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fuck you, faggot.
no, fuck YOU, gun grabber
Slippery slope amerikeks, hope you are ready to hand your guns over the your "god emperor"
Don’t care about guns because I’m not an insecure schizo. I care about a strong military and economy. Trump is a great president.
Just to ensure that it wont pass
Kekekekekekeekekekkekekkeekekekekekkeekekekkek what ever will you do mutt?
>muh gunz
Fuck off shareblue
Finally, you burgers are going to get some common sense gun laws.
About time.
Fuck! Trump is instant faggot. I'm so pissed
Fuck trump for not wanting kids to be shot up
Id better not vote, allow the dems to win a supermajority again, flood the country with mud people, displace whites, disassemble the country more, fill the supreme court with shitlibs and then take my guns anyway
Fuck trump though!
Asking an 84 year old beyond blue democlap to introduce a poison pill amendment.
If she doesn't it'll sink her re-election.
If she does it'll kill the bill.
Trump only creates win-win scenarios.
>Hurr trump will drain da swamp and build da wall
>all he does is let israel have more control and put more jews in the trump administration
He's a literal jew puppet that never cared about america.
why the actual fuck would you trust a man who let his piece of shit daughter fuck a jew?
Kill yourself abbo
let's see if I can do it... this is 4D chess because it makes Trump unassailable and confounds liberals like never before. On the other hand it does affect gun ownership, which makes the jews happy. This is also 4D chess because keeping the jews happy buys you time.
>not insecure
Yes you are. There is no such thing as safe and there never has been in the entire history of our species. If you think being personally responsible for your own protection makes one "insecure" you don't understand the meaning of the word.
>trump asks dems to add shit to bill knowing it wont pass
>gop, as usual, kills bill
>trump shrugs shoulders and says "I tried" and gets a week of good press from msm
Who needs assault rifles anyway. We need to support our president, don't fall for shareblue's tricks
But I don't.
This, I’d gladly trade my guns for another 4 years of trump draining the swamp and making demoncrats butthurt.
>8 post until the 1st 4D chess
you're slipping Sup Forums
>this level of cock sucking
One of his platforms was to defend the ssecond amendment. If he goes through with this im not voting for him in 2020
>this post is 100% serious and not at all ironic
go back to the_donald
I can't because a conservative took away our guns too.
Don't worry, it's for the best, your society will be much better.
>Fuck trump for not wanting kids to be shot up
you dont understand how this works. 9/11 happened you how our government responded? TSA and wars in THE GOD DAMNED DESERT!
>9 trillion lost
>no end in sight
>TSA couldnt be useful if they could fucking use magic to detect threats
The government never has your best interest at heart.
>Yeah add assault weapons in there hehe
>Also ban ammo
>Yeah good, sounds great, put it into congress
>dies in congress
>Well I tried, didn't I?
>a strong military
That's a bad thing, since it's only used to kill foreigners and do nothing but make the world and this country worse. Also, (((the real threats))) are within and nothing's being done about it.
He looks genuinely does look like a weak chinned Patrick Bateman.
We won’t need your vote when Trump picks up another 50 million votes. You can fuck off back to shareblue land now.
Wow. Allying yourself with Feinstein.
Any way we can meme him out of office before 2020?
No, you're a un-American fuckin pussy.
Trump is based after all.
I can smell the metho from here you braindead boong
this is literally the best news i have heard in years
we did it guys
i have tears in my eyes
we did it
Fuck off you weak piece of shit
Take his dick out your mouth
lucky check
Bill won't pass if she does derp.
I-I'm sorry abbo. Please help us.
You are the perfect example of why we don't need guns, I simply couldn't trust a person like you with a firearm.
Far too much responsibility for the average brainlet bogan.
I hate you faggots from The_Donald almost as much as I hate liberals.
>this post is probably unironic
>implying Hogg is not a deep cover Trump shilll
I hope the lesson Sup Forums draws from this is that accelerationism is right, but I don't expect any lessons to be learned.
When USA is as cucked as Europe on guns, what will they fall back on for bants?
