so you think that since jews have a high iq, are tribalistic and hate huwhite people for the holocaust the want to destroy us?
what about japanese they also are high iq, are tribalistic and hate huwhites for hiroshima and nagasaki.
But muh jew question
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The IQ meme is just that. It's Jewish supremacism, nepotism, corruption and subversion that we dislike.
Compare Jewish minorities rotting out and dividing our society while they larp as us to Chinese minorities in other countries. Jews are the eternal enemy of mankind.
give 3D anime gf plz thx
also learn to read shitlord
Adverage white IQ 100ish, Asian IQ 105-110ish, Ashkenazi Jew 150ish. I rest my case.
>and hate huwhites for hiroshima and nagasaki.
Weirdly enough they don't, if surveys can be trusted.
I get your point though and agree with it.
Your iq table is wrong
Askenazi Jews are 115 IQ
But Israel isn't made out of exclusively Askenazis
I think we must finish what cro mangnons started
OP is a nigger. SAGE
"ashkenaz" is a made up fake """""race""""" made up of some random eastern european/asian mixture.
face it schlomos, jews are 95 iq. sorry, you lose. can't pick and choose WHICH jews to include. that's like saying "well, white people in boston are 160 iq so we win!"
The usual Asian mind-tricks
Stop destroying our people
I do not believe they have high IQ. I have argued with too many of them to believe that. They are certainly tribalistic and they hate all Christian cultures with a passion. Japanese do not pretend to be European and collectively work together to infiltrate our media/governance and claim our culture is evil.
so there is no such thing as ethnicity
all white people are the same?
what about the italian iq 102?
ashkenazis are of the jew race but a different ethnicity
i have to red-pill all of you
[[[they]]] controll every thing
tfw smarter than the average kike
They only hate America for the bombings, they actually are quite into Germans and other european white men. No joke.
there is definitely such thing as ethnicity. where did i say there isn't? i just don't think you understand the terms and what they mean.
"jew" is a retarded made up word that is purposefully convoluted by jews themselves to avoid criticism (religion when they want, ethnicity when they dont, nationality when they want...etc). the word itself didn't exist prior to 1800 or so. ashkenaz are some mongoloid tribe:
55.23 in this video:
no, not all white people are the same, that's just how iq tests lump them. you'd have variations among diff white backgrounds, just like black, asian, etc. why are you so retardedly oversimplifying everything?
Yeah that whole "sexual desire" doesn't help white's case at all.
It just makes you more easy to hate.
the kalergi plan fags i'm telling ya it's the japas
There aren't any Japanese in our societies running banks or media or pornography or influencing our politicians
what about hentai?
they are trying to destroy the nuclear family
Do they make up the majority of normie media?
Do the regularly push for degenerate laws?
Do they claim to be white?
If you see a Japanese person pushing for Japanese centric laws, you are automatically aware of their bias.
When you see a Jew do it but do not know that the Jew considers himself different from you but claims to be the same, you can not see the bias.
I'll just leave this here, faggot
> Commie caring about the nuclear family...
>because communist russia didn't have nuclear family
The jews fears the samurai. The complete opposite of a jew is a samurai.
>anime designed for internal consumption
>being used to subvert foreign people
Real smart of the Japs launching a psyop on their own people to destroy themselves along with the gaijin.
they are also trying to destroy the weak one among their own
literally eugenics at work
can someone pls clarify - are Jews more closely related to Neanderthal or Cro Magnon? Are whites cro magnon?
So whites and asians have around 2% neanderthal dna on avarage
jews seem to have even less
isn't it weird that anime characters look european
why do you think is that
[[[they]]] are trying to appeal to the huwhite man
we have to fight anti semitism
it is japas propaganda, they use it as a distraction
Panty and Stocking was deliberately designed to be similar to American cartoons so that does not surprise me. On the other hand if you look at a series like K-ON the characters look very jap to me. I don't know why people think they look European. Maybe it is the autism?
>eye color
>hair color
>facial features
gosh i don't know
Whites are Cro mag Jews are Neanderthal
OP is right, I'm getting a divorce
The proportion was estimated to be 1.5–2.1% in Prüfer et al. (2013),[3] but it was later revised to a higher 1.8–2.6% and it was noted that East Asians carry more Neandertal DNA (2.3-2.6%) than Western Eurasians (1.8-2.4%) in Prüfer et al. (2017).[4] Lohse and Frantz (2014) infer an even higher rate of 3.4–7.3%
asian women are just trying to destroy the huwhite race
don't fall for it gaijin