Sargon of Akkad suspended under Googles new censorship

Looks like the New YouTube censorship led by the SPLC just deplatformed Sargon. If they can get someone as centrist as Sargon. They are coming for farther right channels any day.

Other urls found in this thread:

The SPLC is much worse than having the ADL involved. Both organizations are DNC front groups but the SPLC has an insane amount of funding.

The government needs to step in as this is essentially groups being directed by the DNC and receiving funding from the DNCs biggest donors to attack and deplatforming conservatives.

These groups have special access to essentially remove content through their ability to flag content and have it pulled.

This is government censorship in disguise. It's a 1st amendment violation.

who cares about that fag. hahahahahhahaa

>inb4 its ok because its sargon

Too late I guess

It’s not just about Sargon. I’m not his biggest fan either. You are missing the point if they can take him down they are coming for anyone else right if Carl Marx.

Is there anyway way to fight back? This isn’t going to stop.

no one gives a fuck
die in a fire faggot

Now the (((Southern poverty law center))) is involved it’s going to get really bad.

Sargon was giving the alt-right a little too much attention. Google can do whatever they want on their video platform. We need new platforms which aren't run by jews.

Can someone open a plead to the government to sanction youtube?

If Sargon got fucked so will every single Alt-Right person

Sargon is a poor missinderstood fella and you fucking autists keep him from becoming fully red pilled. Oh well he is still great entry level

Go hold a protest in front of Gulag HQ.
Go protest in front of CNN HQ.
Do something besides hugboxposting.

Petitions contacting senators twitter hash tags. We need to get on this immediately. A new general may be needed.

Exactly this, fucking autists don’t realize this is just the beginning. Googles ministry of propaganda will deem what they find suitable for the goyem and censor (((wrong think)))

The guy is a cuck fair enough but he still has right leanings (I hope) this sends a message saying no matter how neutral you try to appear, if your even a little right wing fuck off. We need a new platform now



Stop fucking begging jews host your shit. Host it yourself.

sargon and other channels like his act as an entry point. they are centrist enough to not really be offensive to a normal person, but they are enough of a contrast to what most people have been taught all their lives. it opens them up to deeper thought and research, eventually they end up as one of us.
mainstream media is like a giant wall surrounding them, and these channels are like little cracks in the wall that people can squeeze through - gaining access to the greater world

Le alt-right are 100% to blame for this one. You fell for it and have the audacity to complain. do this

I'm actually a little shocked that this is happening. They hand over moderation abilities to ideologues, and they assumed it'd be some kind of subtle 'cleaning up' of youtube's reputation? No, you give this kind of power to women, and they'll run rampant with it.

> Implying anyone that voted for trump is smart enough to create and maintain a video hosting site

He should invent SargonTube, the enlightened liberalist video library of philosophical thought.
You can earn Sargon Points for designing his merchandise or tweeting gay porn.


>still following alt-right memesters

The DNC is penniless and in debt, it's just a shell to funnel resources and shield (((their))) tracks.

What is the liberalist's course of of action when they are censored?

That's what he gets for trying to play both sides, he's toast and has nobody to back him up. Oh well

sargon more like sar gone

Plenty of you still are risking death to come here.

I hate that faggot hope he dies but shit man this means the alt right aint safe in jewtube.

Also his gaming channel was taken down for "copyright infrigment" (not sure if it happened recently though)

It's here in "links" section:

>protest goolag
>antifa shows up
>charlottesville 2.0 media disaster
A Google protest was already canceled for this reason.

Lol so Google has a political extremist enforcement squad?

He had a gaming channel?
le based intellectual!

good, fuck that centrist redditor cuck.

Google is disgusting.

I think Sargon is a tremendous faggot, but if this is real, this is really, REALLY bad.

at least it hit a leftie

shut the fuck up you euroshit commie

>openly admitted to doxxing people
>gets his google account yanked

which is ok. fucking e-celebs should get a job and stop e-whoring on youtube

DNC? It's the Jews mate. It's right there in the title

>the purge is here
Finally YouTube can die.

Sargons still up though

la creatura purga

This isn't a war on free speech, it is a war on male culture. This soccer mom "be nice to everyone!" mentality is breaching digital spaces.
Not realizing that bants and shit talking are just how guys form bonds and act naturally.
If you haven't noticed, the right leaning individual prioritizes logic and reason over feelings and empathy.
This is gender warfare, and since women are the niggers of gender, we will be victorious in the end.

>it's just a mistake goy...

We need to secure our goys and attack Google for this!!! Everyone from small channels to big are being shut down, MEGA EVENT IMMINENT

>It's a 1st amendment violation.
That's to put it mildly.

It's outright oppression of "wrong opinions". Remember when Google's slogan was "don't be evil"?

The US government HAS TO step in to stop this kind of abuse. If not, the time for speech and discussion is indeed coming to an end and there is only one way to resist the insanity.

youtube is for extreme thought only. Alex Jones will be taken off youtube, and then joe rogan. screenshot this.

