Why are whites so weak compared to other races?

When you look at physical strength, whites have almost none when compared to people of color.
>inb4 muh IQ
Your IQ studies are nonsense, and have been shown to be wrong time and time again?
The whole notion that whitey cannot compete is true. Look at sports and who dominates them. Even us Amerimutts BTFO in the snownigger Olympic sport of curling.

Other urls found in this thread:


hey mudslime, you know what goes good on pork?

>literally not an argument and 1 post by this id

This whole board is 50% sexually frustrated white. Blacks cuck them.

They are getting cucked because they're too busy watching cartoons and not lifting.

have you ever watched any strongman contest? it's all whites, not a single nigger
niggers are being portrayed as masculine by the mainstream media and dumb roasties are buying into in, irl they're just 70 iq mongrels guided by basic instincts



>muh strongman contest
Those guys are outliers. On the average, whites are weaker than blacks. Have you seen Black Panther? Literally the strongest and most physically fit of all of DC's superheros.

You can see the fear in the whitey eyes.

Have you watched actual streetfights and not pussies-builder ? Africans always destroy the whitey.

tfw all known male forefathers in my family line are 6'2 100kg lumberjacks, and all living family members are exactly 6'2 100kg builders. Fuck your nigger fetish.

This has been studied. The average black in American lift weights regularly. The average white does not.

That's not fear, user. That's pity.


Whites are literally the best race at warfare. We are the most powerful race on the planet.

>one post by this ID
>second post in thread

You are a potato

niggers are biggest pussy builders ever, strongmen contests requires raw strength, not posing with steroid pumped muscles

i understand that you're probably a nigger and that your reading comprehension is terrible even for your native language, but media portraying niggers as masculine is exactly what marvel did with black panther

This is the funniest nigger thread ever

You mean DC.

Again, you are talking about outliers. ON THE AVERAGE blacks a faster, stronger, and better than whites, and don't need to resort to barbaric behaviour.

get rekt with your weak bait

Stop Shilling/LARPing nigger. We all know the dutch, poles and slavs are real strong men.

>You mean DC.
got me there, i don't really care about dc/marvel and american (((merchant))) "culture"

>Again, you are talking about outliers.
that's what this nigger thought too
also gj for finding that cringy pic from some gay internet campaign



nah, he's a sliding shill
see the black panther comment in no one with that profound retardation can handle a computer

>When you look at physical strength, whites have almost none when compared to people of color.

Slaves were bred for centuries to be bigger and stronger. White people cucked themselves.

You're the white frustrated virgin. Those pics only work with a white female.

>whites have almost none when compared to people of color.
worlds strongest man competitors would beg to differ.

Where are niggers at?

Topkek, because we bred the tallest and strongest as our slaves.

The real question is, what percentage of you would just die off and be incapable of surviving in our society were we to cut off the welfare? I’m almost in favor of a collapse of the system at this point, as the coons, gimmiegrants, and white liberal soy boys wouldn’t be able to survive it.

Those are outliers. On the average, blacks are better.

>On the average, whites are weaker than blacks.


Do you know; this sort of porn makes so much more sense to your mind/body if you imagine the sluts drooling over, sucking and swallowing Bananas or any other type of food - instead of dicks.

You do realize that the BLOATLORD is considered obese too right?


>Why are whites so weak compared to other races?

Negroes are good at two things, and two things only: Running and Punching.

When it comes to fighting, Whites have a much stockier, heavier, taller build, centered build that makes them dominate in wrestling, UFC, or any match that allows the full range of movement. Which is why a heavily limited Boxing is dominated by niggers, but not the MMA.

Same thing with the Olympics. You see the niggers dominating the running contests, but any other contest available? Gymnastics, weigh-lifting, swimming, wrestling, and team-based games like soccer and play ball?

Whites dominate every single one of them.

If I had to compare the reasons for negroid dominance in those fields of running and hitting, you can think of it this:

Fast hands for stealing.

Fast legs for running away.

That's the two things negroids are good for: stealing and running away.

Look up russian vs. on youtube. Video after video of slavs btfo niggers

on average you have starved nigger from africa
on top you have zero niggers


Yeah because the average obese nigger is in any way strong lmfao. Do you even know any niggers? The fat ones are lazy pieces of shit that do zero physical activity and die at age 45.

also dont forget that niggers were bred like dogs to make a fine strong slave for his white master

Hit the nail in the head.

When you search the actual stats, it breaks the whole "niggers strong" meme to pieces.

Niggers are too stupid for team coordination, can't swim at all. They can't lift for shit, and they move like logs.

