What are the chances this account is run by a kike?
>fellow white people why do you believe in a g*d when you don’t believe in 57 genders?
What are the chances this account is run by a kike?
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I love my kid, but I don't let him play in the street.
That's true though. If I say God talks to me, Burgers believe it. If I say the voices told me to, Burgers say I have mental health problems.
Turn in your guns and be defenseless NOW, goyim!
I have the contact information for the person who runs that account. Would it surprise you to know it's a woman in her 60's who is a retarded democrat? Na, I didn't think that would be too surprising to you.
Fellow white go- I mean people. WE ARE THE PROBLEM.
>everyone who is against transex lunacy is a fundamentalist christian
It’s LITERALLY annudah Shoah!
Someone should create a copycat account and claim to be Allah, see how long twitter lets that one stick around.
(((I only speak the truth)))
Thought it was a numale
that's like one of those finish the sentence competitions...
>put on a plane and....
>If I say the voices told me to, Burgers say I have mental health problems.
That is only if you commit a crime or say you want to do harmful things.
And usually when people say that god talks to them, it is usually through events, not a voice. God speaks with actions,
Nope. It's a boomer wanna-be hippy female. Has a decent house. Owns her car. Has nothing to do but shitpost all day. She fucked up and posted enough one day that led to her actual FB account, and the rest was easy to find. Useless piece of trash who thinks she is hot shit.
I’m all for kids yet silent when it comes to millions being aborted, goyim
I hate this account so much. Sometimes i hope hell is real, just so the owner will spend eternity in it after he dies.
He is such a fedora tipping faggot. And I'm an atheist.
That is a lie. And lets say if it were not, gun owners are required to lock up their guns. Kids are not mass suiciding by guns.
This kike is an idiot and it was already proven the ADL fucking lied about that.
Have an archive of the tweet, perchance? Only to see the content of the tweet is all.
Post it then
Please post.
I do, but I won't post it here. She is more useful out there pissing people off. Actually going after this truly useless person will do nothing more than empower her with victim status. I say let her rip and tear. Distract the useless liberals with their unfunny jokes while pissing everybody else off.
Post it. It's not doxxing if it's publicly available info
>The USA is Nazi Germany
>Put on a plane and sent home
Is he saying the Nazis just wanted to send the Jews back to their homeland? Is he denying the Holocaust?
OP gas your useless fat barely moving corpse, plz
The Bible written by God says transgendered people are evil
It's in leviticus
>Falling for second hand bait that the ADL took
No critical thinking skills
It’s far better to expose them as some privileged piece of garbage hypocrite when they’re touting the bullshit they won’t debate over.
They put up a billboard in my city recently so they’re trying to get more exposure.
Jesus said sell your cloak and buy a sword.
Wait, what? They put up a billboard? Has this gone beyond shitposting on Facebook? I've been putting my time toward other things and been out of the loop.
>God denies himself
>Not understanding Unconditional Election and Perseverance of the Saints
Look at the things they represent.
>a moral centre that provides people with guidance and helps them overcome grief
>a flimsy excuse to justify all their degenerate behaviours
Happened a few months ago but yeah.
i just wish somebody could doxx him
>what's a chance this Abrahamic religion is run by kikes
>what's a chance this account on a website run by kikes is a kike
>what's the chance this account based on Abrahamic Religion is run by a kike
Well gee, OP. I don't know. What are the chances?
The Bible says homosexuals are bad a Twitter account pretending to be good supports abortion and faggotry it's definitely run by a like.
It's run by an anti theist who may be Jewish.
Apparently it’s a her.
>What are the chances this account is run by a kike?
To be fair, having imaginary friends isnt as crazy as chopling your penis and engaging in degenerated sexual acts.
Funny thing about this picture, this man who was deported had spent decades as an illegal alien in America. This isn't a picture of him leaving, this is a picture of him returning home (to Jordan i believe) and this is his family (and mother) wailing because he's home
The misleading garbage that gets published is so infuriating
Has anyone made a twitter for Allah who tells people not to throw gays off rooftops?
I'm curious. Was this board put up in Madison, WI? That's wheres she lives is why I ask.
OK Pablo....
God also talks to you in your dreams
St Paul
Can we start tweeting kike on a stick memes at this fag?
Who would have guessed that god was a faggot
Go for it I guess. I don’t personally use twatter or really most social media
Saying that God loves unconditionally is a heresy.
How about Church Father memes?