Why Sargon? That guy was liberal as fuck. He was all moist for public sectors n shit.

bombards body language got shoah'd also

The days of the free internet are now coming to an end. It's happening much faster for bongs as it's not just corporations for them, it's their government too. Exactly 1 month from today bongs won't even be able to come here without a proxy/VPN.

Make new platform
All go there
Jew buys it

NO.. we need to sue the fuck out of these companies and force them to protect the second amendment or nationalize them

See It’s ADL and SPLC working with Google.

I also like to add that this is a good thing as it will help with decentralization. Something that the right is in dire need of.
You fucktard teenagers spend all your time on discord "servers" discussing youtube videos and not caring about the huge single point of failure you create.
>let's put all our content and propaganda work on platforms/servers that are owned by our opposition
wew it's almost as if you kids had a tyrone level IQ. or is IRC that hard to use? can't you host your stupid e-celeb whoring shows on your own server? do you need a shiny phone app to uppload them because you can't figure out how to use sFTP?
The purge can't come soon enough.

>showing your email
fucking idiot

He rustled their jimmies.
SPLC needs to be dealt with in a permanent way.

Did we ever hear from that guy again?

Yeah, I had the same thought. We sure this is accurate?

This isnt just youtube banning, they deleted his whole google account. Meaning he cant even access his email.

This isnt just ideological censorship, its ideological punishment, and sargon will be forced to either change his wrong opinions or never interact with anyone over the internet again.


>one of us

>The days of the free internet are now coming to an end.
no they are not you imbecile. people are just too lazy to use the free internet. they prefer centralized leftist-operated monopolies because pressing one button in a shitty phone app is not too hard for them.
youtube, twitter and all the other shitlib owned services can't purge soon enough

The SPLC is googles new censorship squad

nope, wish he did more than yell George

> Accordingly, the Court held that the property rights of a private entity are not sufficient to justify the restriction of a community of citizens' fundamental rights and liberties.

>inb4 sargone blames the alt-right for this

serves him right for being a cheap faggot and not subscribing to a proper email provider

based lolbertarians win again

>you give this kind of power to women, and they'll run rampant with it

Garbage western women in particular. It's one of the multiple reasons why female cops are a danger to the public.

that's what I was thinking.
might even start a celebratory thread

First they came for Anglin

Dude this could be the fate of all these people.. basically completely shut out of the internet

The mail adress he linked to his youtube account is his youtube account.
How is this strange?

Was he using it to send people gay interracial porn?

Well since he is an individual he can go and make his own individual YouTube and post his individual videos on it individually.

>he doxxed his email address.
It would be a shame if sargon signed up for some gay porn newsletters

>i'm a male
>i'm too dumb to use my own server
choose one

I think it's time. Time to finally take down the SPLC. They are not what they claim they are. They've festered and pissed around and been annoying, but now that they're doing this, we need some legal action. They need to be fully investigated, complete with audits.

The reason to use these platforms is becuase it’s a way to reach the broader public.. that’s the entire point.

Hosting videos on your own site will never grow you an audience.

Do people not care about property rights if it doesn't affect them personally? Google is not a public forum, it's a private company and if they don't want somebody on their sites that's their choice. Googles blatant censoring is fucked, but requiring the government to force them to do anything is a violation of their rights, just like the government forcing a bakery owner to make a cake for a gay couple is a violation of the owner's rights. Find somewhere else to post your videos.

Now im fucking mad. Why would she be shut down?

Joe Rogan will defiantly be removed. As well as people like Jordan Peterson, Charles Murray, Jared Taylor. If they can remove Sargon they can remove anyone.

I say it is a marketing strategy by the Jews to give "street creed" to the controlled opposition.

He will be allowed back in.

>let me show you something:
>let me sho you something:
a hard nut to crack (for soyfag numales afraid of technology)

We were telling you to stop using google products, especially jewtube. But you didn't listen.

there is no chance of social media being decentralized, everyone has to use the same program to communicate with each other, you're just another deluded libertarian living in a fantasyland

I agree we just need everyone to get behind one decent platform though. The question is what is that platform.


He's right you know.
There is also an uncensorable blockchain YouTube called LBRY.
Takes effort to get it working though.
Those who put in the effort to host their own content will be the new elite.

>everyone has to use the same program to communicate with each other
holy fuck please stop before I lose all faith in humanity

>Sargon of Akkad suspended under Googles new censorship
Finally. I'm glad this Commie retard is gone.

>everyone has to use the same program to communicate
This is how you stunt progress. You're just as deluded.

>We like Sargoy and e-celeb trash now
Is this what reddit feels like?

>get behind one platform
You people are deluded.. whAt was the fate of the dailystormer?

If they decide to deplatoform you they can eliminate you from the internet now

>The question is what is that platform.
the internet. that's your platform. holy shit you tech imbeciles do really need some kike operated layer over the base internet? what is wrong with you people?

We need to fight to stay on the major platforms.. once we are off of them they will crush us.

I guess too much trolling and shitposting on social media gets you this.

honestly, let these fucks suffer, they sit and laugh when our shit get censored, so why help them?