Post flags of countries that should still exist. My pick is pic related.
Flag thread
60s australia
shut your face muslim gook that's not funny
Haha... I always liked the red ensign more to be honest.
I see your Vrystaat and I raise you Transvaal.
Ruined by democracy back in 1795, ruined by democracy in the current year.
that's not a country, user. that's a failed social(ist) experiment
That's just the battle flag of the third Reich and not the national flag but ok it's a great flag nonetheless
Get the fuck out of here corporate whore this thread is for flags of countries that should still exist and not for waking your hate boner against the color red
Fair enough. I'll stick to what I know.
I love that flag. Good taste Bruder.
Here another one. Rip Prussia. Best rival ever.
Byzantium Empire?
Belgium Congo.
King Leopold was a crazy motherfucker
Isn't it the kriegsmarine flag?
How I miss the good old days.
it's on our emblem for some reason
probably because byzantium and medieval serbia had close relations
Yes exactly. I usually simplify shit on here since many just shake their heads and lose interest if I say some German word.
Fucking Anglos
Lol. You are American so that makes you an anglo as well. Except you are some immigrant.
hungarian crown was a mistake
No it's because you guys tried to conquer the Byzantine Empire, only were partially successful, and opened the way for Ottoman expansion into Europe by crippling them.
Heil Scoopistan
It was part of the Empire.
Hehehe. Was the only way sadly since they revolted. We should have partitioned the Empire peacefully at some point to keep some valid territories and sea access. Franz Ferdinand could have reformed stuff though and eventually he could have held the huge Empire together under Austrian dominance but with sovereignty of other nationalities in the Reich. .. but I am going off topic... Beautiful flag! I wish we still could fly it today as our national flag.
we didn't even share a borded with byzantium when they got conquered by roaches, you confused us with bulgarians
it wasn't, slavs settled in balkans long after justinian's rule
I also really like the flag we used to fly in the Ständestaat.
Should be an independent country.
>slavs settled in balkans
I thought it was just the 6th century
Fucking Sukarno do you want us to cleanse your village again and rape your women?
German South West Africa.
Still blows my mind hearing niggers speak perfect German.
first settlers arrived during 7th century, but later during 9th and 10th century they actually became a majority and created first slavic kingdoms
I hope you are kidding lol if not you are probably a Turkroach
Yeah. "Perfect" but Germans could have brought order into their Neger society. When it comes to establishing order Germans are unbeatable. Also wonderful flag. Too bad they lost all that after WW1. Sigh.
Wtf is this shit
Too bad they lost WW1
Best America
>implying they don't do a fantastic job of that themselves
I wish I saved the video of the old Indonesian man jokingly talking about how he was raping little girls(daughters/family of communists) back in the good old days.
Why did Germany, Austria and Roachland just roll over and die like pathetic faggots in WWI?
wasn't really much of a rivalry you got you ass handed to you and they pissed all over you
Leopold understood that niggers needed to be kept in their place. It's no wonder the EU capital is Brussels - Belgians are the original Eurocucks.
When you lose a war, you don't have much bargaining power.
Were they even invaded? They just gave up.
Austria and the Ottoman Empire were multicultural nations splitting apart and Germany had a bunch of jewish communists exploiting the war-exhaustion to tear the country apart from the inside forcing the army-turned-militia to return to quell the revolution. And America, a powerful nation that wasn't exhausted in manpower and resources, supported and then joined the Allies.
Damn, it's a shame they didn't go with the red, it looks cooler.
Fair point.
I think they overextended themselves and had to fight the war on two fronts.
They realized the war was lost for them and it avoided them being completely occupied as they were after World War 2. The reason Hitler could rise in Germany was because Germany still had alot of autonomy and wasn't just a puppet state.
Austria-Hungary depended on Germany to maintain the Western Front, and the Ottomans absolutely shat themselves over the commie (((Young Turks))).
As for Germany, link related
there was major advances by the allies on all fronts the Austrians and the ottomans were basically out of the war and Germany didnt have the men or materials to continue fighting they just quit before the war spilled over into German territory and cost millions of more lives
Why are all Britons on Sup Forums such insufferable insecure cunts that do nothing for saving their blacked country but simultaneously keep bragging about accomplishments from decades or even centuries ago?
Fucking hell, I touched a nerve. I was just asking a simple question, no need to be so fucking precious.
I doubt you retard ever attended history class. Austria and the Habsburgs dominated the German lands long before Prussia came about... for centuries. Idk if you bong ever heard of the Holy Roman Empire. And well.There was a power struggle in the German Bund and we lost a major decisive battle. Wow. The Prussians wanted us gone so they can unite Germany under their crown instead of us. It was a power struggle between two influential nations. Now go and eat some poo in loo in Britbongistan.
