What isPizzagate?

What isPizzagate?

Other urls found in this thread:


>pizza shop only opens once a month
>nobody ever goes in
>nobody ever comes out
>shadows in the windows

So, is it true?

debunked alt-right radical right wing christian neoconservative conspiracy theory



possibly the stupidest conspiracy theory ever purported on this site

then again I did see someone yesterday claiming they saw postings for deep state operations on craigslist

it's all so tiresome

a piece of the greatest scandal of mankind

if you ever hated the term fake news then you can blame pizzagate because fake news was literally the entirety of their argument against it
ironically enough it wasnt fake news tho, lul.

Probably real and a source of radicalizing paranoia.

Pizzagate will be a large part of the disclosure.




>radicalizing paranoia

lol I went to sociology class once it was shit




people dropping dead left and right over (((fake news)))


It really is. Some are absolutely obsessed with it.

Something that if it was just another conspiracy theory it would've never got any type of media attention, Alex Jones and others say crazy conspiracy shit about elite pedophiles all the time and no one bats an eye but for some reason there must've been a ring of truth in pizzagate as the reaction was like a nerve had been struck and MSM and others did everything they can to denounce the stories without ever actually digging in and proving the pizzagate isn't real and just yelled and yelled that pizzagate isn't real until it went away.








Codename for both the conspiracy theory and the investigation of the actual pedophile ring between the United States and countries in central America. Epsteins and co. have been trafficking children for forced prostitution for years. It receives it's name "Pizza gate" due to the abbreviation 'CP' meaning both child porn and cheese pizza, a strange pizza parlor being a front for the product, the fact that the owners of said pizza parlor have connections with several high profile people like government officials, CEO's, HRC's lawyer, etc. and the fact that the leaked e-mails use codeworded references to things like "underage" pizza, or 8 year old girls being "brought in" (not hired) to serve as "pool party waitresses".
The fact that several of the people referred to in the e-mails are either registered sex offenders, accused of child molestation and/or implicated in human trafficking in Haiti->USA only gives more credibility to the theory, along with strange one time donations of millions of dollars from foreign agents and unrelated businesses to either foundations or campaigns involving the top suspects of Pizzagate.

It wouldn't be the first time a group of random anonymous people on the internet (specifically, Sup Forums) gets child molesters captured and CP rings exposed. Pizzagate lasts longer than most theories because the US MSM overreacts to shut it down, just like it does whenever it performs a false flag or promotes invasion of a foreign sovereign nation.

tool for mossad and other intel agencies to blackmail politicians. also just gay mafia being perverts in dc



It'd be great if someone systematize all this information. Because a couple of mosaics won't work ;c

I honestly hope you can pull through without going crazy like I did. the teacher was just so sexist towards men it was absurd.


Was very skeptical at first when it was merely about Podesta's codewords, did a lot of early research into Alefantis cs. and have now not a doubt in my mind that most (and more) of it is disgustingly true.
And yes as you say, it's turned me into a paranoid radical when viewed from the mainstream.
When viewed from where I'm standing, the real radicals are the suppressors, the ostracizers and the false-flaggers.
Sending a fake shooter to debunk a story that no serious journalist was allowed to report on anyway (remember Ben Swann?)
These people will go to any lengths - and I'm the radical??






it's nothing goyim
you are crazy
now go back and see some porn and sports
while we rape your kids and sacrifice them to moloch

how fucking new are you?



OP's pic is literally taken from pedo James Alefantis' (owner of Comet Ping Pong) private Instagram, where he had plenty of other disturbing photos featuring children and jokes referencing child sex.

The only objective reporting I have ever seen on the subject was local DC reporter Ben Swann's "Reality Check" segment on pizzagate. He was fired shortly after this segment aired.


Also, I'm sure you all recall that the term "fake news" started gaining huge popularity immediately after the term "pizzagate" started trending. Seriously, look at the two terms on Google trends, and you will notice they both started getting hugely popular within 24 hours of each other.

Exactly. That's the thing, that people are supposedly unstable right out of the gate with it. I just stopped looking into to it, because the feeling of helplessness is contagious.



Over at voat /pizzagate is an exec summary.
Can't say I trust the site but a lot of excellent research has been done there, some of it ongoing.




At this point if you don't realize the truth to it you are a retarded ass normie

Luara Silsby is the biggest eye opener to noobs. theres just no explanation for this shit

>Ben Swann #Pizzagate Special 720p - CBS News 1/17/17

>If 60 MINUTES is Right & PIZZAGATE is 'Fake News'... EXPLAIN THIS!

>Ex-Head FBI in LA exposes The McMartin Preschool Case

>AN OPEN SECRET. Sexual Abuse in Hollywood

>Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary)

>Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims

>The Girls Next Door

>Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities

>Pelosi, other Democrats pocket campaign cash from owners of sex-trafficking website


you think your hot shit donchya
bring at least a shred of proof next time, Washington Post

Since 2008


Pizzagate is not a new thing. Remember Satanic Panic from many decades ago? It's the same thing. The same conspiracy. Those people have been raping, sacrificing and eating children for ages, and the population is too thick-skulled and brainwashed (by the exact same people) to even consider the possibility that this is true regardless of countless victims speaking out. Regardless of the sea of evidence.


Its caught not catched nogger

McMartin Preschool birthed that satanic panic, these scum been getting away with this for too long

>Ex-Head FBI in LA exposes The McMartin Preschool Case

spot on

Lord help me. These people need to face justice here on earth, but I can't help but take a bit of comfort in the fact that they will face Justice. That they in their hubris and unrestrained wicknedness will standing before the LORD of Lords and answer for all they've done; for every drop of blood, for every kid they've killed, every broken heart. They will find that their lord satan can do nothing for them in the face of the ALMIGHTY of goodness and pure. Perhaps they'll be blinded by the radiance of his holiness. Just burnt away. Better that they be cast into the lake of fire and have to consciously consider their evil for all of eternity. But for the grace of God there go. Through gritted teeth I say save these people, LORD. Expose to them and let the people bring them to justice but save their wretched souls, Lord.




Yeah, but the Satanic Panic happened because they* still left survivors. So all they had to do was invent the False Memory Syndrome.
This time is different. True, no survivors, no testimonies and no direct evidence. But we have the internet which doesn't forget, and more people know now. Many more will.
*insert ((())) where appropriate - not gonna help them if I can help it

pizza isnt some sort of code word, not an odd question to ask at all


You're giving a certain individual a lot more attention than they deserve by spreading that pic around. That was just some random shill ffs. Anyone can say that they're James.

haiti is a playground for these ass holes, always a huge red flag

Go figure.



>when you learn christian boy love is a thing

pretty elaborate larp, to delete posts. not the greatest evidence, sure, but funny

I don't get it. My right eye has that too, Can I join the Illuminati?


You make like deleting posts is some strenuous task. It was certainly amusing though to some extent.











This isn't Roman Sup Forums. They're called infographics



It's not Christian. Scroll to the bottom of 54b.



Please delete this. This is about adult homosexuals in a tome when being gay was a crimebecause christ cucks.
Leaving this up only proves to the rest of the world how stupid and gullible you are




not quite