White boys are becoming obsolete

What can we do to fix that? White men aren't seen as "cool" anymore. Think of all the gangster rap music videos. You never see white people in them. Why? Because white people are seen as a joke. What can we do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>posts pic of black couple

She is a white woman.

This. White boys are honestly such a fucking joke. We deserve to die.

Kek, 2 memeflags, same user id.

Low quality bait, SAGED

They need a strong, masculine husband. Why would they settle down ? They aren't like Sup Forumstards, they don't care about the history of the guy or his IQ.

Show your leaf fag.

She's not white bro.

But that's a light skinned black.
She's maybe mixed, at most.


White "men" just can't compete anymore. That is exactly why they colonized Africa. They knew what would happen if black men came in contact with white women. Looks like their worst fears came through.

Am I supposed to give a shit about some amerimutt crybaby? I don't think so.

Burn in hell commie kike.

I like the static joke to be honest. I'd be mad if they didn't name the kid that.

Also look, a white boi in a rap video doing heroin:

>strong and masculine
I like his music but please, dude looks like a twink

He did. See:

And he samefagged hismelf right after.
Why are white liberals so stupid?

We see your trick cuck. Are you jew or traitor? Shame on you. Expecting more from Poland.


no one cares about nigger culture and the more brown people we have the more nigger burgers I get to serve to my people


meme flag sandniggers

So they anticipate the white woman dying? Because that's how static family life was. His mother died in a riot IIRC

Don't worry white boys. You can help her raise her half nigglet mongrel after Tyrone leaves her!

muhhamad (piss be upon him) was a sodomite and a sissy

I can picture what you look like making that post with your rat face, buck teeth and gigantic ears. Sorry that im psychic and at least 2/3 of that is true. Sage this goblino



Inbred faggot sandniggers





muhammed was unironically white, probably whiter than you


paki faggot sandnigger


That is actualy good idea. I would date her. Get niglet from school, kill him, dig his body in forest and one less nigger on planet. Than leave he becouse she start crying about her mutant kid.

If that were true then Jesus is white.

All fields


>Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The an then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."...
>Narrated Isma'il bin Abi Khalid: I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, "I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin 'Ali resembled him." I said to Abu- Juhaifa, "Describe him for me." He said, "He was white and his beard was black with some white hair. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he expired before we could get them."
>Abu Tufail reported: I saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and there is one amongst the people of the earth who (are living at the present time and) had seen him except me. I said to him: How did you find him? He said: He had an elegant white color, and he was of an average height.
>Jurairi reported: I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Muslim b. Hajjaj said: Abu Tufail who died in 100 Hijra was the last of the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him).
the prophet was white
pic related
hero of eurocucks

Muhhamad was a sodomite and loved it up the ass

read here faggot

Their son won't have a father.

Whiter than you Muhhamad

Muhhamad (piss and shit be upon him) had a scat fetish


that's brutal


American this isn't considered white ffs! The 56% meme lives on..

Posts like these are similar to dangling shit from a string and saying "ayy u want dis carrot yt boi"
either they're both conservative and not whores in which case there is no reason to be upset in anyway or they were both retarded niggers to begin with and nothing of value was lost.

I'm incredibly racist but I'm not a dumb nigger who thinks skin tone is the only thing that matters.

Same fagging. Must be a newfag. Welcome to hell.

Stay mad whores i know my thread is causing you all to make these threads.

To all the retarded newfags and amerimutts. This is a raid from some sandniggers and sodomites from an Sup Forums discord. Stop responding

fuck me aquafresh it never ends
nice digits

Has nothing to do with white men but instead with white women, they are traitors they always have been and will continue to be so.