Niggers and kikes
Faggots on bikes
Cannot compare to whites

You can talk shit online but I guarantee if you said shit to my face nigger you would understand the meaning of white supremacy

>You can talk shit online but I guarantee if you said shit to my face nigger you would understand the meaning of white supremacy
What are you going to do Cleetus? You Nazis have been getting BTFO at the protests and there are hundreds of videos of you running away with your tail between your legs.

And that's not even the Winter Olympics. When a nigger goes there, it counts as comedy.

Shaggy got ripped

And unlike niggers, they can take it.

Don't make me whip out my "antifa BTFO" folder.

Strength means nothing without proper application (And I mean in the sense of actually resolving shit outside of being an athlete). Do know the people you shit on are the reason you are even using this technology now. You may get rid of Whites in maybe 10-15 generations, but the world they built will not last long with them gone.

You can even see the fear in his face.

Niggers can run but lose every single strong man contest.

It's a mystery.


>Poor Little Black Guys.
>Even when they outnumber the white 4 to 1.


I bet you've never been to Africa.

Then why are you on Sup Forums faggot?

>Which is why a heavily limited Boxing is dominated by niggers, but not the MMA.

Niggers tend to win only when whitey cripples itself to give negroids a fighting chance.


>who conquered the world?
>who invented steam engines, the car, electricity, the internet?
ikr, whites are just super dumb shit tier race lol
kys faggit




Blacks seem to weightlift more than whites. I think if whites lifted more then we would either be equal or stronger on average.

All the strongest and biggest men in the world's are nords

Learn to b8 better and make it more subtle please, something that can be disproved with the drop of a hat is not good for pissing people off.


>Niggers BTFO.

I can never understand how cucks fall for the low-test negroid meme.


wow they piss off thor. bad idea.


Everyone on this board should be lifting right now. All obese or skinnyfat members with no muscle should be banned. Hypocrite low test weaklings hurt the entire movement.

It makes sense that low-test cucks/fags would be attracted to a low-test race, when you think about it.

With niggers, they can maintain a certain degree of intellectual dominance and control over his negroid subject.

With a white MAN, this goes right out the window, and their very existence is threatened up to an intellectual level. So the low-test cuck/fag recoils in fear of his superior white fellow. "THIS IS TOO MUCH!" he screams.


>the entire movement
What movement?

Any movement your fat rolls get attached to.

Hahaha go fuck yourself nigger.

The most popular movement on this board and what it is famous for politically which is the protection of whites as a race and their cultural groups.

>on this board
We've seen what happens when it's brought to real life, and it's very funny.

This is why the Jews are taking care of you all and succeeding. I will be helping them because thanks to Sup Forums I am now convinced the white race is a cancer.

It's funny because of the fat rolls. If any of you bothered getting /fit/ it would be a different story.

Pic related is the US’ gold medal curling team. I don’t see much melanin in there.

The average white American is a wagecuck robbed by taxes paying for gibs. Many of the rest are high-profile CEOs, engineers, lawyers, and bankers. None of these things leave much time for lifting. Unemployed bums have that. Give the people bothering to work time to lift and it’s a different story.

Find or do a study comparing muscle growth by race from the same starting point with the same exercise regimen. Until then, shut your oversized lips.

It makes sense, from a cancer's point of view, that the Chemo would look like a disease.

Why do nigs get so triggered by swastikas niggers would literally be better off if Hitler had won.

>muh street fights

It's easy to btfo anyone no matter who they are or what they know fight-skills wise if you're fighting like a cheap coward 10 motherfuckers deep.

But I'm sure you knew that, NIGGER.

So god damn tired of these hysterical white hating shills.


Correct, would have been funnier if we had gotten to every single Jew though and not just the six gorillion.

>muh strongmen
Like clockwork. Kek

>Have you seen Black Panther? Literally the strongest and most physically fit of all of DC's superheros.
>"yo guys, have you seen this movie. holy fuck i fapped so hard at the blackies man... confirmed strongest"


You are a fucking retard and reason enough to have postnatal abortion legalized.

Bait thread.

>whites are weak
>but the strongest recorded men are white?

Get nuked gook

Obvious b8 tard, calm down

All the time. They bring the same thing up even when BTFO they keep repeating it.

Whites aren't weak they are lazy now, like pandas they don't wanna fuck to save their species.

no he isnt, and i would know

>implying blacks don't resort to barbaric behavior literally every single day.

Hilarious because most sheboons already have noticeable manly facial features, which makes them hard to tell apart from transniggers.

Arent strongmen competitions won by whites generally? Longest boxing records are held by whites... Anyway it doesn't matter, each race has its ups and downs.

>so weak compared to other race