White privlege doesn't exis-
White privlege doesn't exis-
Trade schools produce job qualifications you just don't get with a Master's degree on Onga-bonga.
If Nigger fathers didn't leave to get some milk 5 years ago. That graph would be higher for blacks.
>blacks perform worse when affirmative action ends
And what about Asians?
Why do niggers obsess about the black-white divide when Asians do even better than whites?
Also, a graduate degree from Nigger School in Nignomics 101 isn't worth anything so it shouldn't be too surprising.
Well, after finishing your degree you have to actually work for many years to generate wealth. Niggers don't understand this. They think you become rich after studying.
I'm white unemployed for 4 months with a good degree and 6 years experience fuck this piece of shit where is my white privilege I would love some of that now instead I'm looking for a therapist today so I can get my white privilege anti depressant pills
most blacks get graduate degrees in low salary areas (non-STEM), mostly teaching.
Why do people think a degree is a guaranteed salary?
>implying niggers finishing degrees is worth anything
They lower the standards for you and everyone knows that, otherwise you can't pass.
Niggers and other deadbeats dont get that there isnt a mandatory handout system for others in place and just because because you gained "insert degree" here doesnt mean that you automatically get XYZ
Another one of these "lets pull one isolated statistic out of the ether that proves our point and ignore everything else"
Lots of whites learn trades, which now provides a pretty decent income with very little debt at the beginning. Also, lots of blacks are spending their money on golden teeth, cars that bounce up and down, ie, depreciating assets. Actually spending their money wisely would make them become "too white".
shut up blackie
>Be stupid
>Get your place at university because of affirmative action
>Exams passed based on the colour of your skin, not the content of your work
>Employers know the reality of the situation and are uninterested in hiring candidates that may not have genuinely reached the credential level purportedly attained from the university.
It never works out in the end.
Would you want a black doctor knowing that there is a good chance he was passed simply because of his race rather than his knowledge of medicine? It helps nobody, and is detrimental to clever non-whites.
Where is the jew bar?
Perhaps nigs should stop buying afrosheen and renting 22" rims for their hoopties.
They are free to make their own soc- oh who the fuck am I kiddinhg the niggers are just leeching off the system and they know tihs. This is why they are against the made up term "whitep rivilege". What is WHITE PRIVLEGE really? WHite priviliege = WHITE COMMUNITY. They want to destroy your sense of community and make you hate your own people by turning you against one another. By creating falsified racial terms based on COMMUNITY AND DECENCY they seek to impose cultural marxism of the deceiving nature it relaly is so that global jewish capitalism can reign over us all while we are dominated by jewish cultural marxism. the same fucking enemy because it is a HYDRA. You fight every fucking head at once you understand now?
This is another dull episode of "Liberal white plebs of the Americas don't know a fucking thing about their own culture and history and somehow overlook the working class that built their own fucking nations. And brown people are all too eager, and dumb enough, to follow their narrative."
And this is why the working class are now turning against the Left and you've lost control. Good day.
It's called working hard, user. When you live your life on government gibsmedats, degree or no degree, old habits die hard.
Because it used to be until the federal government and liberals affirmatively gave $100,000 student loans to everyone, over-saturating the white collar job market and increasing tuition prices.
They are brainwashed in the univerisites to tur nagainst their own people. IT's a simple formula that repeats itself for as long as people keep playing the stupid fucking game.
So even though there are a large number of black athletes who make multi millions in basketball and football the average is STILL that low? Man, take those outliers out and imagine how low it really is!
How is it fair that someone who went to trade school gets paid more than someone who has a PhD?
Just because your unemployed with a degree doesn't mean that white privlege doesn't exist.
Of course white privilege exists, pic related
Education doesn't equal intelligence. Niggers are dumb, even the smart ones.
Friendly reminder to sage all leaf faggotry.
>Lots of whites learn trades, which now provides a pretty decent income with very little debt at the beginning
That's not fair. Someone with a trades job should not be paid more than someone with a PhD.
Sure it exists. I'm damn glad it exists, without it I'd be a dumbass nigger failure working for david brock and George soros, just like you, NIGGER.
so god damn tired of white hating bastard shit shills.
>get phd in African American studies
>i deserve to be paid more than an electrician even through my degree is worthless
>How is it fair
When has anything ever been fair?
its not about fairness, its about having skills that are valuable
Saying white privilege exists over and over like a zombie also doesn't prove its existence. Calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi also doesn't prove its existence. Saying "Doctor Kikenblatt from Harvard says it exists" also doesn't prove its existence.