I have seen this hundreds of times and never noticed that the nigger has a Hillary pin I was so focused on gingercucks bernie t and that 6/10 roastie and how smug she is

Not in the Reich, the Reich had fine women of the utmost character

No she isn't

the white race is so fucking fragile

you could have the highest IQ
you could have invented all the technologies we have now
you could be the most intelligent group of all
you could be the richest group of all

but that's not what women want in nature
because of the fact that white men are the weakest in term of physical strength, having the smallest cock of all of your women actually don't fall in love with you
you're just bankers
we're after all just living creatures no different to other mammal animals and all of females of mammal require their true mates one thing, the strength that is powerful enough to protect them which is something we coloured men have and white men lack

the demise of the white race is near as their men are just so fucking weak, pathetic and pitiful

RIP, white race


>not realizing that a lot of women in that period were former prostitutes, drug addicts and racemixers
You should read more what happen in Weimar Republic and what they did in order to make money.

We don't care about being "Cool" we care about keeping shit running you pissant leech

if you were a pole you would never write that, next time try indian flag..

Stay mad Takeshi

>Dark-skinned negro marries light-skinned negro.
Nice b8, memeflagfag.

Memeflags need to go.

I tell everyone about the weimar republik, it's a cautionary tale and yet more proof of the undying Aryan soul that animates the world

>Pale Skin = Aristocrat
>Dark Skin = Laborer

>Big Asian Cock

Is that supposed to be satire?

agreed not the best example. But he is nice looking.

Some East Asians know that their phenotype will not change much with their offspring. So that is why it is acceptable to some of them to commit miscegenation.

she's not white. so whatever.

That chicks latino, what are you smoking? I'm also a professional on this cause I live in Florida, so I know what a fucking spic looks like.

Oh wow, you sure are dumb

how do the gooks do it?

So many fucking memes in one post

>whites are the weakest race
Thats why the worlds stronkest men comps are all dominated by whites

>whites have the smallest dicks
Thats why the man with the largest (functioning) cock in the workd is white

>implying women need stronk men tk protect them.
Todays first world women dont care about that shit. Why? Because were not caveman hunter gathers that need strong men to survive. All women care about is wealth. Because that is viewed as the way to survive in todays world

>implying white women have yellow fever.
Lel if you think white men cant satisfy their women , how the fuck are youre 2.5 inch hard cocks honna do the trick? Every one knows the only white women who go for gooks are batshit insane with BPD anyway. You can have them for all I care. What a fucking clown. You cant compete as a baby dick manlet. Please stop your non sensical bull shit. I guess its true what they say about azns lacking common sense.

Litterally you have no room to say shit. Your new generations are such cucks. Jap"men" are to beta to breed with jap qts. Your birth rates are garbage. Thats why your women are sluting them selves out to other ethnicities. Dont say anything until your pussy asses start stepping up to the plate.

Fuck off nip, I dont trust those jap eyes

Wtf has that to do with what I said? How high are you now leafman?

>cant compete
>conquered africa and enslaved blacks
then why did you walk from you shithole to europe? Even the poor slav nations are 100x better than any african nation.

lol, is this 2013? you niggers have terrible bait these days, lazy as fuck.


Well you brought up the Weimar Republik in lieu of my asseration that the women of the Reich were the finest in history, so I guess we're even. I don't leaf anymore broh

But they werent, how can former prostitutes and drug addicts be good women? What kind of a logic is this?

>german women
>finest in history


>gangster rap
>not a joke

You keep referring to the worst stories of a minority (that can still be a hundred thousand or more sure go for it) of women and children, do you not realize that this is the very exception that proves my point? If even only for a day we shone with the light of a thousand sunny afternoons at home, flowers blooming, safe and happy


What is not cool? STDs, spousal abuse, spousal homicide, marrying some turd who rots in prison for decades but you "stand by him", at least you know where he is? Burn dat coal, pay dat toll - also, be shunned from civilization as a wrecker.

Stop using the commie meme flag for a start.

All those kids went on to sucking black dick when they turned 18. If not, their grandchildren did. They got the racism fucked out of them. Little shits.

White bois are about to be seen as exotic. Cant wait

huh? I already made my point


Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!

When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.

No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!



Nice looking couple, good luck to them
But without white men the world is destined to be a satanic totalitarian technocracy run by jews, enjoy the future you chose

All you have to do is tell women that you know that if they want blacks, they'll be looked at as lower than animals for the rest of their lives. It's worked for me so far with every chick I've ever wanted to fuck.


You know most of them get their cock done surgically, right? It’s not natural