
RIP marathon

>Jun taking care of a sick Tomo
Please don't let me down Fumita.


>she gets sad and cries over not being able to run

Cute tomboy

Tomo please!

>a QT tomboy will never launch a thick snot rocket on you.

Why live?

This is nice. Carol and Misuzu are going to butt in and be the ones that take care of Tomo, aren't they? Still, the potential is great.

You know, this could instead be her being [SPRAY]ed.

>Tomo gets sick, misses marathon, gets depressed
>Jun takes care of her while she's sick, consoles her


>tomo and jun
>jun taking care of tomo
very nice
>no sensei

>Misuzu taking care of a sick Tomo

Sensei is alright

yeah at killing threads

>joke is that tomo doesn't catch colds
>not foreshadowing, just the joke about idiots not catching colds
this a no-win situation for TL

Sensei did NOT kill last thread. Or was that two threads ago...

threads aren't important after translation has been posted

I'd lick the snot right out of her nose.

Anyone mind posting the pages from the last 3 days?



I mind.

Smarten up.

I want a gf, but life isn't fair sometimes.

Is this the "Tomo gets a cold" arc?

we can only hope

Cover your fucking mouth when you sneeze

>we can only hope
Oh shit son. If Jun takes care of Tomo we about to go back to some Tomboy blushing.

>expecting a tomboy to have good manners.

She is obviously the type of girl who forgets to flush after dropping a turd and has a trashcan filled with year old tampons

Will sick Tomo be fed Oyakodon?

Tampons can be flushed user.

But does a dunce like tomo know that?

Depends on the septic system. But for most of the US, at least, you'd be right.

>sweaty feverish tomboy arc

Tomo is obvious to Jun, not retarded.

That would be so fucking cute and awesome.


That's the onomatopoeia for sneezing in Japanese? Seriously?

Sick Tomo? Jun better take her to bed.
They still might clog the toilet.

I just colored, credit goes to who ever drew it and aparently who ever requested it.

Virgins are too afraid to use tampons.

how fucking prophetic can you get

I've seen something like that before that had the ishi at the end. Forget how it exactly.

Fumita's among us.

>Fumita drew up today's comic in less than 12 hours

I wonder if he had oyakodon for dinner.

Are you seriously going to make me filter a single fucking word?






What do japanese people usually have for dinner?

Rice nigga

>What it takes to be Number 1
>Tomo: The marathon we've been waiting for so long is finally here! I'm so excited!
>Jun: It's been a long time to train. Good luck.
>Jun: But today, the winner will be me.
>Tomo: You're joking, I work harder than anybody!


>Jun: What did you do?
>Jun: You seem like you're sick.
>Tomo: NAHA
>Tomo: I trained all night and day for weeks. I'm at the top of my game!

>Jun: Is this idiot girl really going to be alright today? No matter how you look at it...
>Jun: Tomo hasn't changed a bit since she was a kid...

you're completely wrong user

Tampons aren't supposed to be flushed. It's a wonderful way to clog up your pipes.
t. sewer guy

why sneezing tomboys are so cute?

Google tells me this

> Tomo in bed deliriously telling Jun she likes him

Come on Fumita


Sneezing things in general are cute somehow. I don't understand it.

This, they have sanitary bins in girls bathrooms specifically so that girls don't flush that shit down the toilet.

At least get the font right ffs.

I had a cute classmate girl in high school that has the cutest sneeze I've ever heard

Sneezing is a public display of weakness, real men never sneeze, and if they do, sneeze angrily. Weak things are cute, sneezing things are cute. Tomboys revealing their weakness -usually hidden behind the veneer of boyish manliness- by sneezing, is cute.


look man if you'd like to help out by telling me the font name i'd be happy to make higher quality shitty low-effort fakes in the future

What is this? A meal for ants? That's like two-three bites from the meat and rice each, a bite sized fish, and a like maybe four-five spoonfuls of soup. No wonder the Japs are such manlets.

Fuck that cucumber thing though.

>two-three bits of rice
That's like an entire plate of rice, user. I know it looks deceptively small, but those bowls hold a lot. Same with the meat.

I gained 10 pounds when I visited Japan because the servings were so big and dense.

It's actually looks pretty substantial user, at least if you aren't a fat-ass.

You've got fish, rice, some more meat, vegetables, and soup. All together that makes a complete meal.

Maybe you just live in a shitty third world country like America where they don't know how to properly feed people?

Perspective screws with us. The soup bowl alone should be almost as wide as our palms.

M8 if you piled everything that wasn't soup onto a regulation sized dinner plate it would take up all of it. It's a perfectly sizable meal, just more showy and dish-heavy than necessary.

>Servings were so big
Are they close to American servings?

Sounds like you have a really shitty job.

wildwords is good enough, or pick an intentionally shitty one.

it's dinner, it's supposed to be light, you'll be going to bed soon afterwards lardass.

she has 3 days to live

Dinner's the biggest meal of the day because you can prepare for it the longest!

Not that guy but what the fuck are you on about? Americans are world leaders at feeding people massive servings. If anything they prone to judging other countries servings as too small.


Do you eat dinner at 9pm?

Should tomboys know how to cook?

breakfast is supposed to be the biggest, since it's supposed to get you up and running. the other's are maintenance, and by dinner you're supposed to be winding down.


They dump the food equivalent of cardboard onto your plate.

I've visited America. You're basically hungry all the time because the food is worthless.

Everyone should know how to cook
It's one of the most basic life skills
It baffles me that there's many people who don't know how to cook
I guarantee you that 90% of this thread can't even make something as basic as rice, pasta or even a fucking sauce.



Fuck you and your shit mongrel language.


>You're basically hungry all the time because the food is worthless.
>You are basically hungry all the time because the food is worthless.
Seems okay.

fuck off

Not american I mean

everyone should. but it's ok if they can't as long as they're willing to try and make an effort.

>I've visited America
This is literally a lie. Diners alone give you enough food to feed you for a day for a single meal by Euro standards.

Given how /fit/ Tomo is, how big are her meals & how much carbs & protein do they have?

A lot, a lot. You don't build muscle by eating nothing.

Yes, you dumb spic.

He's very clearly talking about nutritional value you dumb ameritard. Not that you would know what's that considering all your food is colored plastic.

standard jap deal, but larger calorie count to offset the mass of exercise

I got super into cooking literally from reading Fate/stay night. I ended up working as a cook in a nice restaurant.

Good for you.
Shirou and Emiya are 120% husbando material.
I'd want Shirou's cock if I were a girl and I knew him IRL too.