Wh*tey just cannot STAND that a black movie is successful

wh*tey just cannot STAND that a black movie is successful

Why does it make you so salty?

Took me three days to watch a bootleg copy. Too hard to understand everyone’s ooga booga accent.

Because it's so utterly stupid, it causes blacks to chimp out, and you believe this shit.

Honestly if it wasn't for Sup Forums shills telling me I should be mad about the movie, I wouldn't even know the movie existed.

Seems like another shitty superhero movie with a twist of KANGZ. Why should I care about it?

Because it doesn't

cos its like a baby that is all happy & proud of itself when it does its first bog poo in a potty ?

I don't want capeshit to succeed in general and if it has an obnoxious, race based marketing campaign, i want it to fail even more.

I don't give a shit desu

remember to sage before posting in bait threads

maybe get a better copy then LMAO dumb yank

felt jealous of sweden and german after watching it desu


umm is case none of you shitlibs know. its actually black characters in a jewish movie.

Mind you the black people did not win. the jews made all the profits.

Prove me wrong.

>Create a movie about how great an all black superpower country in Africa would be
>Entire movie is about blacks killing other blacks for gibmedats of some rock or metal
>Country lives under the MAGA principles
Sounds like a great movie to me

So you're saying jews are black now?

>We are Wakandans, we look after our own people first, we can't just let a load of refugees in

Honestly thought Sup Forums would love this movie tbf


And then OP runs back to Sup Forums and bleats about how "Ebil naZi on pOl" are obsessed with this mediocre piece of crap. Sage for you.

>Uses picture

what's your point

Salty indeed I highly doubt Africans have consistently proven their inability to maintain a society, so this film is their fantasy LARP make believe designed to ignore the inconvenient truth.
I suspect all of this civil rights clap trap, black live matter and all that doggerel is in fact underlying misplaced envy & jealousy of the white race.
>In before 'muh slavery'
Yes at some point in history every single person alive has an ancestor that was enslaved.

A better question would be why is white america so cucked to white liberal guilt.

Yay another marvel movie... Gawd, now we are going to have to look at the snowflake brigade women shave their heads for the next year.

It doesn't. The fact niggers think it's real and empowering does.

I don't think we are. Everyone pretends they are because the gestapo, er I mean the FBI and school administrators. But I think for the most part, if you are not single woman under age of 35, you are probably very right wing, we just keep our mouths shut IRL, because american leftists are huge bullies.

Can't sage with pics newfag and you can get banned for telling people to sage

That's a good point user.

Fucking Romans, coming over here enslaving my bodacious bodecia baby girl. Where's my reparations you itie Fucks?

bad cgi , script with political undertones and most important left made it some kind of gods greatest gift to humanity type of bullshit

>wh*tes get 20 superhero movies
>nobody bats an eyelid

>blacks get ONE superhero movie

We can see your id britcuck. weak bait

and what about steel, spawn, blade trilogy, hancock and more. its not about the fact that hes black its about the libfcks who made it into the black version of mein kampf

>black movie success

really? Seems like another success for the whites and jews who wrote it, produced it, and invested in it. You niggers are just being played once again.

>executive producers
>0 blacks

Really makes you think

>giving even the most minute fuck about superhero movies

We made it
>so popular
We reviewed it and raved over it. Any negative opinion was being censored so in an act of irony Sup Forums made Shaft in a cape the greatest film ever.
...and you're so proud.
Check the archive. Dumb ass.

The only thing black about the movie is the actors. Who are nobody's and made fuck all.
Guess who made all the money? I'll give you a hint, also not black, or white.

(Exactly why no one has been 'salty'. Now go be salty)

Y'all know Amanda is everything Sup Forums wants just black edition, right? Keep it on the do we're turning the dogs conservative

It doesn't bother me at all, bro. I enjoyed watching Black Panther. Black Panther is OFF THE FUCKING CHAIN, MAN!!!!!


Nobody cares about you and your movie. We think its pathetic that your only point of pride as a race is a work of FICTION about a FICTIONAL place in a movie WRITTEN AND CREATED BY WHITE PEOPLE

God I hate you all

it's a good movie desu
stop taking Sup Forums so seriously

Go back to Africa

Niggers think fantasy is an accomplishment wow.

Wakanda be real. Whitey tryin hide it.

why is it that blacks want to rewrite history so bad to feel that they ever contribute anything to this society we live today, do they feel its too late for them to build something great?
if that's the case i feel sorry for you, that is why your race will never advance, you try to take what others did and call it your own, look at your whole continent its worthless and its not because of us, when we left we gave you railroads, farms, and all the basics to start a civilization, BUT NOOOOO you decided to destroy it all because "muh dick" and decided to go backwards instead of forward, you realize some of your people still use stick to defend themselves and blame it on us?
and now a black superhero comes out and you go out and tell it in our faces like its something important, we really dont give a fuck about your superhero movie i saw it and it was meh, like any other movie, but the fact that you try to rub it in our faces and make it part of your life and culture when its a science fiction movie makes me feel sad for you guys, and makes us realize how worthless you are in a society.

I just don't like superhero movies.

Because it's typical capeshit.

Niggers have an inferiority complex.

Waiting to see Death Wish. Bruce Willis is gonna make guns sexy again



Blacks: most cucked race on earth
>(((our))) movie


no its that they dont have to build anything and can just claim a fictional work by white men there's because muh skin color. which apparently means something to retards, because its the lowest hanging fruit. this is why they wont address the point that the black community doesn't have the intellectual lifting power to even dream up a place like wakanda, so they can't even fathom what kind of work it would actually take. they're just top tier moronic consumers, which is why some will no doubt claim that these sorts of blacksploitation films are meaningful at all. whatever, you can point to actual improvements in society by others, if we want to keep score tho, there's a few communities lacking in bringing anything to the table. hows that civilization working out in liberia for all those freed slaves? yea exactly.

Because you’re acting like wakanda is real. It’s fake. It will never ever happen. Grow up already.

Blacks: the most blacked race on earth.

lol just donwloaded it , they identify by a barcode in there lower lip kekekekekkeek

It's a movie made to sell toys to children and it's heralded as the greatest movie of all time.

wakanda is against refugees , lol

>black movie
Fucking dumbass nigger doesn't realize his culture is being appropriated and profited from by the Jews.


no its a movie made to distribute syphilis to black people through tattoo ink

Should have let people criticize it based on the content of the film rather than saying 'you're not allowed to criticize this'.

hurrr hurr niggers isn't real criticism you autist, saw it with me ma and loved it.



you niggers are dumb enough to shell out shekels for some hollywood kike garbage and call it a cultural movement. way to go, homo erectus.
