Be irish

>be irish
>run out of potatoes

Remind me again why are they part of our race?

You tell me why you're using our celtic cross on your meme flag first faggot.

You just answered the question.

Britain was a very large importer of Irish goods and growing potatoes for export was most profitable. When the potato crop failed there weren’t enough farmers growing anything else to meet the spike in demand.

That’s my American education at least.

We didn't all die. A lot of us went to America. And vastly improved it. You're welcome, faggot

Meme flag.
I smell la Creatura. Or at the very least, a Mahmoud

>run out of potatoes
>doesn't understand how famines work
Fucking retarded, even for bait
sage faggot

> believes potato famine
It was an Anglo-engineered famine.

Anglos act so much like jews it's often hard to tell them apart.

At least they can grow potatoes unlike niggers

They aren't. Irish were never and will never be white

Everyone needs someone white to pick on.

They aren't
That's a sun wheel you imbecile

>anglo teuton

>that nose

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the eternal jew strikes again

that in the pic is a jew, look at the nose


this, OP is a filthy kike, and whoever did OPs drawing was also a filthy kike

starvation is jewish way of killing the goy, look at the soviet union

Anglos love striking losing deals with kikes. They've done it in every country they've colonised and they do it constantly here in the homeland.

jews did the irish genocide by design

If you believe the official narrative regarding the potato famine, I feel bad for you.

OP either you are a kike trying to divide whites. OR your a cucked white trying to divide white.

It's celtic, faggot

It's a sun wheel faggot