The warhead, he said, was "a low-flying...

>The warhead, he said, was "a low-flying, difficult-to-spot cruise missile with a nuclear payload with a practically unlimited range and an unpredictable flight path, which can bypass lines of interception and is invincible in the face of all existing and future systems of both missile defence and air defence."

good bye poland

Why would you need to use a difficult-to-spot cruise missile with a nuclear payload with a practically unlimited range and an unpredictable flight path, which can bypass lines of interception and is invincible in the face of all existing and future systems of both missile defence and air defence against Poland?

Why would he need to nuke Poland, and not more strategic and powerful places?

>against Poland?
It clearly says
>with a practically unlimited range
So we're safe :DDDDDDDDDDDD

kek russia has nuclear missles pointed at our capital since the 80s and they threaten to nuke us at least twice a month why would we start to care now?

>poland will again get absolutely btfo in your lifetime
can't wait

Poland as well as Romania have stationed elements of US anti-ICBM shield. They will be the targets number 1 in case of nuclear war.
Actually Putin already stated before that Russia may be forced to do pre-empting strikes against those facilities.

Basically it means USA lied to you about missile shield. They cannot protect you at all. It is time to ditch GAY usa and for all European countries to go closer to Moscow. Italy will take first steps after upcoming election.

Yeah but who fucking cares the stations are in some bumfuck nowhere and after he attacks the russia will get nuked and I doubt in the face of annihilation Putin will aim at our cities instead of american ones.

No shield could save us as the ammout of nukes stationed in kalingrad is enough to blanket europe. That's why we don't care at least nato is a detterent against what happened in ukraine that's all we wanted. No one in europe can out nuke russia hell no on in the world can do it.



what, you only read pierdolepolita or something?

>spending 241 434 123 442$ warheads on 6$ worth of infrastructure
Not likely

you heard it here first folks
poland admits that their "country" is basically a 6% worth of infrastructure

I prefer gownowdupie, check it out

(((komuszek mateuszek)))

Why do you think US will risk its wealth for Poland?
I am sure Washington will just introduce new sanctions againt Russia. And "we are concerned" of couse.
Lose nuclear balance or nuke Poland - there is nothing even to think about.

>nuking american soldiers and equipment is not a act of agression
I know that russia allowes thier pilots to be shot down by roaches but that dosen't mean other take as kindly to it.

the perfect missile
I really wonder If it really exists
Russians could try to pull such a bluff
That's only if they use those missiles that we'll know if it's true
Grats to Russia to use tax payers money to build badass weapons and not to develop its economy

He's right tho, relying on US help is plainly stupid.
Thank God we have Ukraine between us,so Poland is not the easiest target for Puten

He's talking about using nukes and expecting that no one would care. Why does then russia carpet bomb cities for months in syria if they could use one of thie thousands of nukes to do it.

>after he attacks the russia will get nuked and I doubt in the face of annihilation Putin will aim at our cities instead of american ones.

i always wonder why people believe in almighty warmonger Russia meme
even brainlet can figure out that Russia have no chance against whole NATO, and whats a fucking point in conquering Poland or Romania in 21 century? potato fields? i mean seriosly , only treat for you is your own desicion to let burgers to place missles on your territory. Russia is not able to offensive war, even all our military doctrines is defencive. Only normies believe in Russian threat meme.

Well that would break status quo so nobody's gonna go with that.
And putin won't risk anything since Russian economy is in pretty shitty shape.
Especially when Poland has new gasport.

Becouse Lavrow said you will nukes us because of nato bases literally two weeks ago.

look up 'project pluto' and 'subsonic low altitude missile'
the US tried making these weapons in the 60's but were unsuccessful

and its obvious that we will. And not because this bases on your territory, but only because its NATO bases. Why you are surprised?

Then dismantle the NATO bases. Italy and Germany want better relations with Russia and you retards keep getting in the way so you can shine American and Jewish cock

Polaczek cebulaczek

More dreams of grandeur.
Trump - "Hey guys, I will give you everything you ever wanted."
Putin - "Hey guys, I have an weapon that can't be defeated."
GTFO Losers.

Funny how russia only ever threatebs us with nukes it did before the bases, before we were in nato, and even when we were in the warsaw pact. Best part is it never threatened germany and the nato troops stationed there.

Poland and Israel should form new country, JudeoPolonia. Poles and Jews think in same way and with almost full separation will work much better than closed in same area. This is true egde cutting idea.

After watching Russia test their version of the Tomahawk and seeing them crashing in Iran in failure, just three years ago, you expect me to believe Russia now have nuclear powered cruise missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and is invincible?

>poles will be cleansed in your lifetime

Hopefully the Germans can stick around in time to reclaim their clay.

Britain has even worse relations with russian than poland. What makes you think russia woudn't nuke you by the sole virtue of being in nato and having nukes?

Dude this thread is filled with polacks crying "NO THEY NUKE U". Get a fucking grip will you?

With what money?
