>right wing people are more entrenched in identity politics than left wing people, study suggests
Sup Forums completely destroyed. Who's next?
>right wing people are more entrenched in identity politics than left wing people, study suggests
Sup Forums completely destroyed. Who's next?
Got a link so I can show you why your a retard? Or is this just bait made in notepad to slide the "Trump is a time traveller" thread?
>study suggests
>studies by left wing professors declares that the right wingers are doing the same thing the left wingers are guilty of.
Go ahead and debunk it. Try and do so without mentioning that they're female or have a Jewish sounding name if your brainlet mind allows you to.
You're right, I identify as American, and claim all the rights and responsibilities therein. I do not identify as a pan-galactic gargle blaster.
Well, I mean, isn't that obvious? Race and skin color is basically the only thing Sup Forums ever talks about, having long turned this board in a never-ending contest of who's the most white of them all. In the meantime the far-left rethoric, sans SJWs, is almost exclusively focused on class and economic issues.
I really thought that was obvious.
"White people are obsessed with identity," says Jewish man at Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
>poor blacky can't do nothing wrong
>white people are demons kill them
Yeah, nothing about identity politics in those statements. Slide thread.
>Yeah, nothing about identity politics in those statements. Slide thread.
You mean the statements that you just pulled out of your ass just now? Besides I did say "sans SJWs". Anarchists and commies don't care one bit about your identity politics, while it is a prevalent topic across all the right.
It's true.
If white people woke up en masse we'd have nazi germany within a few years.
All it would literally take is repeated exposure to our ideology, and eventually for leftists to get drilled and defeated in debates openly.
Thought so, cuck
We want identity politics for white people
>muh genderless pronouns and bathrooms are so important for the economy
Keep telling yourself that you Marxist cuck.
Ho I get it, maybe you don't understand the word "sans"? It's french for "without" but sometimes it's used in english. Sorry about that misunderstanding.
Kek, I love how in denial you are that socialists, communists, and anarchists can't agree on shit. The 2016 election proved it and the left is still eating itself.
Maybe you don't understand the words for Marxist Cuck.
you wot mate. Where did I say that all the left agrees with each other. I SPECIFICALLY pointed out that anarchists and commies didn't care for SJW identity politics. Are you high?
Yea... no. This is the opposite of observable facts.
Doesn't really matter, it's just as meaningless as the other buzzwords you guys come up with every other day.
Identity politics are how you keep your identity.
Our actually real identities(being white) are actually of worth.
Fake identities(I identify as a niggercunt) are bullshit and undermine real identity politics.
Everyone has a right to protect their identities. We all have a right to our own pride. We should all be allowed to form our own homelands.
Your sexuality is not your identity. Your imagined self is not your identity.
To be fair its quite simple. The people on the right of politics see the policies of the extreme left for what they are but your average leftist is fucking brain Dead and still believe in multicultural bs.
No I'm pointing out how retarded you are to say the right disagrees with one another while they continue to come together making more comprimises on their idealogy for national socialism. Your days are numbered you fucking communist swine who are backed by the elite in the first place. Keep drinking the Jim Jones Koolaid boi.
What's wrong with identity politics?
I didn't say that either you mong. I said that identity politics were prevalent "across all the right". Please, you need to learn to read properly before you attempt to connect your 2 neurons together and form a response.
"Trump is a degenerate womanizer fucking 13 year old girls" said the CNN panel member who knows if they were in Trumps shoes they would be a vastly bigger degenerate pedofile than they already are.
Identity politics wouldn't bea thing without Marxist swine such as yourself.
Can you backtrack any faster? You have no idea what "marxism" means dude.
>(((study suggests)))
Oy vey lefty kikes have only been attacking Whites in every country and playing identity politics against them. But as soon as the tables even begin to turn and we’re back to the kikes again pointing their fingers saying we’re the bad ones.
>the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you
>This is the opposite of observable facts.
Bollocks. Republican voters are almost uniformly white. This is what US politics is, white people versus everyone else.
>Identity politics are how you keep your identity.
Bollocks. If a demographic cannot thrive for whatever reason it will die. Whites in the US are dying out.
>there is no incoming white immigration
>white people in the US are old and fat
>the US government prefers to import brown people
You are fucked. You cannot talk your way out of it.
repeating it ad infinitum doesn't make it true. le radical comrade anarqueers and commies are the chief purveyors of identity politics, they're even more toxic about it than standard sjws.
Funny how it's completely absent of all their rethoric and documentation then.
What the hell is ''identity politics'' even? What makes some politics identity and others not?
Politics about what you are (black/white, gay/straight etc.) as opposed to politics about what you choose to be (a fireman, a spouse, a hobby train collector etc.)
>fairies stoled off wiz ma bannanabread
Study suggests
OPs rectum completely destroyed
Next thread
>pol destroyed
You’re completely retarded
That means pol is winning, that republicans are waking up to the JQ and that they are trending more towards natsoc
Our identity is real unlike the left's now find a effective way to kill yourself kike.
You don't even know what backtrack means because that's not what I did and it's not my job to educate your marxist swine ass. Go to leftypol and be like the board owner and dress like a tranny and go choke on some porky cock like your leader.
What's wrong with trannies? Remember, you're the one that is supposed not to engage in identity politics.
leftist researcher find right wing to be worse
news at 11
It’d be hard for the Democrats to have a stronger group identity on account of being broken up into sub-group identities and sub-sub-group identities and so on. Unless the investigators made intersectionality an identity, the Reps has it in the bag all along.