Yeah yeah. Enjoy being the second formerly white country with a non white majority population after America.
Wow, cool anime girl.
Other countries in Europe are worse-off demographically.
Rip. Indeed.
If the Raj still existed it would probably rule Britain at this point desu
Anglos are cunts, be wary around them. Habsburg empire was the closest thing we came to Rome again, R.I.P.
Just reading up on it, I found this battle pretty amusing.
Well, at least not all of the countries that suck demographically will fuck up economically at the same time as you are going to.
lmfao probably
Value and regard the State and the SS for the family and the importance of the preservation of the Folk. He should talk about the SS motto My Honour Is Loyalty, which now becomes also the motto for the woman. He should point out that as long as the couple keeps to the SS laws and do their duty, the SS will protect them.
At least we lost causing major damages to the enemy even though we were smaller in numbers ^^
Lol, you lot want to leave the EU as well.
>No Liberian county flags
you plebs don't know real art
romans never had a flag gayboy
Honestly I hope for them that they fuck up ecomomically, most real changes were in the wake of an economic collapse, if the British want to turn their demographic destruction around a ecomomic collapse might be the only way to trigger that reversal.
No. We would rather join Visegrad and make a secure alliance before the EU collapses by itself. We aren't idiots you know. Orban's Hungary is the top example of how shit should be done.
>Other countries in Europe are worse-off demographically.
You might want to take a look into your future
Kinda wrong there bucko
No shit sherlock, but you got my point, didn't you?
If there was a referendum in Austria, you would vote leave like France.
Best Russia
I'm not even mad. Morrocan chicks are good.
Projections like this are usually false as it assumes that the migration rate and birth rates don't decline, which they are doing right now. Also, white immigration has now surpassed non-white immigration here.
The last polls I saw showed that my people aren't that stupid. And things in France have changed as well. I fear your data isn't up to date anymore.
Even the Frog president said France would probably leave. Polls in the UK said we would remain and our PM was really cocky about us staying in. Your country is moving further to the right and is more anti-EU. I think this is sour grapes. Enjoy refugees, anyway.
>Projections like this are usually false as it assumes that the migration rate and birth rates don't decline, which they are doing right now.
Doesn't really matter actually. As long as they're above the White British the percentage will increase.
Also England went from 87.0% White British in 2001 to 79.8% in 2011. I wonder what the percentage is now.
You fuck Moroccan chicks? I thought the brothers, fathers etc. were very protective?
>vote brexit
>more EU immigrants than all other nations combined
I don't really mind if white British declines. White is white. Lots of non-white British people are just Brits with an Irish granddad who try to be exotic.
As ever, the good ones look amazing.
Most of them don't.
I've only seen one Moroccan girl who I thought I could pull a trick on if she begged, and I live in Cuck Central Station aka Amsterdam.
that flag makes my cock stiff
>take me back desu
Not really. Third generation Morrocans are either lax or very strict. The very strict ones are easily distinguishable. Just know some Islamic things and its fine (ie Shahada, first Surah of the Quran). If you know this then the family has no issue with you dating/marrying your daughter. I drink beer at her parents place as well. The only pissed off one is one of her brothers because he's a Salafi and he's single.
Try your luck with some Djibouti or Algerian women. Djibouti because some of them look good and beg for white cock, Maghrebi women (ie north african) are known as whores in the whole mid east. It helps to have some Arab friends as well (ie secularized/Christianized ones)
>Posting the naval flag of the 3rd Reich...
>I don't really mind if white British declines. White is white.
So goodbye to the English then. Shall we just replace them with French and Germans?
>digits confirm
I'm not English.
Nobody is being replaced. A French person who comes over will most likely marry an English person and their descendants will be increasingly English with each generation. It doesn't matter all that much. The Queen is German and Nigel Farage is French and German.
The brothers and fathers that are protective put veils on their women, the unveiled ones are fair game and often even sluttier than most Dutch Thots, especially the Turkish ones.
The FPÖ is Eurosceptic and in the current government. Yes. But the leading party which bosses them around isn't in favor of a referendum. They only managed to avoid eu sanctions by declaring that they are a pro European government all together in the first place. So I doubt a referendum will happen all too soon except the economic situation drastically changes.
And yeah. We enjoy refugees getting deported and put into centralized camps outside of the areas where natives live in the meantime. Boy... I sure love our new government.
I doubt a referendum will happen too, but, if it did, you would most likely vote leave, even if it's a small margin of victory like over here.