Because tradesmen have skill that are always in demand and are experiencing a shortage of qualified workers. While college degrees are being churned our non stop which lessens the overall value of the degree.
t. Tradesman
>Why didn't my degree in nigger studies materialize free money like Dr. Sheklecommistein said?
>How is it fair that someone who went to trade school gets paid more than someone who has a PhD?
Because the person working the trade has an in-demand skill, while a PhD in African American studies is practically worthless. The only thing you can do with this PhD is turn around and teach it to someone else. It's a pyramid scheme and they bought in late.
Top kek intellectuals think they have value. Yeah a degree in political philosophy is useless you are actually smart, and have speech skills. Niggers are not presentable, and speak broken English.
I'm tired of the term white privilege. Has the thought ever occurred to these people that whites are where they are because they earned the spot?
I doubt that the iq test is valid. In the late 70s, where this info originates, I bet they gave the exact same test. Using words and phrases that were white culture based. Thus, skewing the data. Rigged, essentially. Not saying it may be lower iqs just not that low
Welfare doesn't count as income. Makes sense.
Life is not fair. Be smart, not retarded. Wishful thinking is for commies.
Whites should have more privelege than others, for they are the dominant, native group of this land. Besides, niggers are fucking monkeys
Because jews create this shit and it is supposed to be anti-white. This is why you will never see a black vs chink/poo/jew.
>blacks get constant government handouts and preferences in schooling via specific funding
>still fail and blame others
White prosperity is not a privilege.
>Just because your unemployed with a degree doesn't mean that white privlege doesn't exist.
read this you stupid fucking faggot
>niggers spend all their cash on bling bling thinks
>more news at 7
>average net worth for a white man with a college degree is only $180k
Pathetic tbqh
That means they either don’t even own a house or they are houselets
How is it fair that you get to use the internet when so many people are starving to death as we speak? How is it fair that you get to voice your opinion right now when people are being tortured in North Korea? How is it fair that you get to sleep in a warm bed, where someone, somewhere, is probably being eaten by a shark right now?
Wow, there's so many privileges that you are enjoying while so many others are suffering. I'm sure you can't stand all the unfairness in this world, maybe you should just kill yourself.
>78K as a high school grad
sure tyrone, that all looks quite legit.
>Just because your unemployed with a degree doesn't mean that white privlege doesn't exist.
Then what does white privilege mean because it isn't applying to me?
You mean white people invest and save while black people blow their money on gold chains and big rims?
Since when does a “graduate degree” entitle someone to wealth?
Usually those degrees are for Marxist studies and cost $100,000 in loans.
Affirmative actions nogs are less competitive than college dropouts, shocking.
Even the most bleeding heart lefties will describe niggers who can actually speak english as "well-spoken" and "articulate" because none of them can
There’s a difference when one attends a proper university vs some shit edumacation college that advertises during Maury commercial breaks.
>How is it fair that someone who went to trade school gets paid more than someone who has a PhD?
It's called supply and demand retard. Hypothetically, if 90% of society is going to school for a PHD and 10% settles in on a trade, the tradesman not only doesn't have to take out student loans, but they also have less competition and equal relative demand for service.
This concept is applicable to the white collar job market vs the blue collar job market.
>That's not fair.
It's not fair that bimbo who is fucking the boss got promoted on pussy power instead of earning the job from hard work and intelligence!!
Yeah, I'm not sure about the validity of that particular study, but hopefully my point came across. Not saying iq differences are the only factor, but I'd argue it is the biggest
going to school for 10 years for tribal studies is lot less valuable to society than someone who went to be a plumber. people will earn accordingly.
in all honesty most of the black grads here probably got their degree in african studies or something close to that, what jobs beyond an instructor of african studies can you get with that knowledge? what is the demand for people to take classes in african studies? they arent making money on average because there are only so many openings to teach low demand classes
everyone needs a plumber
The shit we got done when we were a nation of white men working together and not trying to fuck each other on the job.
I thinks its "total wealth" meaning that highschool grad has that much money or equity not a salary that high
plus trade people can start their own business incredibly easily once they reach a certain level of knowledge
Because you get paid for what you do, not for how you prepared yourself.
Degrees aren't a guarantee for a 6-figure income, the job is.
It's easy to start a business when you don't have $100k in student loans, the you can't default on, around your neck.
