Just learned that one of my best, closest friends is an unironic communist. What do?

Just learned that one of my best, closest friends is an unironic communist. What do?

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This is not Jerry Springer retard.


like... anaemic?

daily reminder that if you're a capitalist even though you're not a billionaire then you're as the same as a literal cuck

Never lend him money. Never take business advice from him.

Nothing wrong with that. Suck his dick.

Make him give you half his stuff

gift him/her/xhr a free helicopter ride

say you're not a communist, you can't fix his retardation

Kill him

Kill him unironically, nothing of value would be lost anyways.

at least your little cousin in't a furry calling himself 'Wolfy'

you already know what to do, user.



>What do?
don't talk with him about politics?

Oh man I know that feel.
Just be the bigger person and let it slide.
Also look at the bright side, thanks to Sup Forums you now have plenty of ammo for when you wish to tease your buddy :^)

Thought he was joking all the time and I would play along because I thought he was doing the meme but it turns out he’s actually serious

Radicals are easily swayed, he is just as likely to be a neonazi as a radical Muslim by next year. Just make him watch some Africa webms that was enough for me to see that we are not the same species


can you define communism? also how did the conversation with him go?

laugh at him and mock his retarded beliefs until he changes them

>can you define communism?
If you don’t even know what it is, then why do you even have that flag?
Ye brain got sent to the gulag?

He’ll get the helicopter when the day comes, but until then...I think you should learn to get along.

this desu

Are they anti-iron?

nice meme

We were both doing what I thought was a joke and then a mutual friend of ours says
>”God dammit not you too user, Communism will never work”
Then I had to ask if he was being serious this whole time and he said yes and that he thought I was too. I tried to explain why it wouldn’t work and he said that there has never been a state that has been truly Communist

rape him

start stealing his things one by one and when notices, call him a kulak who actively oppresses the proletariat like you

>there has never been a state that has been truly Communist
Smart kid.

Don't talk about politics with him.



Actually no I'm wrong. Kid is retarded.Didn't even read what you wrote

Oxymoron. Are you sure he said that?

Convince them to take a vacation to flipland.

stealth rare

Steal all of his food and give it to the homeless.

Nothing. People have different opinions.

There was a thread yesterday going on in which a woman stated that she as a liberal has a neo nazi as friend who helped her and her bf trough tough times no matter how different their ideologies are.

Stop being that intolerant towards ideas. As long as he doesn't start get salty at your thoughts keep him as a friend.

He's right. Every Communist nation or idea became a dictatorship. A true Communist society would see the ones that spearheaded the thing working on a farm with everyone else.

Kek, this unironically


"Real" Communism is one without centralized leadership or currency.

OP tell your friend that it is possible, but they need to abandon everything they have and start their own commune somewhere and become self-reliant. This means they need to grow their own food and make their own clothing.

Ask him if he thinks forced integration is good for white communities. Then tell him that the white working class has no civil rights if it can't decide who counts as "white," and exclude people that are not white. Also ask if he lives in a country where he has to watch his behavior around Black Politicians and Black State Enforcers? If he won't walk his own talk on integration, how can he claim to be serving the people. Doesn't a good Communist lead by example?

user and user's, you must learn to hold the anti whites to their own logical contradictions if you want to be able to convince anyone that whites have a right to exist.

invite him out for a friendly helicopter ride

Neither of us are white so he’d be for that

Basically you're just a fucking retard that doesn't have any true beliefs or ability to connect with other humans.

He's right. Communism is their utopian ideal. Socialism bogged down with Authoritarian shit and starvation is what you should be complaining to him about, as that is the inevitable result of any attempts at/towards Communism.

Are you an user currently on a trip to Caribbean and just exploring around the mini island nations?

Kill him. Beat him to death with a pipe, though. Whatever you do, don’t shoot him.

Tried to say that, true Communism is damn near impossible because corruption and authoritarianism

>Radicals are easily swayed
>Just make him watch some Africa webms that was enough for me to see

Are you implying that you are an easily swayed radical that doesn't take the time to think critically?

keep saying things that will invariably piss him off, then wait for him to end the friendship, at which point you mock him for not being mature enough to have friends unless they're mental clones himself.

>underrated post

tell him that there's never been a state that truly practiced fascism, and that we need another Hitler to give it a go once more, but this time for realsies

Pretend to be a commie yourself then slowly redpill him

What do you have against communism?

Helicopter meme is so stupid.

Kill him

Sounds great on paper but will never work in real life

take his shit and give it to the poor

give him the antidote you asshole




if he's retarded, then its better to avoid such people, they wont help you later on

Teach about the blight of the working class in a multiculti, open borders society.

Communists are surprisingly easy to convert to National Socialism or Nazbol if they are sincere in wanting the workers to live better.

yes you can, if they're willing to listen, dont give up so easily you cucks

t. Commie

Steal his shit.
>To each according to his need...

next time you see him, say you have now seen the light and offer to buy him a ticket to communist paradise of north korea

most "commies" are just ignorant of history, ask them what happened to all the communist regimes, why did they turn into hellholes instead of utopias? why is china, vietnam reversing all their communist policies?
just show him documentaries of the cultural revolution, the russian gulags, pol pot's mountain of skulls
of course communism sounds good to the uneducated

>Communist paradise of North Korea
Where are my sides

Problem with that is that communists are created by seeing the deficiencies of Capitalism, and its sold as a quick and easy fix to all that. A pure critique of communism itself without offering a way to fix the exesses of our neo-liberal order itself is doing nothing but forcing the commie to retreat to "it has never been tried before" memery..

Take him on an unironic helicopter ride


Steal his money and donate it to the treasury.

good, make them retreat
they may not admit they are wrong to your face, but it'll jumpstart their brain


bad ideas fall apart easily when scrutinised

hahahaha, I wonder if some of the backgrounds in mortal kombat were inspired by these pictures

just ask communists what this picture is of
leftists are easily manipulated by emotion, so use it back on them, use the horrors of communism, there's plenty of stories

of course, don't bother if they're clearly mentally unhinged, but if they are rational regarding everything besides politics, then it's worth a shot

More of this please

search up cambodian genocide
killing fields
pol pot skulls

probably a good idea to become familiar with how many people died because of socialism/communism, I should do that too, since I've already forgotten the numbers

All this thread needs is a solid greentext

past my bedtime
you will have to take it from here

if you ever let america become like this, you will kick yourself for not doing more to prevent it from happening

kill him

Ultra rare