White people shouldn't own guns

Something is wrong with their brains that make them more prone to suicide and self-damaging behavior, as well as mental illness. This is why they make up the overwhelming majority of school shooters, mass murderers, serial killers, etc. Before you try telling me black people kill more than any other race, they rarely kill more than one person at a time and the people killed are rarely innocent, it's often other gang members. And before you tell me that we can't take your guns away because you didn't do anything, you want to persecute all minorities for the crimes of the violent few so I'm only using your logic.

And before someone tells me it's because you need a high IQ to be a mass murderer, their average IQ is like 90 so that holds no water.

You see a few, random mass shootings and think that we should rip the guns out of white people. Yet, blacks have turned every city in the States into mini free-fire zones but don't say anything.

Product of their environment. Studies show that historically oppressed peoples continue to suffer and do worse than everyone else so it isn't their fault

product of this liberal thought pattern*
fixed that for you.

>Isn't there fault

Implying that mental illness is.

do you mean white like Zimmerman or like white white?

White people are good at murder.
It's not our fault we were just born that way.
Why do you think colonialism and both world wars were caused by white people?
Why do you think all the best weapons were invented by white people.
We love killing people.
Minorities have had wars sure, but you all just need to accept that you are out of your league.
Living inside every white person is a cold blooded killer just waiting to come out.
Never forget that

Niggers commit the most mass shootings and killings.
They get labeled under "gang violence" and nothing else.


Too late nigger ! We have been stockpiling weapons for twenty years. Most white gun guys have enough to arm a fireteam, if not a platoon. For the last ten years the game has been to build your own or buy without paperwork! Bring it on you fucking nigger loving Jews!

Bad post. Consider something less thought intensive.

When we no longer have spree-killers and violence in our societies, that will be the day humanity will know it has become totally emasculated, and is in the very last stages of decline.
Instead of cherishing our potent warrior spirit, society seeks to crush itself into a huddling herd like beast, prizing gentility over all else.
Some entities can just never assimilate properly into a system where the weak rule.
Such a society goes against the natural order, and the universe demands blood to restore the balance.


even if you combine all the murders from mass shootings by whites they still wouldnt even make up a fraction of the black involved gun violence.

What kind of tired ass bait is this?

>t. Shill


>the people they kill are rarely innocent
Then just ban blacks from the us nigger

Nice try Chaim.

Yeah because they are smart enough to feel shame and empathy.

Plus the vast majority of gun violence is done by blacks so idk what you’re getting at

>historically oppressed peoples continue to suffer
Looks over at Asians.
Go fuck yourself.

Bad b8 m8

Whites make up a tinny part of murders per 100,000 people. We actuality have the lowest rate overall. Plus, over half the so called white mass shooters aren't white. A huge number of them are actually jewish. And jewish, is not of white descent or gene pool. Go figure.

But we do seem to have some high mass shooting numbers though. Only thing i can say to that, is once we do snap, we are really good at it. Maybe its because we can organize and plan better then the rest of you. So that should be something to think about. When we do get to the point where we aren't going to take it anymore, we are the best at the whole killing thing on a large scale. Its the reason why we were so successful at taking over foreign lands when we set are mind to it.

interesting idea.
since black people are too primitive to make new guns, would white people be held at gun point to make new ones for the niggers every year?
in your delusion to the chinese just come and kill all of the blacks and spics in 24 hours or do they magically team up because its all against whites in your mind (evil whites)

how do you see discipline working in a 100% nigger military? good?

what would happen if all whites just went to antarctica and moved in under the ice and left you to your monkey business, how long before you are mayor of wakanda?

when you refer to all of the rape and butchery and constant constant theft as 'the crimes of the violent few' how many is that in Your mind? like what % total?
do you use your colored people bonus powers to just 'kill those violent few with your guns from whitey'? or do they become the new minority while you prance around pretending to be the whites you lived in envy of?

I mean we know you are lesser bipedal hominids and seeing us fills you all with jealous rage but how does the world work in this fantasy?
is it just planet of the apes?
i know this was long but I am curious, please respond because I know the answers will be priceless.

Only killers survive, that counts for any living thing in the fucking world as we exist a few years by now.