token of what resonates with them, then they shut out the rest
>He specifically said not to include any pro gun amendments in this bill.
Imagine being this retarded and wrong at the same time. Of course you're a shill, so you're naturally wrong and retarded at birth.
Do you not realise that you sounds exactly like Hilldawgs?
>no one who criticizes Hillary could be a real person!
>and it pisses off a huge chunk of his base.
Who will then go to vote more pro-gun Republicans. Fucking hell plebs literally are retarded.
Words that come out of Trumps mouth
So Trump works for shareblue now?
We've seen this exact same retarded shill shit with Syria, DACA and a whole lot of other thing during pre-election. What makes you think he stops with the 4D chess my utterly retarded britbong friend?
Remember Trump advocated taking your gun away without due process yesterday.
Tell me what he gets from gun control
Trump is a populist, and therefore, inherently going to be somewhat spineless, if he sees (or perceives to see) American opinion turning away from guns, he too will turn away from guns.
Not sure why people seem to be surprised at this, he's a saleman at heart.
imagine being this dense
>Trump loses Republican voters
>just runs as a Democrat
>next term will be by Democrat Trump
Would be a nice plot twist
>we've seen
Why don't you pause for a moment and consider that when these things have happened, the criticism has been real?
Is that truly so beyond your mental faculties to imagine?
That when Trump does something in direct contradiction to his campaign promises, or signals that he might do so, that people would actually be pissed off about it?
Honestly, when something like this happens, I think there are 3 types of posts critical of Trump.
1) Genuine
2) Shilling raids
3) Fellow drumpfshits putting out bait mimicking shills, just for (You)s and lulz
The percentage breakdown? Who knows. Could be anything.
But to dismiss all criticism of his actions when something like this happens just shows you have blinders on.
trump shouldnt have even extended it, 6months ffs
you people don't understand how real shills work
they don't spend their time on fucking Sup Forums
they post comments on portals with a lot of views
this schizophrenic idea any criticism of Trump is shilling is some 1984-tier shit, only cringy as fuck
The minute he started appointing Goldman Sachs bankers to top posts should of been a deal breaker. As long as Citizens United is law of the land you're going to end up getting fucked by the best liars in America.
>they post comments on portals with a lot of views
Sup Forums has the most traffic out of any board on Sup Forums and Sup Forums gets 700 million page impressions per month
Tell me, what gun control legislation did he pass my retarded friend?
But Americans aren't turning on guns and he didn't even pass any gun control legislation you el stupido.
Imagine being this retarded
Because if you have the mental capacity to think 2 simple steps ahead you'll know and realize its his same usual bullshit tactic he always uses you humongous retard. Syria was the exact same shit where people get hyterical over a completely irrelevant bombing of an almost empty airfield. You know what happens after that? Stronger relations with China, ISIS gets blown to pieces by both US troops and Syrian, and there was no war whatsoever being declared. Don't get me started on fucking DACA, amnesty don for month and when reality finally dawn on the retarded shills they immediately bactrack and marvel at the stupidity of Dems instead.
This is almost the exact thing, in fact you doing concern shilling plays right into his hand.
This whole "it doesn't matter what Trump says" schtick is getting really old. It does matter what the president fucking says on camera in a bipartisian meeting. The man is swayed by the opinions of people on fox and friends, you don't think all those democracts beside him can't influence him?
Probably dead to all of us if he signs a gun ban.
>2 posts by this ID
If we dont have a second amendment, I want to destroy thia country also. Our goals are aligned.
>This whole "it doesn't matter what Trump says" schtick
Where in the hell did I say it doesn't matter what Trump says? The fact that his words have influence is what made his tactic effective.
>you don't think all those democracts beside him can't influence him?
What did the dems influence him user? The "muh Russya hacked the election" bullshit? the "muh brown DACA baby shit" bullshit? Or the "muh tax" bullshit?
Whatever. Times are different now. We need to keep guns out of the hands of white teenage autists, they're ruining it for the rest of us. The soy and estrogen in the water has poisoned the white male mind, and it needs to be kept safe from itself. Mentally ill shouldn't even be allowed to live, let alone own firearms, and most people under 21 are retards because of social media and no more hard labor.
Uncle Ted called out who was responsible for trying to Dominate over you.
Any mention Israel is behind the shenanigans gets deleted fast.
Jesus and Hitler were fighting the same Enemy. Money grubbing Luciferians.
You know if I was Jewish i’d make trump sign this legislation just to watch you cuck yourself into aligning with my Jewish beliefs
You played yourself.
The "muh take the guns away first and then ask questions" stance
No they didn't you retarded faggot, you're just too dumb to understand what actually happened. Which is that they decided they weren't going to bypass lower courts to give Drumpf his ruling. Bitch.
ted the redeemer
Bohemian Grove
They denied ending it early. It still expires as scheduled on march 5th
I'm gravely concerned about this gun control stance though. Does he not realize that blue states can and already do just pathologize normal human behavior?
You mean that thing that didn't happen that he just made an off-handed comment about? Huh, dumb ass??
No he advocated taking guns away from/denying guns to Mentally disturbed individuals and anyone like that reported to law enforcement with serious question of mental state
Dems already consider conservatives mentally disturbed, Should they regain power they could take away guns from anyone who doesn't swear fealty to their point of view. All without repealing the second amendment. Not good.
>It doesn't matter what the president says
Getting real sick of that shit.
>Dems already consider conservatives mentally disturbed
pic related
Nobody gives a fuck what you're sick of you autistic little bitch.
Youre happy blindly following this constitution hating traitor?
How much are you getting paid to post this?
Yes. Get killed faghot
Happier than following anyone else on that ballot, bitch, fuck you. Fuckin' kill that whole family of yours you little pussy.
What did you expect? All of the media is for it and trump watches tv. He is ours now :)
Woah... so.. this is the power... of the white male mind?
>constitution hating traitor
Lots of concern about the Constitution for a leftist who thinks gay marriage is in the 14A and wants to violently overthrow the government and replace it with communism. KYS
oh look, he discovered swear words. gotta get them all out online cuz his mommy will scold him if he uses them in the house
>This is the average level of intelligence that a Trump supporter maintains