So what do you fags make of this

So what do you fags make of this

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>People are surprised about this

this, i mean, really it was expected to happen

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.... now send in the military....

It's probably the fault of the native Europeans for oppressing & marginalising them.

I like how they just exist and have nothing to do with anything she did. Just poof one day there’s a go zone

No go zones. You mean conquered parts of your country that you can no longer go to and are no longer ruled by your laws.

lol i just hacked mama merkels phone...enjoy the view!!!

they abandoned God
so now a new one is coming to get them

>see, goyim, we're taking a stand on those evil, anti-feminist, anti-gay Muslims! We even banned the burqa too!
>don't pay attention to the million+ Muslims we allowed to flood into the country
>p-please vote for us, your reliable center-right friends, not those evil far-right nazis

She admitted that an invading power took over parts of German soil, and that she accepts that.
How is that not high treason?


>Merkel said she is in favour of a “zero tolerance” approach to crime, telling the broadcaster it is the duty of the authorities to keep people safe because “the state has the monopoly of power”.

>“That means, for example, that there are no-go areas … where no one dares to go” said the German leader, stating: “One has to call them by their name and do something about them.”

>mfw it's Germanic only areas



> mfw: polish plumbers in krautland introduce their own no-go zones to protect themselves from the 'new germans' nogo zones
its the only way

Jesus fucking Christ, you fucking german faggots need to stop being ashamed of the fucking holocaust and get the fuck bak into it already. all is fucking forgiven, go forth and fucking DESTROY

Remember several years ago when she said "multiculturalism has failed," and then went right back to importing sandniggers and niggers hand over fist?

This is pretty much gonna be a repeat of that.


The problem is if other white countries try to stop them like they did in WW2. if we do the exact same thing again we'll all be screwed forever.

>no-go zones
That's such a bullshit word. You can go whereever you want in germany. It's simply not guaranteed that you will survive this.

Call them "adventure-zones", this sounds friendlier.


you are correct sir. my bloodlust took the wheel for a moment. We need to brainstorm a fucking solution.

We need to report Fake News and protect Merkel

Call of Duty VR zones! Bring your kids!

The solution has just been spreading redpills. Eventually some fucco will run for office and bring change or an angry mob will form.

>That's such a bullshit word. You can go whereever you want in germany. It's simply not guaranteed that you will survive this.

After I've made it out of a no-gone zone alive, I often relax playing No-Go Zone Simulator 2.0 at home.


Welcome to Germerica, a nigger infested third world shit hole.

didn't they just reelect her?

>Call them "adventure-zones"

I like it.

Almost wish my country had adventure zones.
Most exciting thing here is watching some cows starve to death. (what authorities call "nature")


Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.

Try the veal!

>No-Go Zone Simulator 2.0 at home.
What is the closest vidya that comes to this?
I'd say dying light, but you play an overpowered character so it doesn't' have the same feel.

>What is the closest vidya that comes to this?

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