Why does California suck so bad? It has a huge Democratic Party supermajority in its State Assembly, a Democrat Governor and all that vibrant diversity from Mexico and Central America, shouldn't it be perfect?
Why does California suck so bad? It has a huge Democratic Party supermajority in its State Assembly, a Democrat Governor and all that vibrant diversity from Mexico and Central America, shouldn't it be perfect?
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>It has a huge Democratic Party supermajority in its State Assembly, a Democrat Governor
I see what you did there.
has a GDP twice the size of Mutha Russia
>muh GDP
All of that is useless if your state is such a fucking unlivable failure that the people are basically all homeless, they all leave to fuck up other states, and they have to import millions of fucking foreigners just to say they're great.
China and India have high GDPs but are still shitholes to live in
Because they don't give a fuck. Leave shitafornia if you haven't already, they let minority criminals back on the street for "diversity."
t. cop
California is the poorest state in the U.S.
Going from the right side up:
>Minnesota: 85% white
>Vermont: Over 90% white
>Iowa: Over 90% white
>Utah: 85% white
Etc., etc., etc.
Where's the first 'diverse' state going from the less poor side on up? Colorado, maybe?
Poorest states:
>California (Latinos)
>Florida (Latinos)
>Louisiana (blacks)
>Arizona (Latinos)
>Mississippi (blacks)
>Georgia (blacks)
the right needs to retake california
it is the best land in the entire country and it is being squandered
The worst part is they just move and go "lol I'm out breh" and nothing changes with their shitty attitudes, cancerous voting patterns, and lack of humanity. I wish we could shoot them at the border.
Kek Minnesota is 55% somolian and it signed law building housing for Muslims, so the government pays MN a shit Ton MN isn’t rich because if white people
40 million wetbacks in the desert crying they have no water. maybe we should call them drybacks.
Kek do you seriously think leftists are leaving California? Youre retarded.
It's the least white state in the Continental USA.
The funny thing is that it has more $100,000,000+ super rich than any other state. It seems like the (((Elite))) enjoy being as far above others as possible, they want to be gods in comparison to other men, perhaps this is why they push for the browning of white nations, they have an obsession with perceived power and wealth and want no one else near them other than their tribesmen.
It's almost like their working towards the prophecy put forth by their Torah (Specifically in the Zohar), which says that when the Messiah comes every gentile will be enslaved to the Jews.
Most of California isnt a desert, retard.
any democrats care to discuss? 6th largest economy? beautiful weather?
This says Minnesota is 85.3% white as of the last census in 2010:
i drive a truck, retard. most of california /is/ a desert. i've watched the mojave reclaim the central valley over the last 8 years.
>Fill state with poor Mexicans
>Their lives suck
What a fucking shocker!
So you are a retard. Glad to know.
genuinely laughed thanks
The state is basically an extension of Mexico at this point.
The spics have already starting moving eastward in search of greener pastures. In 10 years, the entire east coast will be brown.
It goes back to proposition 187, which passed in 1994 and would have outlawed gibs for illegals. It was ruled unconstitutional by our lefty state senate and fuckhead Gray Davis blocked the appeal. After that things went downhill.
We were invaded by beaners with their hands out for gibs who bred like the cockroaches they are. Boomerfags were happy to have the slave-wage gardeners and pool boys, and the best and brightest of these subhumans weaseled their way into gubernment with (((their))) help.
Fast forward, Southern California is identical to Mexico. Taxes are highest in the country, with no services to show for it. Whypipo are fleeing to better states and only (((they))) remain with their pets. Unfortunately, the pets are too stupid to distinguish (((them))) from ordinary whypipo, so when we finally go full-blown South Africa tier, (((they))) may get what is coming to them at the hands of Juan.
The state is basically an extension of Mexico at this point.
The spics have already starting moving eastward in search of greener pastures. In 20 years, the entire east coast will be brown.
try actually going there instead of posting bullshit charts
Can we just ban anyy thread starting with "study says".
It's 99% bullshit.
in 20 years, the entire country will be yellow. a bunch of niggers and spics will never hold back the chinese from taking that much needed farm land and vaporizing the hostile, useless, redundant natives.
I live here. Holy shit. I know more about this state that you ever would in your damn truck.
Too many wh*he pipol
try actually traveling around. get yourself a buttplug and you can travel outside the gay bay.
I live in Commiefornia. Without a doubt, you can only survive here if you make $150+/year. With a combined income of $200k/year, you can live comfortably. Depends on where you live, though.
Do I regret moving out of Florida? No.
Do I miss Florida? Yes.
Do I enjoy the cash flow here? Yes.
It's pretty fun here anyway, boys. Living amongst liberals is kind of like living in a zoo: You never know what you'll see every day.
Maybe a racist study. Pfff
>It was ruled unconstitutional by our lefty state senate
No, it was ruled unconstitutional by the fucking Ninth Circuit.
