why do americans do the pledge of allegiance during school? what's the purpose of it? i understand and fully support pride in your country but why do you need to pledge your alliegance every day?
Why do americans do the pledge of allegiance during school? what's the purpose of it...
to waste time during formative years. same reason they force kids to sit all day. it prevents them from growing.
It's called national pride. It's from a time when people were not so selfish and actually cared about there fellow countrymen
A repeatative custom, ritual, that non autitic people don't take a second guess about.
One of many reasons why the US is still a country while the Europoors are not.
More like a thank you to the country that is providing the opportunity to have an education. In all fields.
normies are supposed to avoid repetitive, useless behaviours.
how the fuck do they make niggers pledge anyway?
“Normies” are an amalgam of repetitive behavior
how else would they learn to die for Schlomo? i mean israel, i mean ff-fredum
It was instituted in the 1950s during the red scare as a way to protect children from communist brainwashing.
>pledge of allegiance
What the fuck are you talking about? The pledge of allegiance went out of style some time in 80s.
Funny how norwegians don't need a pledge of allegiance to love their country.
I wouldnt mind it maybe once every monday, but doing it every day kinda got on my nerves.
Just like Sweden.
Hate to break it to ya... Swedes don't love their country.
It's a daily reminder we are of the American God-Race.
America is the best country in the world you pathetic fuck.get a grip
How else do you expect the brainwashing to really take hold?
mexi-bro knows whats up
meant for
But Sven america is even less white than your country.
All I know is some communist came up with it.