>another 50 million votes
>60+ mil voted for hillary
>60+ mil voted for trump
>a majority of the voting eligible populace is more interested in the superbowl then who runs this shitty country
>trumps going to pick up 50 million people who voted for THE LITERAL WORST CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY
I bet none of you even own a gun anyway
This changes nothing.
Back to some PUBG
So in the end Sup Forums elected Hillary after all
Having the right to a gun is the tenet of a just nation, fucking unamerican cunt
Why don't you trespass on my property and find out?
Hahahah holy shit Trump's gone full retard. Is he purposely trying to lose the 2020 election?
>implying trump won’t pick up a lot of the non voters that now realize he’s the real deal
Dude... stop.
you dont need a gun to survive, but you have a right to a gun if you should so choose to purchase one. The government never stops at one right faggot.
back to le donald you go :3
I unironically bet this is all to help his buddies sell more arms because muh dey take guns buy soon.
Counter sage bump
this sucks lol
>assault weapon ban
Trump knows it won't change anything or affect shit even if the bill went thru.
Assault weapon is not a thing and you can't use imaginary media labels for legislation.
Assault with a weapon is already illegal.
>Dems that think Trump is the literal antichrist/hitler love child will vote for him because he stabbed his constituents in the back with some asinine Feinstein assault weapon ban
This. Libshits are too stupid to figure it out though. Radio talk show host Michael Savage has been contacted by "powerful people" who want him to run for Feinstein's senate seat, and Feinstein has already been told by the democrats that they aren't going to help her seek reelection. When Savage savages the libcucks in California, you're gonna see some real shit jump off.
>Please add this change to gun safety bill, I'm worried that the cucks in congress might actually pass it, and it will appeal to libtards that might actually think I'm willing to compromise with them.
>literally hilldawg level of mental gymnastics
Oh Sup Forums
This is your future
/ptg/ has to go
So what exactly is the school safety bill, and why would Trump want her to add a poison pill to it?
Michael Savage is a gun grabber too. Do you even listen to him? He kvetches after every mass shooting about how we don't need assault riffles, etc., etc.
Im going to stockpile as many fucking guns as I can fuck (((Trump)))
To all of those left who aren't cultists, and who care about the Second Ammendment, and our other Constitutional Rights, regardless of who is president, please spread this image far and wide.
Twatter, plebbit, fagbook, everything that you use, please spread it.
It is open letter to Trump regarding any gun control actions that he might be contemplating.
Because he’s right, we don’t need them. Pistols and shotguns are just fine.
Ok, I want assault trucks banned.
Explain how you gonna make that a law?
It's already illegal to drive over people.
Didn’t read fuck off shareblue
It's not the bill of needs.
I don't even know if the apologetic posts are ironic or not anymore. I hate /ptg/ so much.
Yup. Shocking so few see it this way.
Yeah, let’s all vote D now! They’d never take away our gun rights!
you don't need freedom of speech to live either, maybe he should take those away so I don't have to hear your autistic zog puppet worship anymore
Why didn't you vote for Hillary then? She would have made sure there's lots of action for the military and as we all know war is good for the ecnonomy.
Civil war before that happens
>muh 4d backgammon
kys, Trump's lost my vote and any R that supports this is losing my vote in the midterms
Defending trump at this point just makes you a globalists, Jew cock sucking, a vote matters more then my freedom, faggot
Powerful desu. Now if only he was actually budging on anything of relevance - hint he is not.
Also ,the wall is being built as we shill. Go check it out dear JIDF.
>muh one issue voter
you’re cancer in the trump movement and we don’t want you anyways
to be fair everyone screamed 44 was coming for the guns and he didnt.,trump's openly praising democrat gun control legislation.
>like he promised to close gitmo
You sound like a centrist
I found that way too funny
Trump's playing 4-D chess, he's doing it to increase gun sales, don't worry he's gonna have all ban talks suspended after the American populance has purchased the firearms.
He's doing it to make people more aware of their rights.
Don't lose faith in President Trump so easily.