*Toto - Africa starts playing*
*Toto - Africa starts playing*
truly hell on earth.
and they still cant build anything better than mud huts
I dont even think a genocide would keep those numbers down. They breed too quick.
>be white
>go to mars in 2030
>see earth explode
>laugh from the newly terraformed mars with no nogs
Have we really added 4 fucking billion people in just 50 years? Jesus christ.....that's not maintainable
Just stop giving em food and medicine and it will resolve itself.
People won't stop having sex, seems to be all the new generations know.
This. Niggers are exploding in population because we keep stuffing their faces with food.
And guess where they're all moving to?
That's right! North America and Western Europe!
Why can't these fuckers just die and rot and get eaten by flies like that have been for centuries? Is human life truly "precious" if you are one of nine Ebola babies that historically had a
It has a lot more to do with medicine than food.
It'll never happen because no one is going to risk genociding all of them. Only thing that'll save this planet is either another massive war or a giant plague so everyone can pass the blame on to someone else
hmm time to learn spanish and move to ecuador
*Laughs in Oceanic*
Anything more than a million people is a plague not a community
It's going to take a lot to get me awaaaaaaaay from yoooooooou
How many illegal nigglers are here too?
>coitus interruptus
You will get knocked down by a new mega disease. Population growth does not mean you become a developed country. It will amplify your current problems. Also high concentrations of people mean disease is more rampant, even in Japan. How is Madagascar doing with their black plague outbreak?
I tend to agree. It blows my mind to think the population of California is about the same as Canada. I've worked in a national park the size of Switzerland(45,000kms2)
So basically asian countries will mature after the burst of modernizing industry etc while africa starts developing. Fast forward a few years after this gif stops and the african population will mature and shrink just like everybody else. Hopefully african countries will modernize in a good way which makes it's people want to stay in africa not go to europe.
This is based on if current trends continue i assume?
Africas population can't grow indefinitely without blowing up.
Either way it's a inevitable disaster.
Wood Buffalo national park for those wondering.
>implying (((they))) would not take niggers to mars because of muh diversity
it's over guys, soon niggers will take over this and every other world we may own in the future
What happens when we stop feeding them?
They move to your neighbourhood.
They steal, rape and kill
oh wait, they already do
It'll never happen. Whites will run out of gibs to give them long before this happens, and they'll starve in even greater numbers, thus culling their population.
Ssshhhh stop giving the game away.
I live on the border of Southwest National Park. It's really important to me that people have a chance to be in nature. Not everyone feels the same unfortunately, a constant reminder that they treat their life like a sim game where you can't go outside the lines.
>the sound of hands rubbing furiously in the distance
>Implying we won't have genocided them by then
and this why white ethno state on Mars is the only solution
Who else but belgium
This is truly my biggest fear when it comes to population growth and people pushing for unrestricted immigration. This will ultimately lead to more environmental destruction of my home. I've been to some third world countries and the most shocking thing to me and most Canadians was the amount of litter everywhere
As soon as no money flows from the west into those shitholes it reverses in less than a decade