Prop. 187 was California's last chance, and that Democrat-stacked court ruined it, and now the state is a brown leftist cesspool.
That's an interesting way of looking at it.
So I post a scientifically accurate chart, and you prove to be a dumb faggot. Boomer posting at its worst. And I know of the micro climates of Southern California as I live here, so try again.
they are?
Yes, 9th circuit, my bad.
It boils my blood that this happened. I have bled for this state and toiled for many years. It sucks to see it go into the toilet.
>Why does California suck so bad?
Not enough diversity. I mean if diversity is our strength, if something is going badly you just need to apply some more diversity to turn it around.
>implying leftists have any self awareness
t. Denver
Yep. We are all leaving. Only (((they))) will remain with their pets. California is America's Sweden.
what the fuck do you think a mediterranean climate is, genius? arid...a fucking *desert*
See this
Excessive (((capitalism))) is the reason we're in this mess.
Mediterranean climate is a fucking desert climate you colossal faggot. There's almost no rainfall, but it's only different from a normal desert because of mild temperatures.
T. Former California resident
California is basically Brazil: A super rich white elite, surrounded by an ever-growing number of dirt-poor Third World Latinos and mulattoes.
HAHAHAHA are you serious m8? Did you go to school? Look up the definition of desert and Mediterranean climate and then get back to me. Thanks
They are leaving en-mass, you are the retard here
I've read that the housing prices in silicon valley are just absolutely insane. I don't know how you burgers put up with it. What does it matter if you make obscene money when you have to pay obsecene money to even exist in the first place. They could go to some other nation and live like royalty for the rest of their lives with some of that income. Nah spending it on hyperinflated housing and commodities instead. California is all kinds of fucked. If it truly seceeded from the US as it threatened in the wake of trump. These assholes would go belly up in an instant.
mediterranean is a recent classification for deserts that have mild rainy winters. still a fucking desert.
So you're an idiot former California resident. Thanks for clarifying. Look up the definitions of desert and Mediterranean climate. Look at the rainfall totals. Holy shit this board is getting dumber
>has a GDP twice the size of Mutha Russia
What does it matter when you spend it on housing. I laugh about how you think that's an achievement. It all goes down the gutter. Or in very wealthy pockets. And then talk about GDP of california. Are you that much of an idiot?
We need to encourage the unwashed masses to Occupy Silcock Valley.
Keep telling yourself that, boy. If you seriously think most of Italy is a desert than you're a lost cause.
>What does it matter if you make obscene money when you have to pay obscene money to even exist in the first place.
We don't know anymore honestly. It's why so many of us try to live out of our cars.
suddenly pol cares about meaningless jewtistics like "quality of life"
California has a balanced budget, which is more than I can say for the republican controlled federal government. We have tech, entertainment, wine country, basically half the GDP of the U.S., and you flyover states think you're superior. 'Murica makes me laugh.
>what is austin Texas
t. Texan college student
>ranks 32 overall
burgers seem to think pissing money away on housing, the biggest non-investment a person could make, and then printing money to inflate the price of these consumer liabilities tenfold, somehow makes for a good economy. for what the average retard wastes on a mortgage, you could seastead with a very nice yacht.
>suddenly pol cares about meaningless jewtistics like "quality of life"
It's funny that you imagine that the kikes care about that at all. And even pretend that they invented caring about it.
>California has a balanced budget
>1.5 trillion in debt.
>burgers seem to think pissing money away on housing, the biggest non-investment a person could make, and then printing money to inflate the price of these consumer liabilities tenfold, somehow makes for a good economy. for what the average retard wastes on a mortgage, you could seastead with a very nice yacht.
Is what i'm saying. It makes no fucking sense.
Mexicans ruined this fucking state. Remove taco
I'm done arguing with you. you're splitting hairs and distracting from the conversation, and i won't abide your shilling any longer.
The only Californians I know leaving are leftist hating citizens. My sister just moved to Austin with her husband. And other friends as well
maybe they imagine their houses will generate wealth in some imaginary factory in the basement?
I know five that moved to Colorado and another two that went to Texas. Fucking faggots won’t stay and fight the good fight.
GDP includes government spending, and lolifornia has a lot of debt.
North of Sacramento isn't a desert, also the Sierra Nevada mountain chain, he's technically right. Move away from MS13 territory.
>Worse quality of like than Minnesota that has a Somali infestation.
That's quite the feat.
Basically turn California into Latin America by importing Latin America.
No, he isn't right. You're clearly not a Californian. So don't speak, pls.
unfortunately, they bring their politics with them and wreck their new homes not realizing they are the problem. california is just a desert, the people of california are what is fucked.
>inb4 but muh mexicans
mexicans can't do shit unless americans let them in and give them rights, and they're just gonna go for gibs for their litters.