If worst comes to worst we can just have St. John Chysostom going HAM against the Jews
Would love to know who the fuck this is. They deserve to be outted for disrespecting Christianity.
Hey, just want to say I respect you for not posting her info despite disagreeing with her. Not the usual integrity of this board.
Eh, if she were out there slamming people on the back of the head with a bike lock I'd spill. As things stand, she's old and will have to answer to the real God eventually.
That a city named after the greatest apostle would become such a shitty soycuckfest is sad.
Can you imagine if someone made an account named Allah or Muhammad that made posts like this?
>god speak in actions
cant imagine being this delusional
Would never see the light of day to make a single post
Time to open a new gab account.
That's fair. I'm liberal but glad that violence was investigated. I doubt God will have problem with her over anyone else who uses Him to advance their beliefs.
>proclaiming him/herself God / Lord or implying his/her opinion is above everything else
standard democrat / libtard thinking
I honestly don't like this guy. Using the Lord's name for his politics.
I was thinking about making a twitter account called Jesus, that just refutes every point this "God" makes.
It's a commie pinko faggot.
Well let's test that. How would you refute the one you're posting about?
Best of luck.
>t. tranny
My issue is promoting actual fake news like the Florida shooter trained with WN’s; it absolutely will rile people up.
Somehow it does not seem believable that any God would use such profanity.
I think this may be a false prophet fellas.
You don't remember when God said to Lot, "Get thee the fuck out of here right now, brah!"? Man, Bible Scholarship sure is down these days... :^)
> and he was never heard from again.
Hope this cunt gets assraped by satan for having a literal God complex
I would say this: "Father, you need to read the bible. Genesis 1:27 'So God created created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.'"
It's almost certainly a kike male (the writing style reads very effete but in a masculine, not feminine way), likely a "comedy" writer for some TV show.
If God is (presumably) male, and he created them in his own image...
...how is there female?
If God is both, and we are made in His image, then we are both and he wasn't referencing sex at all.
Choose your poison.
Fucking heretic.
"My opinion is that of God"
You know this fucker doesn't even believe, Jesus Christ...
...True. The bible honestly doesn't say anything about transgenderism. It says things about gays, but not trans.
You can take it as you will then.
>The inability to accept and love yourself to the point where you mutilate your genitals and turn them into a non-functional copy of the other sides.
>Not mentally ill.
Anyone who refuses to call transgender "mentally ill" and wants to enable and encourage them cares more about political gains than actual people suffering to the point of self-mutilation.
>live in Madison, WI
>everyone is a BLM, LGBT worshiping, cock suck liberal
It's rough.
Why are you mad about someone making fun of your Hebrew deity?
huh? what does calling someone mentally ill have to do with whether or not God loves them?
Liberals are about as theologically illiterate as Muslims, they have no idea what they're talking about.
I call trannies and religious people mentally ill. Now what?
I'm your Huckleberry.
He's right you know...
>people suffering to the point of self-mutilation
Yes, your concern is so obvious. "This person's life is completely, utterly, and totally fucked due to no fault of their own. SURELY THE BEST THING TO DO IS CALL THEM NAMES AND IGNORE THEM, THAT'S COMPASSIONATE!"
You really think anyone is tricked by your faux concern, Mooseman?
>no fault of their own
It's called tough love; tell them the truth and stop worrying about making them upset.
100% give or take a margin of error of +-0%
>in the clouds
>loves you unconditionally
>under certain conditions
Why are liberals so bad at comprehending religion?
You're right, let's put Tide Pods in the Second Amendment.
Cause strawmen to feed people who agree with you are easier than debating the existence of god with someone.
>faggot reads Hitchens book
>Starts twitter account
>Forgets he has the intelligence/humour level of Hitchens
>Makes himself look like a retard
The godless Left is called the godless Left for good reason.
Fpbp. Traps btfo
Post a picture of her nose. Just her nose. From a side and top/front angle if possible.
>what is sodom and gomorrah for 1000 alex
>don't be a hypocrite
>don't ban shit because retards kill themselves with it
>shitty pandering to leftist scum
>shitty pandering because a criminal has been put to justice
>being hypocritical
>being hypocritical again
it's a really sad thing that such retards have an audience
Choose one.
There's no use to discussing with libtards... I've been trying to convince an idiot that the very definition of gender means that organism can only be either male or female to classify as having a gender, but he simply doesn't listen and even considers the lack of gender as a gender, entirely distorting the definition of the concept to fit his agenda. You can see it here: imgur.com
>taking the bait