One of my first redpills was when working in a winery full of lefties, and one hippy employee kept saying how the group of blacks who just left were "so polite, so well behaved" over and over. Like if he was half expecting to get robbed and for the winery to be set on fire. Blacks now get credit just for basic decent behavior you'd expect from anyone older than 6 years old.
Because they're working I can only assume.
Well what are their majors, probably less important/impressive
>not taking in consideration stem and non stem careers
Saging this garbage thread
Blacks who get graduate degrees are making the whites richer
It is whites who run the School Loan Industry, and it is whites who run the Colleges and Universities, so it goes without saying that the more "education" the blacks get and the more time the blacks spend at these "institutions of higher learning", they're just throwing more of their money at the White power structure
It's called being a farmer nigger they make nearly millions are year.
giving low IQ niggers degrees won't make them out-compete higher IQ whites
word. And ontop of that, you dont need office space to have a carpentry of plumbing business, just a decent sized shed and a truck.
Trades people need to work under someone to go from apprenice to journeyman, so people have an incentive ontop of just income to work underneath you. Its actually perfect way for average IQ people to become upper middle class (atleast). Especially if you have an interior design wife then start flipping houses and renting and shit
I know electrical and mechanical service engineers who make more or as much as I do with OT, and i graduated with an Bachelors.
Its called demand - people dont need artists or polisci faggots
Unless your kid is going into school for something that makes good money, push them into trade school
>kid with 4 years of drinking expierience deserves more money than somebody with 4 years of work expierience
wew lad
Thats how it goes. Its like women in a physically hard job.
I was on a scallop dragger all summer with a girl navigation cadet, and she would come shuck and pick up for like an hour or 2 a watch (7 hours on 5 hours off, but she did 6 and 6 and got her own cabin) And she got praised by everyone just because she wasnt absolutely horrendous. Where as ive seen men do twice as good and still get shit on constantly
thats because everyone knows black graduates are fake and get free rides and free funding through college and are accepted over others despite having lower performance
life isn't fair, pussy
Asians (of USA) have voted for Clinton in their great majority.
Why Clinton voters would attack them?
Dude. Most people don't understand asset vs liability acquisition, but blacks are paramount with this. Their infatuation with supply driven demand liabilities "swag" is palpable. They're like women in the way that they spend their money on shoes and (((jewelry))).
When your people darwinistically develop on the equator and you don't have to worry about winter, you're only interested in acquiring status improving liabilities, rather than practical intrinsic assets.
Niggers waste their pennies instead of saving. Shock!
Fuck black people. They’re all entitled as fuck and they add nothing to society. I had to move to a big city to realize this.
>how is it fair
Where do you think money comes from? I really fucking hate you, I don't even know who you are you stupid leaf fuck but I know that I want to strap you to a rack and torture you until the end of your days
do not suffer a leaf to live
The difference is a PHD in african-american studies would take what? 7 years minimum?
A trade diploma or whatever shit takes what? 12 months?
It doesnt make any sense that the trade person would earn more
how is it fair that spoiled liberals get to complain about only making $84,000 a year for being a social parasite while other people have to work for money
Actually, kind of interested to see the raw data on "median wealth", which is a far different metric than "median income". Who and how they polled is important, as well as how exactly they calculated wealth. Was it self reported? Hell, you probably have people in the upper portions claiming they're worth a million bucks because they have a million dollar mcmansion with a 900k loan.
Regardless, can't give funny hats and pieces of paper to everyone and think that's some recipe for success.
Holy fuck, you can take the nigger out of Africa, but you can't take the nigger out of the nigger.
It's in their genes.
This is the result of cargo cult mentality with university education. They saw that educated white earned money so they assumed that getting blacks degrees would make them earn more, without realizing that the white who had degrees were the whites with 130 IQs and such
>wage gap logic (ignoring multiple important factors, just putting the numbers side by side with no context)
That explains everything
'White privilege' and 'White supremacy' are two sides of the same coin. I therefore find the use of the term by the left, deliciously ironic.
the difference is that a tradie knows a useful skills people need, whilst african-american studies aren't worth the paper they're written on.
why canadians are always so indoctrinated? you have some state-school propaganda on Ukraine level there?
>blacks spend all there money on chicken nuggets
Whites do not have civil rights. This hurts the poor whites the most of all because they don't have the wealth to avoid the violence and drug abuse that the Brown Cheap Laborers bring with them everywhere they go. The tarps came off the Charlottesville statues recently. Look for a statue related happening caused by the Left that has sworn to destroy them and get ready to take your anger out on the Rich White Good Goys and their servants.
Just take your (you) and go