It’s a demoralization shill. The last thing the Jews want is us to talk about how their are states that are still nearly all white
Nigger, redwood forests.
>maybe they imagine their houses will generate wealth in some imaginary factory in the basement?
oh yeah, because the housing prices aren't high enough as it is. When it finally deflates and is adjusted for reality for nobody even wanting to live there, there's a lot of people going to be really happy to rip you all off, just wait and watch. You think things are more valuable than they are because you say so. HAHAHA
We may have all these beautiful things NOW, but how long will they stay beautiful? We have to lock our doors, our cars, worry about getting mugged or carjacked, nothing productive gets done because the people who work for us are all low IQ subhumans who just shit out more low IQ kids. Schools are shit, no matter how much money we pump into them. These 'New Californians' give zero fucks about the environment or diversity - they are all fiercely tribal and racist. When whites are the super-minority it will turn into South Africa here. This is no way to successfully run a society, and no amount of beautiful coastline or Napa vintages will change that fact.
this: I'm here in mn and it's still white as shit, not to mention huge pushback against shitskins and the fact they cant handle the winters
Truth. Checked.
Because it's basically a feudal state - most of the urban population lives in filth and squalor while a small aristocracy lives in opulent luxury and most of the small town and rural population exists only to provide resources and taxes to the major urban centers.
Californians are the new serfs.
But their birthrates are higher, all babies instantly US citizens regardless of their parents' legal status, and one man one vote. Plus many whites have been indoctrinated into hating "white privilege" to anesthetize them for losing their country. So what can you do?
In addition to that Lolifornia has the most people on welfare in the country, so they are basically ripping federal dollars away from other states, spending it in Lolifornia and marking down their parasitism as
>muh GDP
Mandate sterility for all dreamers and anchor babies.
Mexicans are actually having less and less kids. Look at fertility rates for the next few years of Latin America. I don't know where you live, but I never lock my doors and actually will leave my door open with my dogs running lose. Feels good not living in a big city.
because california is far from Murrica's best
I lived there you braindead fuck. The entire state is totally dry in the air and under the ground. It makes for sunny days year round, sure, but it's also a waterless fucking DESERT
or that we're still around 75% white. yeah it's 56% if you discount the people who have 1/64th cherokee in them, but they're still white enough you wouldn't know it without a DNA test. another bit of kikery to divide us. funny how they discount asians as well considering their race is even more evolved than ours. it's niggers that cause crime, and even among hispanics, nigger blood is found to be a major cause of crime, which is why dominicans are universally despised.
That new constant democratic voting block and giving 600,000 illegal immigrants drivers licenses so they can vote, don't miraculously pay for itself. There's nothing that is free, someone is ALWAYS paying for it. youtube.com
But keep telling people what they want to hear and keep being ignorant. You're just gods special little creature AHAHAHA
This is just false fox news propaganda to give old cheeto dick a stiffy. Places like Alabama with some of the worst poverty, and education in the WORLD literally UN observers called some of the places in Alabama and West Virginia on par if not worse than 3rd world. California is booming and is a great place to live. If you want you kid to grow up a fat teenage parent with no teeth and an 4th grade education go live down south.
This California tried to save itself but the fucking courts said nope.
Coastal. I'm one of the elites but not one of the (((elites))). Outside of my nice neighborhood is a cesspool. If it wasn't for the nice weather and beautiful walks on the beach I would have left right after prop 187 got torched. Our countryside is nice, especially up north. But too damn hot for me desu.
In the overall of that study Cali ranks at 32. The overall bottom are states like Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Alabama, etc. Going muh lefties guise for the poverty rates thing doesn't work here either cuz if we count margin of error Florida's more or less tied while being a more right wing state. The minorities argument loses its case because Cali only has about a few percent more hispanics than whites while Florida is dominant white (based on census bureau numbers not Sup Forums numbers.) As for Minnesota or Iowa I wouldn't wanna live there. I live in the area of VA that has the countries richest counties and it's boring as fuck here, not many poor here but it's more a stability thing than there being shit to do I would imagine Iowa's no different. If you aren't a poor piece of shit I wouldn't understand why you wouldn't want to live in a more happening place (be it the big cities in Texas, Cali, NY, Florida, etc.)
Cali has the highest number of European Americans of any state are you an idiot? And yeah sure Cali's got its inefficiencies with their tax spending (my beef is with the cap and trade system that uses up so much of that money) but Cali's taxes go to spending not just for Cali but a lot of other states as well; there's definitely stuff to show for it.
take off and nuke the site from orbit
So do you consider Italy a desert? Because it has the same exact climate as much of California. And I know you were from California, and i told you that you were dumb.
Worst quality of life for whom?
Maybe if you’re a poorfag.
If you’re a self-sustaining millionaire who doesn’t rely on the government for your wellbeing it’s probably bretty gud desu
>iq is above 100 for all of north except alaska
lieutenant dans fishing on their fishy boats?