South Brazil is NOT white

Rural areas of Southern Brazil are mostly european/amerindian. Big cities are filled with blacks/multtos and are violent af.

Don't be fooled, whites are

Other urls found in this thread:

It's probably closer to 10%

White enough for me, Mohammed!

Why do you even make those dumb white campaigns in the first place?

> White campaign
Unlike what some autistic people tell you, the movement says nothing about the south being white

It's not even populated by humans.

The 3 southern states are clearly 50%+ white(with Santa Catarina being the most white), and you would know that if you had been to them.

I understood argies, cause they do have a white civilization going on, but you had nothing of the sort, the whitest brazilian I know was cazuza.

Fuck off filthy nigger. South Brazil is white. I hope you die you fucking subhuman

IQ is a proxy for white admixture.
compare pic related to race admixture per country

No one cares, subhumanische severino.

All IQ scores out of Europe and North America are estimated by social indicators and racial background.

She needs some BGC, I'm willing to volunteer.

This is more accurate.

t. mad mulatto

This girl is whiter than most americans, you stupid faggot

We're white, stupid nigger.


Ayy pappy.

Chile is literally >90% mestizo, this map doesn't make any sence for South America.

I'm from Porto Alegre, race mixing is rampant here, German looking people all fucking or dating brown people.

isn't argentina like 70 percent white ? isn't that more white than the US ?

post comfy pics of argentina pls


only urban areas are violent af, in rural lands we get the occasional bank explosion caused by urban monkeys, gtfo


Chile look pretty good as well, more southern european/native mixes though right ?

Is that a porno? Link please

This is a 12 year old Brazilian.

who cares?

How good/white is Londrina in Parana?

lol, what you call white in Argentina is not the same as in America or Europe. Maybe 20-25% of people could be said to be white. Rest are variants of castizos and mestizos.

But of course, when white loses it's meaning and you have literal mixed race "white nationalists" in the US, you know where it's going. I can't believe it actually, but it happened.

Ist class return to rio please mister.

who the fuck is his mutt. looks slightly down syndrome with those features.

James Allsup. The 'white nationalist' that is telling me he is white just like me and you and literally NOBODY in the entire movement is calling this shit out because of 'muh e-celebs'.

Absolutely disgusting how a movement for white identity is being co-opted by non-white mixed race demonspawns like James Allsup, Nick Fuentes, Tara McCarthy, Mike Enoch and so.

I know. It's some cringey fantasy people here have. The 'white paradise that's south Brasil'-meme.

Argentina is more white than the US. There are no Blacks in Argentina, period. The vast majority of Argentinians are a mix of Spanish & Italian. They also have German, French, Portuguese and Lebanese. Chile is more or less the same but with more Croatians and Irish mixed into it, lol.

if actually true, you should contact the guy. He has a youtube video describing his methodologies and a reddit post were he uploaded that map. He is striving for accuracy on something that he feels has never been done before.

as if race mixing is something bad


Fuck, I guess Canada and Finland are Asian

Southern Brazil has less Blacks than the North, a lot less, but they’re still a Genetic stew of different ethnicities and races, which is great for making some of the most gorgeous looking women in the world.

i'm not really a white nationalist (i think when you live in south africa for long enough you're less fussy and accept any non-black as an ally against blacks), but i get your point here. letting mixed-race people, homosexuals and other "non desirables" into a white nationalist movement is one way to quickly dilute it and its goals.

>There are no Blacks in Argentina, period


Argies and chileans are mestizos. There's a lot of amerindians in these countries.

Unless you have been to Argentina, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been to Argentina more than once, and never once did I see a black person. And this was in Buenos Aires the biggest and most cosmopolitan city of Argentina.

Which major city in the US can I go to where I will not see any Blacks?

>that nose

Blacked already desu

mixed argies that have had their native genes diluted are honorary in my opinion, if they choose to side with their european ancestry that makes them allies

Dont you mean Negro Alegre?


I second

I'm not either, but I won't accept that these people can be white let alone be public personas for white nationalism. It sets a dangerous precedent.

The nose is German, most likely.



None of these countries have social problems because of their racial theory. It all comes to the effect of attempts at building Marxist societies.

I mean, look at the US and Canada. They are materially rich, but they are nihilistic degenerate cesspools. They are on their way to become what’s going on in SA.

On the other hand there is Cuba that has the same racial mix, because does nothing the issues other SA countries do.

Its a complex world out there.


Cuba does not have the same social issues as other South American countries because their political does work at creating a functional society for their capabilities.

Her sisters are nigged af though, no wonder her nose is like that.

This shit reminds me of those ugly horror spic triplets that keep getting posted. (It's not as bad though)

black blood desu